Most Broken Mechanic in game remains after 4 years (and its worse now)

So while everybody is busy discussing whos OP, whos UP, and how balance should and shouldnt be, and who the devs are listening too…etc etc…

the games actual categorically no ifs ands or buts most broken mechanic remains…and its getting worse: No limits in Mystery Heroes…4 years of a simple decision (and lack of action) completely dictating what happens in the game mode…and theyre aware of it (its why they put in the not so “balanced MH” in workshop)

and let me lay down a disclaimer now because this ALWAYS comes up whenever i bring up the subject: this is not about FUN/UNFUN…its not about WINS/LOSSES (i benefit just as often as i am victim to it)…MH remains to this day my most played and favorite game mode (just short of 1000 hrs)…its about fixing something thats broken…its about improvement of the game…AND i should note that i would be perfectly fine with it being an alternate mode - heck put it side by side with the current one like theyre about to do with competitive

anyway…so why is it broken? if you want the long version you can go here 🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense…the short version is hero stacking creates various problems for the game (OW in general)…the chief of which is removing the limits that exist on hero abilities…things have cooldowns and such for a reason…its why its no longer part of the regular game…if this were total mayhem that would be fine…but in a game mode where you cant select counters it literally dictates what happens in said game

and how is it getting worse you ask? well pretty much since Echo’s launch theres been bug(?) where you can now respawn as whatever hero you were just playing as…die as pharah and you may respawn as her for example…this has never been the case before and it further dampens what is essentially the point of the game mode: eliminating the problem stacks…its like having a permanent mercy “undoing” your effort…furthermore it can also hurt your team because it has potential to prevent your team from getting the switches that it desperately needs which you cant get otherwise

Anyway im not one to boast about stuff and not back it up…youll find game logs in the link above that showcase just how bad it can be over the course of 2 years…ill add a few more here since we actually have replay codes now…there would be more if all the other ones i wanted to highlight werent getting erased with every patch - i could literally do this every week if i really wanted to…its that consistent

its literally game breaking…

you can skip the rest if you dont care about the details

Note* - All times are for the replay itself…not the match timer

Busan - 6RAVR7 - Win

  • R1 - take first point with 2 Ashes…add a 3rd at 1:08…enemy never really touches point…

  • R2 - 2 Moiras vs 2 Lucios - the lucios win…cap first…

  • R2 - 4:39 enemy gets a new moira…we immediately jump her as we should…she RESPAWNS as Moira…immediately take back point…never a contest from there…we do manage to get 2 Meis at 6:30 but its too late the Moiras used both coalescences to mop things up

  • R3 - 2 Ashes again to cap first…1 dies at 9:00 and not surprisingly enemy takes caps immediately…

  • R3 - 10:05 - 3 Baptistes…you KNOW how this one resulted…immediately cap point and never a contest from there on out…not even close

Blizz World (def) - TFG7F9 - Loss

  • Attackers spawn with 2 Sigma’s and 2 Ana’s…essentially game over and sure enough immediately secure payload and it rolls (like no stopping) right through second point and almost to the end…Sigma ironically yells out “It Cannot Be Stopped” at 4:15…yeah no kidding…its essentially not a “match” (how many fluxes and nanos?)

  • at 4:42 (literally at final point) a Sigma finally dies and payload FINALLY stops moving…meanwhile my team spawns 2 Mercys…we can FINALLY do something

  • 7:06…after a “valiant” hold where enemy cant kill anything they spawn 2 Ana’s again and well our 2 Mercys can no longer heal anything…roll to the end…no contest

HLC (att) - DZHN5V - Loss

  • Defenders start with 2 Meis…after no progress for first minute someone literally says “2 meis…forget this…good luck guys” and 2 people leave…

  • Meanwhile the defenders spawn an additional 2 Reins…

  • Never a contest…in fact neither Mei ever died…first point full hold with hardly a worry…gg

Oasis - S2N6WB - Win

  • R1 - 2 Orisas to cap and hold all the way to 45%…momentum carries to round won after that

  • R2 - Normal contested match (good one even where we had to claw back point at last minute…enemy spawns 2 Symmetras at 7:20…by 8:00 theyve stormed point and easy cap to tie the match

  • R3 - Enemy starts with 2 Meis to cap point…as soon as one dies at 10:05 we cap (go fig)…11:00 we spawn 2 symmetras of our own…guess who never touched the objective again?

Havana (att) - D1440H - Loss

  • We start with 2 Baptistes…walk to payload basically…
  • 3:00 our baptiste basically commits suicide…immediate halt to progress
  • 3:58 2 Anas vs 2 Reapers…the 2 Anas win…roll all the way to bridge…
  • 6:05 2 Zaryas (5 minutes from end of video mind you)…one of the worst stacks…not surprisingly take over…complete domination…payload move backwards for rest of round pretty much
  • 6:35 as if it couldnt get worse additional 2 junkrats…which we manage to handle thankfully
  • 9:39 additional 2 Mercys to support them…Woohoo…
  • 10:12 we finally manage to secure a kill on a zarya (after mercy had rezzed one)
  • 10:45 I die as a Zarya…but respawn as her again allowing us to have 2 Zaryas…we actually have a chance…
  • Overtime push all the way to end of map…where our fear of 2 Bastions causes us to C9 in epic fashion :man_facepalming:t2:

What Ipersonally hate. Is not the duplicating. It’s the Ult charge being lost. In majority of my MH games. I lose 3 ults. Which could have prevented a loss. But since they don’t want to even attempt to transfer ultimate over by the internal number, not percent. This causes a snowball, after 2 or 3 engagements. It also enables Torb and Sym. Since their turrets have no real threat. When the teams are badly randomized. Or made worse when there’s two Torb’s etc.

Its obvious that its not random how they determine the hero one gets

The probability for someone to get a hero twice in a row is very very slim, and its even more slim that theres more than 1 person getting the same hero more than once, i just had a game where the enemy had 2 pharahs, and then a 3rd one after a while, and 2 of them died, with 1 spawning in with pharah again, and one other spawning in as a pharah again when they died,

And for another. My team just ended up having 6 tanks. The probability of that is insanely low.

honestly the ult thing has never really bothered me that much…as being able to actually get an ult in that mode is sortof a unique skill in that game mode…having said that though…the stacking also messes with that as they are more likely to get ult charge because of how it tilts the scales in your teams favor…

often times only one team is getting ults because of it…that blizz world up there is a good example…see how many ults that double sigma/ana comp got by the time we actually broke it down…compare it to our team

regardless i would classify it as a potential annoyance if anything…not a game breaker as im describing

The no limits doesn’t worry me nearly as much as often having zero healers and you almost have to int just to have one sometimes. And then you get rolled by ults.

Lol…of course the first game i played after writing this up…

Eichenvalde - A1GZRH

a lovely game of spend the entire match trying to break through a double orisa + mercy comp…guess what happens after we finally break them in OT? we got to play! (and man was it different…)

Some probably mentioned it already, but I want see no duplicates on your own team and ult charge carrying over to the next hero. Both of these would greatly improve the experience.