More LGBT heroes needed 🏳️‍🌈

I agree. No one is special. A lot of places don’t have the infrastructure to support basic human needs like we do in developed countries.

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Why do people think he is Christian? He was born in the low 20XX, religion would of died down by then.

Freud was literally just on drugs 90% of the time. It’s all just drug induced mania of an educated mind lol

his best friend being a woman made it even more obvious lol

Because that’s what biology obviously intended. Not saying homosexuality is wrong but heterosexual is the natural order of things, I don’t see why that’s so hard to grasp.


Don’t his dogtags hint at it? But it’s just part of the trope, honestly–there’s like no other real-world religion in overwatch. Which is good.

Looks at Reyes


Agreed. But i will put my energy so you can keep expressing that fact.

Darth Winston who is basically the head of the LGBT+ only accept gays who think likes him and Blizzards bans the rest.

Once this Crisis in the Netherlands is over we would ofc including my self help southern africa. even after the recent events.

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What? How am i attacking this thread? I literally said that i would be fine with someone being lgbt if its a new well written character and not forced like s76 was, that is all, if y’all cant take a bit of criticism you shouldnt be making these thread where soem comments are a lot worse than mine.


No, it’s not :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag:
Even animals have it

Thus there is a biological intention, you just don’t see it :rainbow_flag:

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I didn’t mean cite him, she said “famous psychologists say…” so i asked which famous psychologist said that. This isn’t a thesis. Yet… dum dum dum

Anomalies. Nature literally intended us to propagate via heterosexuality. It’s undeniable.


:woman_shrugging: I’m just going off on a tangent because I don’t like Freud lol

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When you have to lower your standards to ‘BuT mUh AnimAl KinGdom’.

Seriously, it does not help your cause when you lower yourself to beasts…


We’re… We’re in the animal kingdom


Incorrect, homosexuality is a part of nature. Do your research.

If you had keen observation skills, you would realize that humans are a part of nature which would already approve the statement that homosexuality is natural.

But, I am not going to change your mind if you are subscribed to odd archaic ideas.



it wouldn’t come back if it’s BAD as you pro claime

Thus the whole universe wants :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag:


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Why does it matter? I’m not against them, but whatever they release, whatever- I care about their gameplay not what’s in their pants.

In the end this is a video game, not propaganda for world peace.

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Humans are animals after all, honey.

Why do people forget that and think they are superior LOL

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Homosexual relationships are a survival strategy and actually helps sexual production in certain sociological structures. No point in arguing with people who are brainwashed by archaic ideas. Inferior ideas die out every generation anyways.


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So true
BE proud :rainbow_flag:

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