If MH is supposed to be a mess Then throwing or leaving is fine

Just because YOU think something is broken does not make it so.

Sounds like they like MH the way it is.


amongst other things…im still trying to enjoy the game itself…hard to do when the playing aspect has been removed…

i go play MH so that i dont have to worry about metas and people shouting over what i should play…not to waste entire matches trying to remove a specific hero because nothing can be done otherwise (and nowadays potentially have them come back as the same hero again and ruining everything all over again)

Its not just me, there are countless threads like these. Just because you think less RNG would ruin a mode doesn’t mean everyone does.

The inverse is also true. Thread counts do not reflect reality. They don’t really mean a thing.

Mystery heroes is extremely popular. If it is so broken and is not fun then why are people playing it so much?

Perhaps BECAUSE it is broken? Perhaps that is what makes it so fun? The fact that you can pretty much shrug a loss off because of how little control you have? The fact that you CAN end up with 5 Zarya’s on your team or on the enemy team?

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I play it because it doesn’t have a meta, there’s no counters, there’s just doing the best with what you have. Statistically, I’ll never get my “main” during most matches and that’s okay.

Saying that restrictions on the RNG would ruin it for many seems wrong, simply because most of the time you wont get through half of the roster to begin with.

i would remove the “think”…its objectively broken…

i was going to post these later in the week but i hate spamming forums with 1 topic when there are already threads about it…

add these games all from this week to my ever increasing 3 year old list of games “not ruined by a non-broken mechanic” - Most Broken Mechanic in game remains after 4 years (and its worse now)

(FULL LIST here - 🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense )

i would have way more from previous weeks/months if patches didnt keep deleting replays

DYMBCX - Hanamura - double mei/hog completely obliterates first point…defense puts up basically a 5 minute hold once they barely manage to survive point B only to succomb (instantly) to double zarya at end of match

WQQ748 - Dorado - double zarya storms through first point…double torb rofflestomps through point B…defense comes out with double winston…payload never moves forward again

3J5CNB - Lijiang - rd 1…quad meis which eventually turns into double zarya…enemy barely sniffs point…rd 2…double sigmas…once again…can barely call it a “match”

10PCCK - Route 66 - defensive domination…until…triple soldier…stomp all the way to end of map where after we manage to kill a soldier…another one spawns…

492BGE - Junkertown - a fantastic match…up until the double zarya/brig combo at the end removes any semblance of it…

you dont have to look at them if you dont want to…but you dont really need to because you ALREADY know that happens ALL the time…anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the game mode knows this

These examples are all anecdotal and assume that a game mode is broken because its core function enables these things to happen.

It also assumes that because the result was what it was is due to the heroes given and had nothing to do with the actions of players involved.

It continues to assume that this mode was suppose to be balanced and not “broken”.

I see no evidence to support the idea that this game mode is supposed to offer competitive fairness. I see plenty of evidence that it is in fact a novelty mode intended to not be taken seriously.

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I fail to see how you aren’t making assumptions here??

I mean there are no opinions there…just examples of what happens repeatedly in that game mode going back 3 years…if I had the time to do this every day I easily could…it’s that consistent

I would love to know what you consider broken seeing as how you’re willing to make the claim it’s not even though you don’t provide any evidence to the contrary…

You’re not disputing that this doesn’t happen (I dare anyone to try honestly)…you just don’t think it amounts to an issue because it’s not explicitly written anywhere it seems like…what a convenient position to be in…

I wonder how many other game issues aren’t actually issues because they’re not written down anywhere

I beg to differ. If you’re not having fun then just stop playing and uninstall the game. I don’t have fun backfilling for all the poor kids that can’t finish what they queued into. Stop having a baby tantrum and just finish the match.

I never really claimed it wasn’t.
I am claiming that it isn’t necessarily flawed because the entire design isn’t meant to be balanced.

It can be broken but not flawed in regards to how heroes are chosen. Can you honestly say that MH is supposed to balanced? Where does that presumption come from?

I am willing to bet quite a bit that a game mode based around randomly chosen heroes isn’t meant to be a balanced experience. Nor is it reasonable to expect one.

A strawman if ever I have seen one.

Ever hear of contextual clues? They are easily observed.

What is MH?

  • It is a game in the arcade section.
  • It is a mode that allows multiple’s of the same character.
  • It is a mode that prevents anyone from choosing their own character.
  • It is supremely imbalanced and left that way intentionally.

These are all solid clues as to what this mode is intended for.
Pretty casual stuff. It is a novelty mode meant to change things up a bit when you find the core gameplay unappealing or it is growing stale.

Now what contextual clues do you have that this is meant to be a balanced and competitive experience? For the life of me I don’t see any. Because there aren’t any.

The appeal of this mode is the RNG. Not just in what you personally get to play but in also what you get to play with and against. If you try to deny this then I really can’t help you.

