Moria nerfs likely incomng hoping they nerf her lock on self healing auto attacks

50 dps


Ye… if they want even more players to leave Overwatch… they should do that… haha


At high ranks, solo moira is no problem for genji and he shreds it. At low - yes.


As soon as you said that, any argument you make becomes invalid lol.


so we balancing around low ranks now

it’s just y’all balancing around people NOT hitting ANY of their shots and being bad, like “Moira killed me while standing still and not shooting, so op”


50 DPS that can’t miss unless your blind is 4 seconds to kill, you throw an orb and now that Genji dies in 2 seconds, on top of all of this you have self heal.

The average DPS player is not consistently killing people in 2-4 seconds…

You guys who relied on this crutch are going to have to suck it up. Welcome to the experience that every other character in the game has.

Yes let’s balance around high ranks. And high ranked players don’t need such a ridiculous crutch.

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So we’re balancing around dps players being bad? wow


You guys really don’t see the hypocrisy huh?

Bad players who are desperate for an aiming crutch trying to insult other bad>average players who acknowledge that aiming isn’t the easiest thing to do in the world.

I’ll play the world’s tiniest violin for all of the people mad they may not be able to do this anymore.


I DON’T MIND moira getting changed, I just find it funny how the excuse of a big part of the community is that they can’t kill her because they can’t hit their shots consistently :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve literally seen you post some insulting Genji nonsense in every topic I see you in. No matter how much projection yall throw out there we see you lol. People using unskilled crutches don’t have the right to try to insult other people for rightfully calling something a crutch.

I say this as someone who doesn’t even play Genji, now that the playing field might be a little more “equal” people are screaming oppression. The hypocrisy is disgusting.

I find it funny that Moira apologists always dump on players who can’t consistently aim well. All the while playing a hero that requires no aim. Hypocritical much?


its even worse on console she is stupid OP there

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It is not, nor has it ever been a lock-on.


It’s actually nuts.

Like the flankers had some advantage over some of the supports before and people cried about it. You have a character like Moira who has an even greater advantage and those same people who were crying in the first place are gleefully insulting the Genji players all the while playing a no skill crutch character.


I hope make it a lock-on beam, just for the sake of giving everyone who thoughtlessly whines a chance to be right.


Get rid of damage orb entirely.

You’re right. We should be balancing around support players being bad.


Depends upon the goal of various players. I think most people who complain about Moira come at with the mentality of win fights they must try to slay the supports with a 1v1 mentality and when Moira sort of just sustains herself they don’t know what to do anymore.

She’s very good against someone like Genji who has low burst and low sustain fire. Tracer/Doomfist dives against her are stronger in their favor. Tracer has recall/blink out of orb while having high burst needed to take out Moira’s healing. Doomfist just has high burst, bulk, and such. And both have options to escape.

There are various options that don’t focus on trying to win a 1v1 with a support such as running Torbjorn, McCree, S76, Reaper, Mei, Pharah, and Echo in DPS slots. These characters win fights in other means such as Reaper your goal is bully the tanks and shoot shields and solo ult squishies which is arguably just as easy as Moira. At least in my experience I get way more value picking Reaper than trying to play Tracer.

In a way, I think bullying tanks is the stronger strategy these days anyway since they are incredibly easy to hit, shields are extremely weak, and supports have had much of their single target healing gutted as well.


nu :sob:

But he’s hungry. ;~;