MY Take on Mercy and why she's a Stupid Character

No. And repeating it “iT iS” wont suddenly change that. Im not even going to humor this absurdity. This isnt even a matter of conflicting opinion- youre straight up wrong. A second team mate missing their shots while being damage boosted is not an “inherent” limitation of damage boost. Its literally an external factor.

There is no inherent limit to how much damage can be boosted built into the ability.

It’s not an external factor, simply because it’s only way ability works. Teammate it’s used on is part of whole thing.

It applies to all abilities, that work only in cooperation - other teammate is as much part of them, as player using them.

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You’re literally arguing about the ability of someone else to land damage.

You don’t get much more “external” than that.

That’s not inherent to damage boost.

It is inherent, because it just doesn’t work any other way.

I would agree, that it’s external factor, if workaround existed.

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Don’t skip rest of argument, I already explained, why I am correct.

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There’s no need to bother with it because you’re wrong.

I am not wrong, and I will repeat it again - ability, that works only with other teammate, has that other teammate as it’s part.

No matter how much you want to argue, you can’t change this. It’s like arguing, that car engine isn’t part of the car - car can’t move without engine, but engine also can’t move without car.


I mean you are.

Make sure to click your magical slippers 3 times as you do.

It might help it come true.

But tell you what chief- I’ll rectify my statement, just for you, since we obviously have very different understandings of what “inherent” means.

I think it’s problematic in that at its core it has “inherent cooldown”. It has no “inherent resource” to manage. It has no “inherent built in down time”. If who youre pocketing is “popping off”, damage boost can boost all of whatever they do with no limits.

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Because you don’t need it, when things already aren’t in your control. You don’t need extra resource management, when whole thing can be turned useless by someone you do not control.

Personally I find it best design for supporting, since adding extra limitations on top of something, that is already limited, and not even by you, just makes it too frustrating to use.


I feel like 90% of the angst against Mercy players is literally just Pharah, Sojourn, Widow being a problem at various ELOs.

And the devs could just nerf/rework those DPS so they aren’t a problem.

Now that is your opinion.

One I disagree with. I absolutely think damage boost has been problematic.

It’s not. Just like resurrect itself isn’t - you resurrect teammate, and that is where your control ends, rest is up to that teammate to make it not a waste of cooldown.

Then they would have to make Mercy more useful for something else, and they do not want to.

Whole overreliance on damage boost comes from insufficient sustain in the face of onehit kills.


In your opinion*

I disagree.

Use full quotes, if you want to continue arguing. Don’t turn into Megadodo.

Damage boost would be problematic, if I could by some magic turn any player I boost into competent, accurate shooter. But it relies on player already being that way instead.

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I’ll quote the specific parts I care to respond to, thanks. I don’t really need to quote the rest of your opinion when I’m simply stating that what you’re saying is your opinion, nor that I disagree with it.

Ya. It’s still problematic to me.

Well they could pretty easily solve 90% of the damage boost issues like this:

  • Pharah: Less rocket explosion radius, no self damage from rockets, more self knockback from rockets.
  • Widow: 150hp, 7sec grapple, 125 base damage, 2x headshot
  • Sojourn: Can’t headshot with basic Rail, 100 damage max on basic Rail, 225hp, 5sec PowerSlide

And I still fail to see, why. Since it doesn’t create good players, it merely makes them stronger.

Healbotting it is then, since on other heroes it just doesn’t compensate absence of healing, when active. Not that it would be new for Mercy, when she is always balanced, as if she can do multiple things at once, like other supports, even while she can not.

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Didn’t read anything but the tl;dr. Pretty spot-on. Now that I’ve read this, though:

I think Mercy’s Damage-Boost should be removed entirely.

Not that spot on. “Replaced” is a much better way to go about it.

It wasn’t always that way, but developers really wanted to shove her into that niche. As by design she is versatile.

Personally I would rather have multiple resurrects, instead of damage boost, but I know, that it’s not going to happen and instead there would be another stupid ability, that requires teammate to be competent to work.

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