NA player Samito "smurfing isn't a problem and I invite the forums to counter me"

Basically in Samito’s new video he claims smurfing isn’t an issue and smurfs are OK. His basic argument is that if someone pays for the game, levels up, tryhards in all their games, and follows all of the Blizzards terms then a top 500 player in plat games is fine, and if he stomps its just the system doing its job of awarding wins to better players.

Now I have no idea the relationship between the forums and Samito but at least according to him there’s some bad blood here. So what do the forums think? Are his points “uncounterable”?


There’s bad blood because, to put it eloquently, he’s ignorant and unaware of how ignorant he is.

This statement is proof of it. If he doesn’t see a problem with purposely putting himself in a bracket lower than his skill level and dominating people who aren’t as skilled as him - then that really tells you the kind of person he is.


He’s posted before and got roasted. Call that “Bad blood” if you want, sounds like an internet ego getting mad that everyone isn’t drooling over his input.

As usual, he’s wrong and should feel bad. The system isn’t perfect, can be easily gamed, and smurfing makes an already toxic game more frustrating for 11/12 people.


Samito: “Smurfing isn’t a problem!”
Also Samito: “Let me smurf in plat with Moira so I can make a video showing how broken she is”

Hmmm…and you wonder why we say he has no integrity?


It sounds like he’s specifically referring to the leveling up of an alt account, which is fine. It’s throwing games to stay in a lower rank than you belong that’s a problem.


I mean

isn’t a problem imo. :man_shrugging:

Smurfing and throwing yourself to get down to lower ranks is.


So according to this video Samito claims that because he doesnt have sense of achievement in game. In his mind stomping players with lower skill is fun and an example to follow.

And people seriously defends smurfing and multi accounts nowadays.


I think the difference in opinion comes from how you get your smurf into competitive play.

If I make a new account right now, tryhard all through 25 levels of quickplay playing the heroes I intend to play, and then try my hardest in comp… I’ll place near where I am right now.

However you don’t have to do that, and many streamers do not. For example, if you level your account in custom games, you have no usable MMR to rate your account. Five competitive placement games are not enough. It doesn’t matter how tryhard you play during your placements, you will be placed short of where you should be, and you may have even intentionally done it for that reason.

It’s an inadequate system but even if it were better there would still be tons of smurfs. Personally I think smurfing is one of the smaller factors that make the game horrible to play, but to say it isn’t a problem at all sounds clickbaity.


Tbh, its easier to defend it now than its ever been. When i get a GM smurfing in diamond and they say theyre doing it to avoid 40min queues, I dont really know if i can blame them.


I think of it like a professional wrestler joining a high school wrestling competition. Sure, the pro might follow all the rules, but it still doesn’t look or feel good…And honestly him claiming he tries his best in these low games is almost worse…thats like the pro going all and beating up a bunch of kids.


Once again samito proves how utterly full of garbage he is by trying to handwave the issue so that he can’t pretend that him stomping plats as a gm “isn’t an issue”

By smurfing you inherently ruin the game for 11 other people who don’t deserve to win get carried, people who don’t deserve to lose get stomped or have their matches thrown by smurfs who want to keep their low rank

In just 10 matches 1 smurf ruins 110 people’s games


Why are you giving this guy free money?


Can we all just assume this was how he was dressed when he was putting together this joke of an argument?


In a season

Using 20 games a day

And a month consisting of averagely 30.4 days

And a season being 2 months

Thats a total of 60.8 days, call it 61

61 days for 20 games per day is 1220 games

Which is roughly 13420 players impacted by 1 person.

Now a smurf obviously plays more games than 20. But just as a baseline, thats alot of players

Lets say they play 50 games a day

33550 players


I have yet to see a video where Samito wasn’t using the most terrible logic to make the hottest takes on the planet.


I just wish he dosen’t mock Moira players to get money, promoting even more the toxicity.


No that’s a completely baseless statement

You don’t like long ques, well too goddam bad

That dosnt give you either the right or an excuse to come into a lower rank to dumpster lower skilled players and ruin their games just cause your “tired of waiting”

Even less defensible with the new system in-place where you can play workshop or something while you que


Samito once again misses the point (on purpose of course because he knows he doesnt have a point) People dont ask you to be punished for being the better player.

People ask you to get punished for gaming the system and bypassing the match maker which would normally put you at your proper rank against enemies your skill rating, but buying smurf accounts allows you to match with players you know are already way below you, because you already managed to pass their SR on your main account. You dont have a right to play against lower ranks when youre already established to be a higher rank player.

Being the better team winning is fair, getting matched against GM players as a gold player is not fair, because the match result is decided from the start. Its not rocket science.
Your entire argument falls apart just by the fact that you invalidate having any match making at all. Why match GMs with GMs and not with golds? There is a reason for that the game works like that, but you dont want to play by the rules and bypass that by buying a new account and like the game to treat you like a new player.

Of course blizzard wont punish you because a) it makes them money and profit and b) they dont expect people to buy smurf accounts over and over again to keep playing in low ranks. However being a streamer and youtube content creator, your smurf videos generate views and as a result money for you. Making these videos refinances your investment into a new account. Youre not losing money by doing this, you actually earn money and make a net benefit.


Oh its this crying dude again.
Didnt learnd anything last time he did something as stupid as this?


MIght be 10/12 some people enjoy the carry on the way up