10000 matches played

They added too many heroes I hate and also I lost my flex powers and became a one-trick. Used to be my favourite mode, now it’s a nightmare mode. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I need to end this debate once and for all is there rigged hero selection in MH

see TM above

no…people just think there are patterns where there arent any…

  • get 2 tanks/dps/supports in a row - “you only play the same role over and over again”
  • got a hero you dont like to play - “it only gives me heroes i dont like”
  • team rolls you with all tanks/supports - “it gave them what they needed!” (no the game ended because they got a strong comp)

jeffs response a while ago when asked about it was very succinctly - “its random”

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Hahahah I know lol. I was just teasing. Personally I think the mode is fun but I just am really bad at some heroes so :frowning:

People just think this because our brains remember bad experiences better than good or neutral experiences. We’re more likely to notice every time the game gives us a hero we hate exactly because we hate that hero, the negative experience is logged in our memory, but we’re less likely to notice or remember when we get heroes we like.

I would’ve sworn the game was rigged, like I was so sure that I would’ve bet money that the game was giving me Doom, Winston, Symmetra, Torb, and Genji at a much, much higher rate than it gave me other heroes, but when I looked at the hero hours it turns out they all had similar times, the heroes I was actually good with were the ones with slightly more hours because I’m decent with them and know their kits, heroes I was unfamiliar with had less hours simply because I couldn’t survive long on them. Balanced out that way, and it was clear I’d spawned as each hero about the same amount of times.

Turns out it just felt like I was getting those crappy heroes more often than other heroes because I hate those heroes, and just one minute playing as them feels like 10 minutes.

Me: “Stupid game gave me Doom three times that match! Rigged BS!”
Also me: [completely ignores that the game also gave me Tracer three times, Ana once, and Ashe twice]

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It only gives me heroes i dont like, i feel this but i know its just

1 i notice the heroes i dont like more
2 im trash on them so i die more often, meaning more chance of heroes i dont like vs hitting a main hero and rolling with em or playing more carefully to not lose them.

How do you tolerate a mode that so frequently has no healers and healthpacks that need to recharge

on the contrary…i think i appreciate both even more…and besides the enemy is dealing with the same issues…so i benefit just as often as i “suffer”

Idk when I try to play the enemy will have like two mercys and two bastions while we don’t have healers and I keep landing on my worst heroes.

Not sure on this but my theory is that arcade winrate is shared (maybe even shared with qp)

Have you ever left your house for any reason?

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Congrats - that’s a lot of mystery heroes. So you only do mystery heroes and open queue?

Who is the best mystery hero?

Although I don’t condone the message, this still made me laugh

I was 100% convinced before I clicked this that it was gonna be a

“10,000 matches played”

“and I lost 9,999”

thread lmao

How the heck do you only have around 2000 loses? you have a better win rate than some big streamers lmao

Are you in support of a MH where you carry some or all of your ult charge after death?
Are you in support of a MH where it always guarantees 1 of each role in a team?
Are you in support of a MH where it prevents duplicate heroes on the same team?

I had jury duty once…

They’re all good…it’s one of the beautiful things about the game mode….everybody works….but I do think there’s a heirarchy of importance/priority….I mention it here…so going by that I’d say mercy is the best….followed by moira

Dupes are the only issue the game mode has and getting rid of that will help immensely with team composition and the ult charge “issues”

If you really want a in depth explanation why you can go here

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I have a few theories:

  • it’s not actually 70 and it’s displayed improperly….like I don’t know how it calculates win percentage for a specific hero if it switches several times during a match (then again this applies to all game modes)…it’s apparantly high for most people

  • it is accurate cause it’s not like comp where everybody is on the sesame page….have to play differently…something I’m used to as a regular of the mode where others aren’t

  • it’s been coming down for a while now so that echo WR (in video link) is the most accurate

  • it’s RNG mode……so even the results are random (and applied to every single hero :sweat_smile:)

Don’t mind me, I have just been wondering what MH is for the last 24 hours.

Just realising that it’s Mystery Heroes, omg that is some crazy stats.

70% winrate is bonkers too, congrats.

I don’t have that many, but MH is almost 100% of my total games played since coming to PC. Probably played with you at some point.

What’s the most ridiculous comp you’ve seen?

I had 4 widows , 2 anas on attack on Anubis the other day. It was pretty wild

If you’re in gold/plat range probably

Most ridiculous is honestly not as bad as you might think….cause I think if you go too much in one direction you become very one dimensional and easily exploitable……same reason why you wouldn’t want to play ALL tanks or ALL dps….like the comp you gave sounds awful….I think 3 is like the most you’d ever want to see….

So with that in mind….the most oppressive comp I can think of is something simple like say 2 Moira’s (I swear most games snowball with that) or 2 brigs (before her rework)

Just oddswise though? I saw a 5 bastion comp once….wiped the floor with them though