Move on from Mass Rez

Complaint threads are not the same as threads where the trying to convince others the hero is fun.

I know guess I just felt like chiming in as there are people who make this “she’s fun” claim as a “gotcha” and then you see they have like 2 minutes on her.

Alas the hero is still a mess, she’s got no hero moment and her skill cieling is even less then the days of 1…0
Her power is in all the passive places

Not really, but I’ll humor you on that one, as it’s beside the point.

20 hours isn’t enough to show that the player actually cares about the hero.

I never said a player needs to have 450 hours on mercy for me to take them seriously.

But if a player comes up to me and tries to tell me how my hero feels to play and how I should feel about my hero when they don’t have a twentieth of the time put into her that I have, yeah, I’m just going to call BS. Especially considering that nearly every reason they provide for Mercy to stay as she is was disregarded and overturned when we got the rework in the first place. If they really cared about what they thought was best for Mercy, they wouldn’t be drawing upon blatant double-standards.

Now, if they were to simply say “I have fun with the current Mercy”, that would be fine; that is merely an opinion that isn’t and doesn’t need to be founded upon anything concrete.

But that’s not what they said. They are instead telling us how we should feel about the current Mercy, which is an assertion that I will blow off like a bad joke. Hence:


I find that opinions on the forum are opinions on the forum, regardless of what their position is. It is all based on feelings anyway. As such, I don’t see “this is not fun” as different from “this is fun”.

There’s all kinds of lousy games being played around here. Meeting one with another isn’t going to move anything around, so to speak. I just ignore things that I find pointless.

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I think so much of your problem, as illustrated in the post I am replying to, is that you’ve constructed a narrative where you are the sole owner of Mercy and that all other must reach what you deem the appropriate level of devotion before they’re able to be considered valid. It’s all very Frinkonian, if you will.

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I respect Titanium’s opinion on Mercy. I know that they are a very dedicated Mercy player that has become a leader on the hero. But like you said, I can’t really respect me needing more than literally a full day of playing time on Mercy, especially from someone who hasn’t experienced her in her many nerfs.


I think what a lot mean when they say that she’s not fun is; she’s not as engaging to play as any other character. Her job is simple; heal, stay alive, get as many rezzes in as you can without dying and she has all tbe tools to make this job easier than anyone else; small hitbox, 2 second escape button with ridiculous range and a healing beam that always stays connected.

Read the title of the of the thread, and you’ll see why this assertion is ironic.


As I already stated, I don’t have a problem with you having an opinion. I have a problem with you telling others how they should feel about a hero that compared to them, you don’t know much about.


I think then, it’s reverse irony. I don’t represent all Mercy players. And you don’t either. We’ve come to a crossroads where nobody is right, like most arguments in OW.

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The difference is I’m not telling others how they should feel.

I assert how I feel about the hero, and then I thoroughly explain why I feel that way. I don’t tell other people that they are wrong for having fun/not having fun on a hero.


I did read the title. I also read the thread in its entirety. Again, I stand by my assertions. I know this may mark me for targeted harassment, but I am not interested in being popular – just doing what is right.

I hope one day you’ll come to see others as worthy human beings every bit your equal. You may have the final word to denounce me before your friends.

I’ll take “What is an alt account” for $500, Alex.

Also, in reference to OP, I completely agree. Mercy is fun as heck to play, it’s just that she’s niche now. And also, the Mercy Mains who make it their life’s mission to spam this forum and throw video gaming’s biggest temper-tantrum seem to not really be good at Mercy at all, since they refer to Valkyrie as “spectator mode”, or snidely remark about it in the thread and get 50+ salty likes. Like, do you guys even play Mercy? I think it might just be you’re just bad at her, not that she’s “not fun”. Maybe trying switching mains if you can’t play her right? Idk.


+1 agree

I respect those as equals who choose to respect me as an equal.

I’ll turn this back to you:


I think then, I didn’t really get across the point that I was trying to. The point I was trying to make is that all heroes have periods where they are underwhelming and many feel like they need significant help, but saying that it is required to do something like revert her, which the devs have stated they are against, is pointless. Especially when there is still a playerbase that finds the new Mercy more interesting, as small as it may be. I should of titled it “move on from mass rez”.

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She isn’t a narcissist…


I mean, it kinda looks like you’re just exaggerating. Titanium doesn’t sound like this at all.

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That’s interesting that you’d immediately jump to that particular defense. But while I have no interest, or indeed any hope, of ever winning the respect of the poster in question, I will still stand up for people who are being bullied, regardless of their position.


Honestly knew it was too late… I hope you figure it out.

While I am no doubt your intellectual, moral, ethical and physical inferior, the point stand that Mercy does not belong to any of us, let alone the user in question. Therefore, it is not a case of my hero. There is no gate to keep, so let us not pretend to keep one.

May you come to know peace.