My God I've Never Seen Such Terrible Matchmaking

no it doesnt…

See detailed explanation of the system

Blizzar’s debunk of forced winrate:

Scott Mercer, Principal Designer of Overwatch

We’re always trying to put you in fair matches that we think you have a 50% chance to win, and do it quickly so you’re playing Overwatch instead of staring at a queue timer. We never intentionally seek to put you in an unfair one.

I’ve seen comments like “I just won three games in a row, so the matchmaker put me in a bad stomp to get back to a 50% win rate”. It doesn’t do anything like that at all. It just keeps on trying to find fair matches. If you do win more than you lose, your SR will slowly go up. As that happens it’ll also put you up stronger opponents that match your new SR. That’s not so you lose, it’s to keep your matches fair.

There’s one other thing to remember, though. The results of a match that the matchmaker thought was perfectly fair don’t always result in a match that is hard fought every meter of the payload and you win by just holding them off from reaching the final checkpoint at 0:00 time remaining. Matches with teams of equal skill result in 3-0 stomps more than you think. Maybe an early fight snowballed out of control due to staggered spawns, maybe a player decided he was going to try to pickup a new hero that match, or perhaps your’s cat decided to play with your keyboard right before you used that Graviton Surge and it wildly missed its mark. We’re all human, and we don’t perform at the perfectly same level all the time. It’s one of the reasons competitive games are so much fun to play and watch.

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80% of comp games have been garbage stomps one way or the other. And I am getting closer games in qp. I am getting better team comps and more competent and team focused players in qp.

Comp matchmaker is busted.


if they are lvl 25 and already in Comp = smurfs, most likely. People complaining about levels in Overwatch rofl. Like it does matter in any way.

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My best advice is never try to carry or out perform. Otherwise you will get too many games where you have to carry.

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Agree with Zelda. And what is wrong with match making dear OW senior directors/engineers/managers/architects ?

  1. One ‘thrower’ in your team turns 50/50 game in unfair
  2. One leaver in your team turns fair into …
  3. One newbie in your team make it impossible to call it TEAM anymore, it’s just bunch of players, no teamplay - not comp
  4. More then 2 tank/support/dps main players in your team turns it into a bunch of players, no teamplay - not comp

Q. Alone or in the group of 2/3 you can carry/change the direction of the game?
A. Not anymore, with all those buffs/nerfs/new heroes, game is well balanced now. Congrats! So teamwork wins games now. But with the list above in mind, Do I have a chance to get a TEAM in lvl below diamond?
Q. So you guys has “fair” matchmaking ?
A. How mathematically you can explain win/loose streak in 10/15 games ? Don’t make an idiots from us, its disgusting.

Good luck with your game!

I went from having semi good games to trash games and have lost over 200sr due to leavers, trolls and people who don’t know that dva can absorb moria orbs or how to hold a shield up. This is truly one of the worst matchmaking systems ever. And it wouldn’t be so bad if my individual gameplay mattered but it doesn’t. So good luck with your trash match making system.
PS: if your wondering why you have toxic player problem THIS IS WHY!!

Lol I played 1 match today (been about a week) and won. Stopped and logged out. Don’t wanna press my luck with the mm any further…

LFG was announced yesterday.

It does. That’s why some people climb, and others don’t. If you’re consistently performing better on your role than others at your rank, you climb.

Toxic players exist in every game that allows you to make excuses for your losses.

They cant fix it. 10 seasons and they cant do it. Just dont even expect them to care at this point.

lvl 25? smells like smurf to me.

You can’t blame your teammates for your abject performances.

I was watching Kabaji he was playing on horizon and his team was not the best to put it mildly. He somehow wound up in a 1 vs 4 after a team fight and he managed to get 3 of them before dying. Afterwards he was saying something to the effect of “it’s not my teams fault, if I did x y and z better I could have got all 4 of them, I wasn’t good enough this time”

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Self reflection is nice and all, but you can’t really imply that one has to boost potatoes consistently so then someone else has to do the same and so on.
Oh wait actually that sounds exactly like the system OW got right now.


The only way I get around this is to just make a 6-stack. At least then they’ll have a less chance of throwing.

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im hoping to just play the game so much that i get gold borders around my portrait and hopefully be properly matched up at that point… thats my only hope.

I cant wait for LFG just because of this. The teams I find are pitiful and laughable in their blatant disregard for team construction and communication. Beyond saying 2 words then getting silent after dying once or twice, No one seems to have any game sense, or ability to NOT walk right into a fight that’s already lost. I am trying my BEST to keep communications live, but when you LITERALLY have to tell someone, “don’t do that, your going to die” and they repeat their mistakes more than twice, how can you say you’ve been equally matched with someone, let alone a team of people you want to call “teammates” but end up calling “Idiots”. No matter how good I get, or better I become, the adjacent players I match with are seemingly getting worse and worse. And sure, that’s probably a good allusion to where I WAS in rank and skill, but after hours of play and clear reflection of better skills, HOW CAN YOU SAY THEY ARE MY EQUAL. They are easily less then. The Matchmaker seems to deem ones personal growth at such a small scale Null and Void. Like the difference needs to be in the Hundreds of SR, and not in the minor, but impactful gains of accuracy %, Healing done, Deaths avoided, and Final Blows made that is the difference between even ten’s of SR

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To be honest, it does seem ridiculous that quick play is more fun and competitive than the competitive mode.

MMR casts a cloud over this entire game, whether or not the countless player’s allegations against MMR are accurate or not. When so many players discover something is wrong, and independently of one another, something is probably wrong. I’d like to see more power to the players, and the non-transparent MMR system have less of that. After all, we pay Blizzard’s paychecks. Isn’t the customer always right?


Yeah, but people have a tendency to put more weight than they should in claims without evidence if it suits their existing beliefs or motives.

How do you prove they’ve discovered something independently if they’re on a forum where people are already talking about it?

Not an argument and isn’t evidence.

Not an argument. I’ve noticed you’ve never made a positive argument that MMR is good for Overwatch.

Wasn’t making an argument. I was just pointing out that it’s a common occurrence for people to accept accusations without evidence.

I know it isn’t an argument. It was very clearly a question. Quit treating this like a formal debate.

I don’t care one way or another whether MMR is part of the system, as it doesn’t have much impact on the average player. It only really impacts three groups: those who are obviously too high, those who are obviously too low, and ranks with SR decay. It helps the first two groups get settled quicker, and it means that Diamond and up can still play against people of similar skill without just resting in whatever rank they peak at.

What do you get from this blatant apologist attitude?

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