My problem with Widowmaker isn't that she can 1 shot any squishy. It's how frequently she can

Firstly, read “just”. Secondly, you’re kind of proving my point I was making that the suggested counters were key heroes in dive, (except hanzo) which would explain her absence. I should have clarified by saying the snipers aren’t so much pick determiners by how much they are played, but by what else is played around them.
Hanzo being on the list just highlights the other problem with snipers (not exclusive to Overwatch) in which one of the best counters to a sniper is another sniper.

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Hahahahahahaha! Great joke man!

Wait, you’re serious?

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No one ever calls “on fire” firerate.

Most people don’t even bring “on fire” into conversation, because it’s a meaningless metric.

Except this specific thing isn’t random. Widow’s full inability to cornerpeek is literally, not figuratively, LITERALLY what caused Widow to drop to 0% pickrates at higher level play.

Widow’s scope got nerfed 3 weeks after launch, she never had to wait for the scope-out animation to fully complete in order to start a new scope-in. They nerfed this technique due to Geoff arbitrarily deciding that it was too strong (despite every single sniper rifle ADS mechanic in every other game both before and after Overwatch’s release having this technique as the optimal way to play a sniper). This removal literally scrubbed her ability to corner peek.

Meanwhile, Hanzo’s freedom and fluidity of movement, Scatter Arrow allowing tankbusting, and the S3 buff which allowed him to maintain bow drawn while wall climbing, is how he maintained a higher pickrate over Widow for over 4 seasons in every single rank above Silver. He could corner peek a Widow and regularly win the fight.

And while we’re at it, his larger hitbox is actually a benefit. His forearm and shoulder hitboxes were so large that they literally consumed hitscan headshots, turning them into bodyshots.

What I don’t get is that Hanzo has always done 250 damage on a headshot, has a slower rate of fire, and has arcing projectiles.

Widowmaker is hitscan (and is therefore way more accurate), has a faster rate of fire, AND she does more damage per shot. Why does she get an extra 50 damage over Hanzo?

I’m sorry, what?

Her damage maxes out at 300, so she DOES get an extra 50 damage over Hanzo.

Are you asking why she gets this extra damage?

Because he actually has a kit.

Her magazine size should have been reduced a very long time ago.

IMO, Widowmaker should have her scoped shots heavily nerfed to around what Ashe can do (Hanzo too, if not remove his headshot crits entirely. He, honestly, doesn’t need them anymore) and only have them re-enabled to their full OSK glory during her ultimate. You could use the nerf to justify all kinds of buffs to the rest of her kit so that she didn’t suck if you couldn’t carry with her and greatly improve her handling when played by people who aren’t the best snipers in the world.

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You just suggested to entire point delete the hero, in exchange for mine buffs?
And no, this game needs MORE high skill cap heroes like Widow, not less…

Honestly a “False Swipe” mechanic would be great.
Does the same amount of damage as before except will bring the hero down to 1 instead of killing them. Maybe 50 health being the cutoff where she could still kill you.

Except Ashe exists now, so they kinda can’t…

You don’t get to back pedal here… “just about every meta” is a phrase where the dependent clause “just about” figurative language is overridden by the independent clause “every meta”.

Secondly, this isn’t a problem, it’s just your personal taste. This is how every single PvP FPS game has operated since the 80s, and Overwatch even acknowledges this in death tips.

Eh, I’ve never liked the idea that she can wipe out a support instantly but she’s pretty balanced right now nontheless.

Ok, you’d flip out at the numbers other heroes can produce. But they are balanced because over 85% of the time they won’t be producing 1/8th their potential.

At release, it would have been fine.

But now that there’s burst area of effect healing, someone who is oneshot would just end up getting insta-healed every four seconds rinse repeat ad nauseum.

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That’s not backpedaling. If I did “just about” all of my work that day, that means “the overwhelming majority of it”. But if you want to sidestep my actual point so you can argue semantics, be my guest.

Again, you glossed over the fact that I listed 4 of the 6 metas that existed in Overwatch, in which Widow was absent. How is that an “overwhelming majority”?

  • S1 No Hero Limits Hero Stacking
  • S2 Beyblades
  • S3-S4 Triple Tank
  • S5-S10 Dive (Mercy rework and rebalances being implemented roughly halfway)
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Because there’s other factors in the game like positioning and flanking and all that. :roll_eyes:

Supports can kill dps heroes extremely quickly too…
Damage heroes need to be better at doing damage than tanks and supports to be any sort of viable.
(Which they aren’t really right now…)

In fairness, Double Sniper wasn’t even really double sniper. It was GravDragon, and was 100% because Hanzo was reworked into a monster. Widow just happened to compliment him well, but multiple others were run in that last DPS slot.


Okay what? That’s just now how grammar works at all, nor is that backpedaling. The “just about” modifies the “every meta”, it isn’t overridden by it.
If I say that Hanzo just about took all my chicken nuggets, did he take all of them? No, but he just about did. If I say you just about took my head off, it means the ball you threw at me missed, but by a very small margin, not that it actually hit me.