My problem with Widowmaker isn't that she can 1 shot any squishy. It's how frequently she can

Time to hit 100% charge (300 dmg) = 0.75s.
Charge required to do 200 dmg = 63%

63% of 0.75 is 0.47s

How is it balanced that Widow doesn’t even need half a second to be able to 1 shot squishies this quickly? She doesn’t even need to unscope after a shot. Even if she doesn’t 200 damage you, and you take 190 damage, she just shoots you once with the smg and you die.

Widows charge time or damage based on charge needs a nerf. Just nerf her dps but not her actual damage.


Yup widow is broken as hell, just watch OWL how fast she can shoot and move lol, what a joke. Doesn’t even need max charge to 1 shot a 200 hp



I still believe Widow shouldn’t be able to 1 shot anyone. It would be enough for a her to get someone’s health down to 1 so they can be easily picked off by their team.

Isn’t that the whole point of Overwatch? Teamwork?

If Widow got a critical and reduced someone’s health down to 1 - she’d still be played. Except you’d hear more of “Genji 1, Reaper 1, Soldier 1, etc.”


So much this

Especially when People are fine with widow but complain about Dooms situational “1 shot”


Ironically, this is only true in low elos where good Widows are pretty rare. High skill players aren’t fans of how decisive Widow competency is during matches, because peeking a good Widow is asking to have your face blown off with superhuman speed.

Like, would you rather play against a bronze Widow or Carpe? I think you know the answer already.


Oh no, wait until OP notices that Ashe is in the game and damage-boosts are a thing.


I dont have a problem with teamwork of 2 heroes that synergise. Except for nanoblade cause it has no counterplay except for sleep dart.


You don’t like the fact a sniper is doing her job? :thinking:


I don’t think it is a fun element to be one shot from across the map, no.

I think if people get out of their head what is traditionally considered to be a sniper character in shooter type games, then there is much room for creativity and fun.


I don’t think there’s any player, pro, casual, potato, who likes snipers. They’re completely non-interactive with the rest of the players in the game–everyone else is playing Overwatch while Widow is playing Duck Hunt.


i mean but thats two heroes

and ashe cant one shot for an entire match

and isnt like her cooldown per shot like 1.2s ish

Yeah… as a frequent tank / support player or even other DPS, i dont really like playing with snipers

im like, I cant help you, theres litearlly nothing i can do to help you up there,

If Moira can push out 100dps on a whim and nobody is going to bat an eye, than I don’t think people here can truly be calling for dps nerfs.

Especially on heroes that take much more skill and practice to be consistently impactful on.

Although Hanzo should be nerfed xd


If you pace Widow’s shots to fire when she can OHKO a 200 HP hero, and you fire Ashe at max scoped ROF, they’re basically the same (Widow shoots one OHKO every 0.72 seconds, and Ashe shoots one every 0.7 seconds). The principal difference is that Widow has longer range, less restrictive reloading, and doesn’t need a Mercy pocket or Discord for the one-shot. If you include the Mercy for Ashe, you gotta be willing to consider the same scenario for Widow, which effectively means she can pop a squishy every 0.61 seconds–not a huge increase, but still notably faster than Ashe and with the aforementioned range and ammo benefits.

Obviously, Ashe has other things going for her (better AOE damage, mostly), but even so, if you’re just talking about the frequency and availability of the one shots for either hero, Widow beats Ashe hands down. She also beats Hanzo, who has the lowest OHKO RoF of the three (about one every 0.95 seconds)

Paladins has two snipers that cannot kill in one shot through the head. It is not fun to see a non tank enemy(especially a healer) to take full headshot damage and just walk away like nothing happened. If thats the type of sniping you like, then that’s the game for you.


Man, you should have seen widow before the charge up time and before her damage nerf when she could just body-shot tracer and zenyatta in one hit.

Do you like any CS game?

I like snipers. I think you meant you don’t like snipers :upside_down_face:


Counter Strike? No I don’t play those.