If MH is supposed to be a mess Then throwing or leaving is fine

i would remove the “think”…its objectively broken…

i was going to post these later in the week but i hate spamming forums with 1 topic when there are already threads about it…

add these games all from this week to my ever increasing 3 year old list of games “not ruined by a non-broken mechanic” - Most Broken Mechanic in game remains after 4 years (and its worse now)

(FULL LIST here - 🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense )

i would have way more from previous weeks/months if patches didnt keep deleting replays

DYMBCX - Hanamura - double mei/hog completely obliterates first point…defense puts up basically a 5 minute hold once they barely manage to survive point B only to succomb (instantly) to double zarya at end of match

WQQ748 - Dorado - double zarya storms through first point…double torb rofflestomps through point B…defense comes out with double winston…payload never moves forward again

3J5CNB - Lijiang - rd 1…quad meis which eventually turns into double zarya…enemy barely sniffs point…rd 2…double sigmas…once again…can barely call it a “match”

10PCCK - Route 66 - defensive domination…until…triple soldier…stomp all the way to end of map where after we manage to kill a soldier…another one spawns…

492BGE - Junkertown - a fantastic match…up until the double zarya/brig combo at the end removes any semblance of it…

you dont have to look at them if you dont want to…but you dont really need to because you ALREADY know that happens ALL the time…anyone who spends a significant amount of time in the game mode knows this