Fire rate cap - 1 shot every 0.5s, scope charge does not accumulate during this downtime
Only her first shot will be 0.47s, and it still requires a scope-in in order to initiate, which is 0.33s where she’s dead in the water not doing any damage and an easy target.
All other subsequent shots while hardscoped will require 0.5s wait time, making her effective firerate beyond the first shot 0.97s, or roughly 1 shot every second.
On the scale of semi-auto (non bolt-action snipers), it’s one of the slowest, on par with that of actual bolt-action sniper rifles from other series (Call of Duty, Counter-Strike).
Then do your job and learn positioning… Widow has a ton of counters. People just choose to plug their ears and scream “Nerf Nerf Nerf!!!” without asking themselves why were they out of position.
being killed in a game to any hero isn’t meant to be a “fun element”.
Sniper rifle in TF2 1 hit kill HS
Sniper rifle in UT99 1 hit kill HS
Lightning gun ( sniper ) in UT2003 / 2004 1 hit kill HS
Sniper rifle in any cod game ever made 1 hit kill HS
AWP / Scout in CS:GO 1 hit kill HS
Any Sniper rifle in any battlefield game 1 hit kill HS
Sniper rifles in titanfall 1 hit kill HS
Shall I continue?
My point is why complain about snipers being a 1 hit kill HS when literally every sniper rifle since the dawn of time has been 1 hit kill HS.
But widow is a “traditional sniper character” She is a long range high damage high mechanically demanding hero. She does mediocre damage at close range and her grapple is her only means of escape. ( which also has a long cooldown )
My only criticism of your point here is that many of these games have much shorter TTK overall than Overwatch, so a sniper having OHKO, even at rather long range, is a little more tolerable since it’s less one-sided. Also, snipers typically have some pretty harsh drawbacks on them, like hipsway and very limited ammo systems (neither is really an issue in OW)
Overwatch has a much slower TTK relative to those other games, particularly once you factor in supports and tanks, so a character who can bip you from across the map superficially feels far more powerful than they would in another game.
Not only is this objectively untrue, fire rate also isn’t a good metric of how viable a hero is. Case and point, DVa and Winston also have low fire rates despite both being rather viable, while Bastion comes in second for fire rate despite being awful
Widow’s sniper firerate is 1 shot every 0.5s for a maximum base damage (non-damage-boosted) output of 30 damage per shot.
Her DPS is 60 damage per second, tied with the slowest damaging guns in the game assuming you have the accuracy to chain two headshots (whereas other guns have risk evenly distributed without an aim requirement, and more damage ticks at a faster rate than 0.5s).
Her actual optimal firerate is 1 shot every 0.97s, but most players don’t have the framerate to actually time it frame-perfect every time.
Widow dropped to 0% pickrates during Season 1 in all high level play. She was literally a troll character, that Blizzard had to buffed her scope charge to make up for the removal of peek-out scoping.
Snipers have always had average movespeeds, back up plans in the form of claymores or stun grenades, and secondary weapons that are either full-auto SMGs/shotguns that dominate close range/a pistol with a stupid fast fire-rate cap that effectively makes it a 12-15 bullet SMG.
Snipers DO get out. And they’ve had mobility in the form of evasive dodges, teleports, or even jetpacks as early as 2009. Stop pretending PvP FPS games are anything at all like Sniper Elite V3, when the reality is they’ve always been able to hold their own.
Nevermind. That said, Hanzo’s is actually lower (it takes 1.3 seconds for Hanzo to hit full charge then recover. Widow takes 1.25 seconds if you stay scoped in, but we’re also talking about the rate at which she can pop out shots capable of OHKO of a squishy)
You mean an FPS type game like Overwatch but with training wheels?
I think that’s what a lot of non FPS players that play Overwatch want , some sort of training wheels or handicap to mechanically skill-based Heroes, so they can be able to keep up with people that have higher mechanical skill than them. You can’t just tweak the game in a way that makes skill irrelevant and allows for low-skilled and high-skilled to be on even playing fields.
If I, a Gold Widowmaker, with a Gold Tank’s help, can deal with a deranked Diamond Widowmaker because their team wasn’t backing them up and forcing them into bad positioning; then I think the teamwork element and use of tanks makes all this fine.
I think you missed the point here… the point is tanks and supports cause the TTK in Overwatch to be extended compared to other FPS games, which exaggerates the apparent power of snipers. I’m not sure what all this “well if I can do it” is about, because it’s not relevant to the point I was making at all
Wow, It’s like you unintentionally managed to highlight that snipers were a factor in just about every meta, leading up to goats. (Of course I am not single-factoring snipers as the reason GOATS exists, but I still hold to them contributing to it)
Fire rate and rate of fire are the exact same thing, they’re based entirely on the maximum possible number of shots you can make in a time frame (usually DPS).
Hanzo is also capable of jumping, wallclimbing, lunging, and corner peeking without penalty.
Attempting to play Widow just on corner-peeking alone means she suffers a 0.66s firerate penalty every single time she scopes out, because she must wait for the scope-out animation to fully complete before starting a new scope-in.
Widow was literally not around for S1 in its entirety, S2 Beyblades, S3 triple tanks, and the beginning part of Dive’s five season reign, up until Mercy’s rework (so about 2-3 seasons for dive), where Single Rez somehow made her valuable at high Elo, but undid her opening pick potential at low Elo.
Widow has the p4p worst kit BECAUSE of her one-shot potential. If they got rid of it, they would need to buff basically everything. No offense intended, but that is just a stupid idea when she already has plenty of counterplay and only dominates at the highest level… or used to, anyways.
Well if I’m stood behind a barrier, my TTK is greatly extended beyond a OHK from the Diamond Widow I’m duelling with…
You know, because we anticipated the engagement, just as the other Widow did, and didn’t just start the fight the moment we rounded the corner and started getting shot at.
I swear, so many players in this game run from fight to fight, switching off entirely between them, instead of realising they’re in combat the moment the doors open.
Or, fire rate can refer to the mechanic called “Fire.” Which, you know, is commonly referred to as “fire rate.”
Hanzo also has to contend with travel time, projectile drop, zero close-range options outside of Storm Arrows, a larger hitbox, poorer Dive escape because of the low range on his mobility.
Please, let’s not be pedantic and pretend that randomly listing the strengths and weaknesses of a hero automatically makes them a better pick than the alternative