MY Take on Mercy and why she's a Stupid Character

Because, IMO:

I think it’s problematic in that at its core it has “inherent cooldown”. It has no “inherent resource” to manage. It has no “inherent built in down time”. If who youre pocketing is “popping off”, damage boost can boost all of whatever they do with no limits.

I don’t really care about what little it does with a bad player, I care about how much it can do with a good player.

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Reason I don’t care about it, is that good players tend to be rare. And even with good players, other supports will achieve more, just by using their guns.

Any hero in this game can be broken, but circumstances where they become broken are too specific and rare to warrant trashing them for it.


Some just break things more often than others.

And Mercy isn’t among those, that do it often. As she requires both good DPS player and busted DPS hero at the same time.


Multiple heroes have had to be nerfed because of mercys ability to hold right click on them.

I view that as problematic design.

They were by design made to boost Mercy pickrate a bit. Current case of Sojourn is in same category - she specifically was nerfed not far enough.

You may wonder, why she was nerfed in the first place, as she didn’t need Mercy to oneshot before.

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I still view damage boost as problematic because of the reasons I’ve discussed. I know you won’t agree. That’s fine. Your viewpoint isn’t going to change mine (nor am i trying to change yours)

Ashe literally was called “buff to Mercy”. She also had same oneshot capability with damage boost, except she had it right from the start. Which suggests, that it was done on purpose, to “buff” use of Mercy a bit, without actually buffing Mercy.

So whenever you see yet another busted DPS, that can oneshot with boost, it’s another “buff to Mercy”. Especially if said DPS could oneshot before, and was nerfed just enough to require boost.

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I got a new idea that seems to abide by all those rules, not sure if it’s good though. Basically, blue beam could buff the target’s damage-generated ult charge, without increasing the actual damage dealt. What do you think?

Stop comparing Mercy dmg boost to Zen discord, just stop.
Zen is easier to get to and easier to kill than Mercy is.

And discord is stronger, so what is your point?

So, when are we going to demand discord orb to be removed then? Y’know, if the whole concept of boosts are so bad. Given discord orb is by far stronger than damage boost…

No, because people will stick to double standards of “but it’s easier to deal with discord”, etc.

Boosts are bad, only when they are actually effective(break thresholds).

I don’t like damage boost at all, if they were to remove it and put something else in I’d give it a thumbs up.

I just don’t like hypocrisy.

I don’t want damage boost gone, simply because I don’t expect anything good to take it’s place. Anything, that allows Mercy player to substitute quality with quantity, like mass rez did.

Hypocrisy is name of the game, when it comes to Mercy. She isn’t allowed many things, because of it.

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This. 20 characters. Even after increased GA cooldown.

Still, it’s how you trade things. Mercy needs ult to do, what Zen does regularly, and Zen can even use discord by himself.

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Yeah, I know, I made this talking about it.

Remove Dmg boost and Rez and buff Mobility. Replace those abilities with something else.

Whatever would replace them would be just as hated, if not more hated than what we have now.