Zen is a bigger problem then mercy

Well yeah, I got a solution for that if they needed to.

[OW2] Solving the "Damage Boost" issue

But I’d argue damage boosts a much lower priority issue than Matchmaking.

And almost all the problem with damage boosts would go away if they nerf oneshot DPS hard enough.

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He will be back if dive does become the season 3 meta comp as is being predicted

Live by the dive, die by the dive.

Or play him on attack, not on defence.

I’m going to keep suggesting this:

Discord orb:- damage increase on target now only applies to zen, damage boost increased to 30%. cooldown increased to 4 seconds

New passive:- masters guidance, when allies deal damage to discorded targets heals them for a percentage of damage done

Transcendence:- increase ultimate cost

This is only if/when people start whining about the squishiest character in the game being too potent.

You keep your filthy hands off my discord orb.


Widow has grapple to escape, an instant hitscan 1 shot and a thin hitbox.
Zen has no escape ability, both primary and secondary are projectile and has an easy to hit hitbox.
Unfair to compare both.

To reply to OP, no.
Mercy has insane mobility in every possible direction as long as teammates are around, better healing output and her dmg boost works as a mix of her, her allies and her enemies positioning.
Zen has no mobility, less healing output, more damage output than Mercy and his dmg boost is a mix of his and his enemies positioning.
Not a bigger problem than Mercy.

Getting to and eliminating a Zen is far easier than the same to a Mercy.


Zen Discord Orb:

  • Enemies now deal 25% less damage when discord orb is applied to them.

I’d rather some tanks just take less crit damage. Tanks like Roadhog, D.va, MAYBE Zarya would qualify, and my reasoning is that they don’t always have their defenses up and can’t freely use their defenses like Sigma, Ball, Winston, and Reinhardt can.

The exception being Orisa not getting any crit reduction because she already completely nullifies it in gold mode and, my god, she does not need any more protection.

Makes sense to me.

And yeah, you do have a point, that’s a way easier solution.

Kinda forgot about it

Ugh no. We don’t need longer team fights. Orb of Discord as-is helps teams resolve fights more quickly at the cost of overall team healing.

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While i do think in general, that the game would be better without dmg amps, i have no idea what to give the supports in compensation.
Discord is zen’s all utility he has, so it would need to be something very substantial.
Beyond that, Zen is the ultimate survival simulator of supports atm.

And then if dmg amps are removed, i think at least a few tanks survivability would need a look at, etc.
Like, if you want to kill an orisa, dmg amp is pretty much a requirement quite often at the moment.

But if the game was designed/balanced from the beginning without dmg amps i think it would be better. (Ults excluded)

and people wonder why they never gave zen a mobility :skull: :skull:

The slow floating ability zen had in that one experimental 2 years ago or so was a lot of fun. Probably somewhat broken but it was funny.

Dude has a Genji pfp, of course he got worked. Trying to say it causes a “problem in 5v5” and that it’s an “issue for tanks”

Mad he can’t deflect discord, mad he got kicked back during his ult and missed a slash, mad he got baited into ulting into Trans, take your pick

Zen has obvious weaknesses: his hitbox is deceptively large, he has no mobility, low healing for ONE target outside of ult, a projectile attack that’s hard to hit on hypermobile targets

utterly absurd this guy thinks zen is more of a problem than kiriko or boost-bot mercy

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And you have an orisa profile that mean jack to the argument stop using thus dumb attack. Zen is nit hard for me to take out just like widowmaker is not hard for me to take out but looking at different sides watching different ranks play and how others use ability discord orb is a probile im 5v5 it make your tank just worse instantly and when your tank dies the team dies its how it goes once sojourn is out and if orisa satays as strong as she is zen will show how insane discord is and will be dominating.

One plot hole in your reasoning.

Zen is very dive-able and easy to kill.

Mercy is one of the most mobile heroes in the game and one of the hardest heroes to kill.

And from the zeb game play i have seen a zen that sticks with there team is 1 harder to kill and if they can accualy aim they can punish all flankers abd if with a dps can deal with a tank like doom or winston

You don’t even have to get close to him. His head hitbox is huge and he has no escape abilities. Zen is probably the easiest support to pick off. If you think Zen is harder to kill than Mercy then I think you need to go back to the drawing board.

Never said he was hard to kill then mercy the lroble is mkst supoirt play like blood snipers thinking if they are 30 meters from their team the will be safe. On top just because people are bad eith a hero dotn mean that hero is bad zen has amazing damge out put no look healing a strong kick and on top has discord to up his and his whole teams damge on a single target (the tank) by 25%.

Zen is one of the supports to be asked to swap off often, except top ranks, because not only is his healings weak but also his survivability.

True he can keep his discord on if he peek Los every 3 seconds but imagine fighting against one-shots unlike a mercy can hide behind cover boosting/better healing a dps that also helps against shields. A lot of champs like flanks/dive counters zen so positioning is further strict since he has no get out of jail free card abilities compared to all supports. A lot more reasons to why people prefer playing mercy with sojourn instead of zen.

Maps have tons of covers to break Los of both enemies and allies (forces zen with walking speed to risky positioning like oasis etc) and if you’re Only healing and discording behind covers then that’s playing zen wrong.

You say zen is way op in a 5v5 setting… In ow1 healers can get protected by the second tank. So no, it’s not easy/free compared to mercy…