Mystery Heroes 101 v3.0

Its been a long time since i made a guide on here and well my old one is pretty outdated at this point (2.5 years old)…so heres a modern day version of how to actually play Mystery Heroes…thats right it actually has strategy!!!

So in case you live under a rock, Mystery Heroes is the best game mode in the game…thats not an opinion…thats a fact :triumph: …at the cost of not being able to select your hero and switching every time you are killed you no longer have to overly concern yourself with whos playing what, what the current balance state of the game is, SR, what the meta is, you get to learn all the heroes, play whacky comps…etc etc…its beautiful…every round is different and its a lot of fun…

but no game mode is without strategy so lets outline what it is you should be doing:

First and foremost lets lay down what random heroes means for you the player:

1 - your comp may be whacky - you may not have a tank…you may not have supports…you may not have dps…you may have duplicate characters (more later)
2 - its important that you actually play whatever role you end up with - if you end up with a tank your team desperately needs its important that you actually attempt to tank…same for dps/support…you never know if youre going to be the last one the team gets
3 - when you die you lose your ult charge - ie youre never guaranteed to get an ultimate and as such making sure that you stay alive is of even more importance in this game mode than in regular game…but also makes securing kill all the more important (more later)


With the above in mind this game mode comes down to ONE thing really…doing what you can to increase the likelihood of a favorable situation…and that means TARGET PRIORITY

even more so than the regular game i would argue…why? because not being able to actually select counters means that different heroes can become very problematic…in regular OW if someone is causing you a problem you can just switch to a counter hero and usually thats enough to at least make the situation better…you dont have that luxury here…

unfortunately i can not go further without mentioning that because of (the worst decision in history of overwatch) the fact that the game also has no limits turned on essentially, you can find yourself playing against multiple “bad” heroes and things can get out of hand quickly…so its even more important that you do what you can to prevent that from happening

So lets lay down some General Rules:

  • Supports are even more important to take out in MH than QP/comp - again no guarantee they will ever get another
  • Tanks are also more important for the same reason
  • Hero stacks are essentially game dictating and are an absolutely focus target
  • DPS are the least important targets - think of this way…every dps you kill is potentially a new tank/support on the field (or worse…a duplicate of a tank/support or another dps)
  • if you want to switch heroes…get yourself killed …its only way to switch…(suicide does not work…you will respawn as same hero and lose your ult charge)…its ok…it might actually help
  • prioritize survival if youre close to your ult…
  • “throwing” yourself (as a team of course) at a high priority target is acceptable…especially if youre a low priority target


Here is what i consider to be the ranked list of targets in Mystery Heroes…and keep in mind that if ANY hero is duped they are also basically at the top of the list (theyre THAT problematic)

  • MERCY - not surprisingly a support at the top but THIS one is the only one that can also undo your teams effort - spent 4 minutes trying to kill 1 of the enemies 2 Zaryas? well…guess what…shes back…MERCY is PRIORITY #1 every time

note - if you manage to get a pick on a team with a mercy your NEXT target is mercy when she tries to rez…an absolute must

  • the rest of the supports - i personally think moira is the most important of the bunch…she is a lot harder to kill when you cant just switch to people that can take care of her easily…i find she stays up forever in this game mode…and if theres 2 forget about it…easily one of the most overbearing combos…brig used to also be in the same tier…but now i think she suffers from people not knowing how to play her properly…the pretty equal but in general they all are VERY high priority…double anti/IF/discord all suk

  • Tanks - theyre all bad though i dont think theyre as bad as supports…Barrierocalypse is not something you want to deal with…especially if they have supports

  • DPS/Tanks that can self heal - Hog, Reaper, Soldier, Zarya/Sigma (kinda), Mei & tracer…very likely to get ults

  • Aerial Targets - this used to just be Pharmercy…but now you have echo as well…keep “you know who” from the top of the list in mind…your target should be the mercy…however if she isnt there these 2 are still very high priority…if you happen to be a hitscan make sure you are working on them as nobody else can nor are you guaranteed you will get somebody who can

  • Turrets - again…normally easy to deal with but not when you cant just switch to easily take care of them…Torb, Sym and Bastion are all super high priority…2 torb turrets is cancer, you might not think 1 bastion is a problem…but 2? have fun…and sym is a monster…yes i said that (and she was even worse before when you could stack shield gens)…

note - with torb youre sometimes better off going for him over the turret…remember his turret despawns after hes off the field (same with sym turrets)

  • Tracer - cancer as well when you cant just switch to her counters

everybody else is pretty meh and not that important…a few have some really annoying abilities but they pale in comparison with those above…again if they are duped they go right up there with the supports


Supports - obviously HEAL…but pay special attention to anybody listed above as they are worth way more to your team…or if you have dupes…keep them alive!

IF your team has no supports - consider killing yourself also in order to try to get some - especially if youre on a hero you dont like or is unimportant…cant stress enough…they are SUPER important

USE YOUR ULTS - again…you dont keep it if you die…you might never get a chance to use it

and lastly ENJOY YOURSELF - because what youre doing is not entirely on your hands there is little reason to be toxic to anyone and thats exactly how things play out…it is what i find to be the LEAST TOXIC game mode…lets keep it that way!!!


Some additional tips:

  • Map control around health packs is super important
  • Try to gauge if someone is good at their character, and account for it. Target priority may shift, and you might need to play differently if your teammate can’t play their character well
  • If you’re good with your current character, weigh the cost of playing aggressively with the chance of dying. You might respawn with a character you’re less effective with. This is especially true if you have ult on Pharah and McCree.
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