NA player Samito "smurfing isn't a problem and I invite the forums to counter me"

This video is nonsense.

How is a top 500 stomping silvers “how the game is meant to be played”


Yes there is bad blood, for videos like this. The guy is a complete moron.


He’s toxic and a coward.
No real integrity, he just makes videos that people will watch, because he wants money for youtube views. (I mean no different from the other parasites I suppose.)
Why would anyone assume he cares about OW or the community that plays it?

His voice is also pretty annoying.

Not saying he is a bad player, I have seen moments where he exhibits he is a good player.
Too bad he is too much of a coward to play games where he will be challenged.


Smurfing isn’t how you fix it.

So they avoid frustration at their own level, whatever that means, to bring it to the lower levels? How is that even remotely fine?


this isnt smurfing

smurfing is intentionally lowering your sr from a higher rank to a much lower one to throw games/stop lower ranked people for fun

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I’m a simple person. I see Samito’s name in a thread, I click on it. Scroll to the bottom, and refer to him as a toxic douchebag . Will do it every chance I get. Screw his arguments.


…I dont watch the man, and I wont watch the man because I was videos to be entertained and intrigued, not strung along an argument until its uninteresting climax

“Smurfing is fine”
“the game is not ruined if the better player is winning.”

Translation: It doesn’t matter if that player is in top 500 but on his plat account, because the better player is winning.

200 IQ movement by Samito, cant counter that argument buddy you win … but not really, because what you just defined is not smurfing, but a regular ALT account climbing normally following Blizzard TOS and MMR system progression.



Here’s the post if you want to read it yourself.

Buying an alt account to place in gold/plat while already being an established GM player is at least short term smurfing. If you keep buying new accounts to stay in these low ranks, its even long term smurfing.


If smurfing isn’t a problem, then neither is boosting or cheating.

They create the same disruptive effect and this game can already be mentally exhausting enough as is tolerating people’s shenanigans without throwing it into the mix.

Which can be agreed on when it comes to boosting or cheating, but not smurfing.

If the ladder experience of most players does not matter then there is really no reason why the the ladder experience of the least amount of players should either.

There are so many things to contend with as a low ranked player that wants to climb. Nobody wants to play a match that is actually unwinnable after trying so hard to win matches that were only winnable because they refused to play like they were unwinnable.

It is so IRRITATING to work so hard for your wins only to have them undone just like that. For nothing. And there’s nothing you can do about it. And then right after that, it’s straight back to work for another hard win.

We don’t lose less SR. Nobody wants to try their hardest if there is no chance of winning. You’re just wasting everyone’s time and taking their SR and if you aren’t then you’re throwing. And if you’re pushed hard enough then you’re going to stop throwing.

There’s just no point in trying for most people.

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But this isn’t what smurfing is. You can’t say ‘smurfing isn’t a problem’ when you’re not… actually… talking about smurfing???

Smurfing is a high level player buying a new account and then REGULARLY stomping lower level players, throwing half of their matches by not doing anything and then dominating in the other half of their matches in order to smurfstomp lower skilled players. By doing this - NOT trying in all of their matches - they mess with the SR ranking and don’t get adequately placed in the proper tiers of game, and they stay in low ranks where players have no chance of beating them if they’re actually trying. I regularly get low level accounts that are anywhere from level 10 to level 300 that are obvious smurfs just through gameplay, and this is a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR that happens so often that it’s a huge detriment to the community to the point where people are regularly making forum posts to complain about it. Even if the problem wasn’t ‘as bad’ as everyone says, it’s still obviously a problem. People don’t flood the forums of your game reporting something that doesn’t exist - even if you think their assessment of what the problem is (smurfs) is wrong, you still must acknowledge that there is a problem being had and people are having their gameplay be negatively impacted by something.

He’s being entirely dishonest about what smurfing is, why would we take his ‘points’ on this fictitious version of it seriously?


So it’s okay for a smurf to throw games to not be in the SR they should be in? A GM is fine throwing games to stay in Gold/Plat so they can have a place to go when their SR is getting dunked on by better players? Yeah there’s no problem with that… When you know… 90% of OW players end up in gold/plat >_>

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For me, it’s a bit of a complicated topic. Not too complicated, but the basis is: There are different types of smurfing.

Samito’s smurfing is still bad. Like, his is the bad kind of smurfing. But like, the way that Jayne uses his alt accounts, I don’t really have a problem with. Jayne uses his alt accounts to see what the balance and what the meta is like in tiers that aren’t GM and Top 500. On his main, he can’t really speak on what the meta is in gold because his main doesn’t play in gold. That’s how I’ve seen him use his smurfs. And I can respect that.

For me, using alt accounts to play a role or a hero that you don’t normally play is fine. If you normally main Mercy and you make an alt account solely for Genji, then go for it. It’s out of your comfort zone, and you know you’re probably going to do poorly, and you don’t want that to hurt your main. I get that. But if you’re a Doomfist/Tracer main and you make an alt account to play more Doomfist/Tracer at lower ranks, that’s what I have a problem with.

It depends on what you do with the smurf account. Doing what Jayne does and just using it to see what the balance is across different ranks and playing heroes that he can’t really do well or carry with is fine. I have no problem with his type of smurfing. But doing what Samito is doing, and making smurfs to play heroes that he already knows how to play and heroes that he already plays well, that’s the kind of smurfing I don’t like. That’s the kind of smurfing I see people complain about.

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and people like you who think its ok to do so, long ago killied this game

me saying that at this point is like poking a corpse with a stick

I don’t think any reasonable person would be upset at someone having an alt account - if they ACTUALLY tried their hardest to win just like on their main. But that is NOT what happens! You get these smurfs that are terrible at playing Genji and then, very last second when you think you’ve done a good job and you’re close to victory - they swap to Doomfist and start singlehandedly destroying your team in a way that feels like it can’t be stopped.

People need to stop acting like the difference between a top 500 player and an average silver player is something that silver player can just… Overcome! It’s NOT, that’s the whole POINT of having a ranking and SR system. If it wasn’t like that it’d just be 6 RANDOM players thrown together, but it’s not.

Having an alt account is fine. Working on other characters is fine. Swapping out to your main character at the last second in order to ruin a victory that everyone else worked for is just mean. That’s like having a high skilled artist draw with their left hand during an art competition until the Finals and then BOOM they start drawing with their dominant hand and blow everyone out of the water to win the prize money. How would that be fair???


This video isnt really painting him in any other light than that lol

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He did not tryhard on his smurf in qp.

That Dude claims to be OWL material but manipulates his own mmr to make some stupid Moira videos.

He is so busy with making manipulating videos that he does not even notice his mental health is a car accident …

He is nothing more than a whiny and manipulating person that has some serious mental health issues. And apparently zero Friends in real life who would force him away from gaming for the sake of his health.