It isn’t about what is or isn’t written down. The contextual clues are there for anyone to read them. I respect that you don’t agree with me on this but I honestly see no factual basis to argue for any effort to balance a mode that is suppose to be unbalanced at its core.

im not arguing for a balanced mystery heroes…as you can never inherently have that without the ability to pick your heroes…

BUT that doesnt mean the game should be allowed to suddenly become so completely unbalanced that there is no longer any semblance of the game of overwatch anymore…randomly selected or not MH is still Overwatch…you are still trying to complete an objective…

it is broken in the same sense an OP hero is “broken”…there is nothing that says X hero should/nt be X strong…but if it is preventing you from playing the game in a “normal” fashion most people will (and rightly so) label that broken…and more than likely demand change in that scenario (and people usually do)…and in this case its usually laughably obvious how game breaking it can be…

what would be the cost of what people are proposing? selecting your hero randomly out of a pool of 26 heroes (thats constantly changing) instead of 32 (for now)…like thats what it really boils down to when you look at what would actually be taking place…i doubt there is a single person in the entire OW community that would be capable of discerning that change

MH is not meant to be played in a normal Overwatch manner. That is a presumption on your part that it must be.

People are not drawn to MH because it has objectives. Almost all the game modes have objectives in them because most of the maps have them inherently. They are drawn to the mode because of the mechanic of randomly selected heroes.

Attempting to provide any semblance of balance subtracts from the main draw.
Which is the MH part of the game mode.

You give very little credit to the player base. It is pretty blatantly obvious when you are not being given duplicates. Changing that aspect is an extreme change. One that is really not relevant and only subtracts from the core experience.
The no limits aspect is just as core to mystery heroes as RNG heroes on a person to person basis.

You interact with mode not just by what hero you have but by what your team and the enemy has as well.

Trading the hilarity I have experienced in MH so I can get a more balanced experience is a bad trade. Because if you are looking for modes that provide a balanced experience there are modes that are far closer to that available.

Other things they could do besides fix duplicates:

  1. Keep Ult charge on death
  2. Fix Matchmaking so you don’t fight GM 5 or 6 stacks as all solo team.
  3. Make baby Dvas switch if they die as baby Dva so they can’t intentionally suicide and get their mechs back.
  4. Make a soft-comp, which fluctuates the tanks/supports/dps based on the map type and defending/attacking to favor certain classes, but not guarantee them.

Which is fine. It does not harm the core draw of the game. Which is the mystery heroes. Just reduces the penalty of dying so people aren’t passive while also giving some swing potential to a team getting stomped.

Personally I would prefer at least a set numerical penalty (like losing 15%) but even if it was just a straight transfer of ult charge to your new hero of non-choice I can live with that.

Don’t understand why this is a concern in MH. Especially since the mode is so casual anyways. But meh. Don’t care either way.

Perfectly fine.

This is the type of stuff that is not cool. It irrevocably changes the main draw of the game. That all heroes have an equal chance of being rolled.

I don’t really see how its different than offering a role queue quick play option and keeping the classic separate. There are different reasons people play MH and not everyone wants to joke around and expect to lose without having a chance.

Because separating playerbases at this late stage of the games life during also a distinct lack of new player influx is just not a good idea.

As I have explained countless times. Having different desires and reasons behind liking a mode in of itself does not mean it deserves its own mode.

Otherwise everyone would have their own version of Overwatch hand designed to be their own ideal.

If your goal is to not “joke around” why are you playing in a joke mode? It is a novelty mode to relax in and not care about the outcome of a match.

Its not a joke mode, there are rewards for winning. Its as valid as any mode. You wanna joke, go play comp.

It is absolutely a joke mode. It is overwatch with a gimmick layered on top.

Just because you have chosen to take seriously what most take as a casual/novelty mode does not suddenly make it so.

It is certainly valid. Novelty does not mean invalid. Just means not serious.

Another mode wont bog down the arcade selection anymore than others. If people prefer that mode then when its available it will be the more popular mode, and when its not it wont be.

couldnt disagree more…it has nothing to do with the principal mechanic in the game mode…ie - not picking your hero…

it has existed for its entirety and perhaps people make that assumption by now but its not by any means necessary for the game mode (just like it wasnt necessary for qp)

and once again im not looking for a balanced MH…im looking for a not broken one (which you disagree with)…

no less a presumption than that very statement

nor any other game mode…youre playing game mode X because of a gimmick…but youre still playing OW…if any other game mode had a game mechanic wherein the game instantly ended youd more than likely hear similar things…

if total mayhem (my pick for closest thing to anarchy in OW) or say regular no limits could instantly be ended mid round by a team picking a specific comp people would call that broken…i believe cooldowns have been changed because of stuff like this

its overwatch MH…not skirmish MH…regardless of the particulars of why youre playing the game mode youre still trying to accomplish a goal while youre playing…or are you running around checking out all the nice textures?