My "Thank You" post has ended up getting me in trouble with youtubers and players. Yikes

There is a blame to put here though, and it’s much wider issue than this particular thread (or even mercy situation). That said, there are 2 sides to blame here - both community and devs.

Bastion mains have it tough, i don’t disagree.


Pineapple, here is a really good thread to perk your day up.


Everyone is toxic on the forums, and when a Praise the Devs thread happens people should expect this, but he blames a youtuber who didnt once say anything to him, or even attack him.

Yes the forums are toxic. We all know this. The blame is everyone. Not this person and a few of those

Thank you, Idocrase.

Most of us “old timers” have been through life, so we are all willing to share and help however we can.

This forum “could always use more heroes” like you, Pineapple and the many others who are supporting him.


I’m sorry to hear that, Pineapple. The forums frankly could use more positivity these days. I can only hope you’ll still enjoy the game, what it will bring, and the lovable playerbase that makes the Overwatch community a family.

Hugs and cheers,
~ PyroPanda

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Dont apologize. The people making those comments aren’t worth apologizing to. Trust.

You do you, man.

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And it’s legit problem. Not because of hurt feelings - but because it drowns useful information and discussions in it, and creates disconnect between devs and playerbase. Disconnect that could lead to some far away places.

Like, don’t you see issue with pack of blood-hungry wolfs shadowing every devs step around here (overly dramatic description is overly dramatic) and making youtube videos about it? Because that’s the surest way to make devs stop speaking to you entirely.

Want good example? I once was part of the community in certain MMO, that issued death threats to the devs over class balance change. That completely shut any and all communication with devs for a whole year. GG no re.


You have nothing to be sorry for.
You are trying to cheer the devs up, which is a great thing.
Especially when (if I have to guess) a part of your job is to read everything on the forum every single day, it takes a massive toll on you.

Nerf this, incompetent devs that, i am leaving, blah blah blah. How do you feel when the game you put hundreds to thousands of hours in to make got bashed and **** on like it is Andromeda?

I like your post a lot. It really does makes Tom feels just a bit of relief. He has been through a lot, and he got a very good reason not to communicate with us, to which I don’t blame him.

And yeah, this is Tom we are talking about. Heck, I wonder how are the development teams feel when they read the forum. The negativities up here could turn off any young and hopeful developers from doing their jobs.

And if this somehow got on to one of her videos, well ****. I guess I can’t be that one guy who always posts meme questions like “Who would look best in a fugly sweater?” or “If I got access to Symm teleport” anymore.

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Hey man. Chill out. Aria never once mentioned this guy in her video. She is just a youtuber who makes videos about the state of the game.

His thread was shut down like others. Some toxic formers start posting and everything spirals out of control. Everyone is to blame. Not one person.

Dont point the blame at someone who didnt have anything to do with it


That’s why I put the big disclaimer!

Well I have to get it out of my system.

And yeah, as for the disclaimer: oops.
That is something new about me, I am blind as a bat.

I will redacted my previous statements on Aria, well, hidden it, for those who wants to kill me later :slight_smile:
Actually, I can’t hide it, so might as well deletes it.

It’s okay! I’m not trying to hate on her. Some of her followers have already been in here very angry so I made sure to edit the post and put the disclaimer so I (hopefully) don’t get more fury from everything that happened. She did not harrass me it was just a LOT of angry angry people and it resurged a bit after a few videos and forum threads referencing my post.

Well, a hazardous guess to make is that most of her followers are Mass Rez Mercy. And boy how angry they can get.

I AM reading the comments of this vid though and they talk about my LGBT thread so… This is what fame is like…


People have the right to voice their opinions, OP like any other person has the right to thank whomever they want. The community will target anything; they like the complain, they like to make up topics for YouTube, they may agree.

To Pineapple, I don’t think you have anything to apologise for. People will think what they want, that’s what makes everyone different and have their own opinions. Don’t take it personally and ignore any haters thrown your way. And yes, pineapple IS awesome on pizza! :+1:


We all love you, and your post brought a smile to all our faces. Don’t let a few grumpy individuals ruin your mood.


Dude do you get off on talking down to Mercy players? What is your deal? People are upset about the state of the game and the severe disconnect the devs seem to have about it and your only response is “must be the dumb triggered mercy mains”…How old are you?

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You’ve made nobody upset. The youtubers who’d kick up dust about this have traded their emotions for a paycheck, an empty paper towel roll is more genuine than them. The remainder of upset players are vibrating angry flesh sacks that only differ from chihuahuas in the sense that they are bigger and can be potty trained.

You can find great issue with the game and how the devs have handled things without dumping on players who enjoy it and want to thank them. The fact that the devs responded to your post at all can even be criticized without dragging you through the dirt or ruining the spirit of your post.

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