Things I love about the game, a "Thank You" to the devs

Hi everyone! The Overwatch Team works insanely hard to keep this game going for us. They do endless bug fixes and they work in a manner of complete neutrality when it comes to hero fixes. They really do listen to us even if sometimes we get upset about changes.

I took a break from Overwatch due to medical reasons, and I was spotty but I returned and I still love this game.

Here are just a few things I want to thank the Game Devs, and our Community Manager Tom Powers, for.

Thanks for all the new heros!!! WOW. I wasn’t here for the original Sombra release, but I joined shortly after. I have to say that the fact that the Overwatch team can create new heroes and release them in such a quick time frame is AMAZING. The amount of work and dedication going into these characters is fantastic, phenomenal even.

I also love how attentive the team is to balancing new heroes when they come out. Let’s face it, balancing a brand new hero can be extremely hard. As players explore a hero there are bound to be things that become unfair about a hero or are proven to work differently than the team intended. THANK YOU DEVS for doing your best to balance out heroes! We know you work hard and many people appreciate it.

THANK YOU TOM POWERS for watching our forums! You show a level of managerial professionalism that makes you respectable but also relatable enough that forum members are not afraid to talk to you when you do comment on our posts. (You also crack down on nasty posts super fast. Thank you so much.)

Thank you for the Overwatch Creative Team for making AWESOME LORE. I really hope we can have more soon. Anything from comics, to minor bits of lore revealed by voicelines, ANYTHING really. You have made a story that I cherish so much I would pay BIG MONEY for just a novel. (Or a physical copy of some of those awesome comics!)

Thank you for participating in Charity. I was not able to be here for the mercy charity event but to offer a bonus item to prompt players to donate to cancer is AMAZING. I hope you host more charity events in the future because that was a wonderful display as a company that cares about community.

Thank you sososososososo SO much for bug fixes. Sometimes when you play your favorite heroes and you’re faced with a bug it can be SO FRUSTRATING. The fact you listen to players when they report on these bugs as quickly as you can is a heavensend. (I heard the Reinhardt and Brig 180 flip may be fixed soon, THANK YOU SO MUCH.)

Thank you for awesome ARCADE MODES. Capture the flag was literally my most favorite game in WOW when I used to play. Guess what? It’s my favorite game in Overwatch by a mile. You made that happen in the infamous Year of the Rooster event. Thank you for Mystery Heroes, No Limits, 3v3, 6v6, THANK YOU FOR GAME MODES!!!

How can I fit all these thank you’s into one post that many of you may never see??? Oof. I’ll do my best here but I truly mean it. Thank you to the artists, the authors, the IT specialists, voice actors, the community managers and team, ANY AND EVERY member of the Overwatch Team from the big known names to the small ones we dont hear or see from. THANK YOU.

We love you.


Except Orisa, poor thing. Its starting to look like Blizzard don’t care about her.

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That’s okay! Maybe they’ll help her out soon! I kind of hope they help Symm’s primary fire since it’s not very good!


The best parts of overwatch for me are it’s characters👌

Not talking about in game and such, I’m talking how epic they are and how different that look, and how their backstories are deep.

We just need to flesh that out a bit more😊

I mean Tracer is so cool

Stay awesome everyone❤️


So you are the guy that make mostly people complaining a vocal minority and you represents 99,95% of the playerbase, i guess.


Just wanted to make some positive vibes! People posting with issues they are upset about are valid and deserve to be heard too! This was just a thank you post!


Yeah, what you said Jelly. No matter how I feel about other things regarding the game, I’m always interested to hear about the characters


Nice try and nice intentions, people like you makes the world better from a certain viewpoint.

I would love more lore on Gabriel Reyes :raised_hands: plz blizz!

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Personally I’d like to say thanks for the introduction of private profiles, changing a skin like Casual Hanzo to match the comics and the return of double experience on the Anniversary event.

I look forward to seeing what quality of life changes you have in store for us in the future, what new heroes you’ll come up with next, more of the Overwatch story and what content you’ll have for us on the next Halloween event.


We’re humbled by your kind words. Without our fantastic community’s support, we would not have been able to get to where we are today. Thank You. We salute you.


Throwing my hat in. I thought I wouldn’t have the time to try and get good at another hero, but Wrecking Ball is so much fun. I’ve been fantasizing about rope-swinging in PvP for years, and you guys pulled it off amazingly (kudos to Lawbreakers and Titanfall 2, etc as well of course)


I wonder what game I would have devoted hours and practice to get good at, I just want to tell you how thrilled I am at how this game has evolved over time. There have been bumps, yes, but I was always by your side since December 2016.

There have been times even I considered leaving. But I pressed on and look forward to another amazing season of overwatch

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Calling us fantastic, while we’re exactly the opposite…
Appreciate you!


The community is toxic because of the extremely slow changes to obvious bugs and balance issues in the game + the report system that punishes innocent people.


Not to mention the lack of communication.


So that’s why you don’t even try to join the discussion about Mercy, elaborate your point further, address the community’s arguments, maybe even try them out on the PTR … and so on and on and on.

I am sorry: But these words here look so empty like the words you put down in all of the Mercy feedback threads about “reading (y)our feedback daily”.

Someone had to say it. Might as well be me.
That’s it.
I won’t forget, Blizzard.


It’s in all the Blizzard games. They inspire ahem “passionate words” because their communities care so much about the games.

I know I personally get pretty frustrated sometimes at things… it’s because I care about the game. If I didn’t–I wouldn’t be here!

In the spirit of OP: THANK YOU DEVS!!

(We know how hard you’re working behind the scenes! :sweat_smile:)

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Such hallow words that use to have meaning


Dude this is tom ''mercy boosting dragons was a bug ‘’ powers what did you expect