My problem with Widowmaker isn't that she can 1 shot any squishy. It's how frequently she can

Then the Moira isn’t healing her team and is being an outright detriment.
Unless you’re talking about FFA Moira.


(according to overbuff)
the best players in the world have a 55% scoped hit accuracy. if we take this into account, the best players in the world on average will hit a little over 50% of each shot. and the highest peak for crits (since they are required for a one-shot) was 27% on somebodys smurf(cant remember the name), and the highest 1% of players have a 25% crit accuracy. this will make the average kill speed for the best widows in the world (with literally ALL of the odds in their favor, which is really rare) ca. 1 kill every second. and this is for the best widows in the world with all of the odds stacked in their favor and then some. in reality this will be different (unless you dont want to deal with the sniper ofcourse. I have had many times where the enemy dont do anything against the sniper, so the sniper could just shoot without anyone trying to stop them lol)

are you joking? when has widow been used in OWL?

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Like yesterday?.. Besides it’s cause of hanzo and widow that we have goats


Sorry, I didnt watch it yesterday.

Reaper wouldn’t be 1, though, since he has 250hp.

Yes, and I’d argue Paladins has better mechanics in some areas. I can still prefer to play Overwatch yet like some things in Paladins better.


Ashe basically already does this.

Widow needs teamwork. She often needs her team to melt barriers, create LOS, and to assist her when she’s being dived or flanked.

This still happens if Widow lands a crit that’s not charged enough, lands a crit on an enemy with armor, lands a crit or two on a tank, or lands a body shot.

Your idea would also make it a nightmare for Widow’s at lower ranks because people judge her by how much she shows up in the kill feed.


Carpe went on Widow in a desperation move while defending Dorado. He absolutely destroyed the attacking team in a matter of seconds. He bought his team the time to stabilize… and then he immediately went back to playing Zarya. :frowning:

so widow was used in some seconds in OWL, and that makes her too strong?(from the perspective of the other guy. I have no idea what your stand is on the “widow is OP” discussion)


For me, personally, she has the potential to be problematic. In theory land, she can completely dismantle a team to the point they can’t even really play the game.

From a practical standpoint, I don’t play at ranks where Widow players are capable of having that kind of impact on anything that even remotely resembles a consistent basis. So, for that reason, I don’t have too many issues with her. It’s more common for me to cringe when seeing a teammate select her… 'cause she’s likely to be more of a liability than an asset.

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All heroes in the game were used in the first 2 days.

How in the world do you think that widow and hanzo caused goats?

I thought it took 1.4 seconds to reach full charge putting the required time to oneshot a 200 HP hero at 0.88 seconds?

Hmm, I guess that’s 1.4 seconds from not being scoped in to scoping in and fully getting the shot charged.

If she stays scoped its somewhat quicker between shots, although how frequently is a Widow allowed to stay scoped for multiple shots without risking her own death.

its because people have begun to say that one shots made tanks and high sustain a must. I dont even know where it came from


Here comes ‘the double sniper meta was too OP so everyone went shields and hyper heals’ argument.

Edit: Instead of learning to communicate with their teams and pay attention to enemy positioning, people opted to witch hunt characters they didn’t like and blame them for the current meta [like they do every time].


I know, It is just because Jackal made it sound like she was constantly used in OWL as one of the most broken heroes

I will give them the fact that Widow was used a LOT in OWL Season 1, but comparing Pros to what happens in actual pleb Overwatch is astoundingly inaccurate. No one below GM could [really] compare to Carpe or Pine when it comes to Widow so I don’t really see the issue.

Snipers gonna snipe, that is literally their job. I feel like anyone that actually complains about how headshots are so OP have never actually played snipers for any real length of time.


Seems far fetched when you have heroes like rein being so dominant so you shouldn’t have people taking huge amounts of damage when a fight starts due to his big boy shield.

Plus zarya to further reduce damage.

But yeah healers have to always heal all the time or they’re a detriment…
quality post

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I actually do enjoy snipers, both playing and facing them.

So easy for you to spew out the whole ‘teamwork’ agenda but then quickly abandon it when it comes to actually dealing with Widow. How fascinating.

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