More LGBT heroes needed šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Just because humans are apart of nature does not mean we must regress from what we came from.

Itā€™s super embarrassing watching people lower themselves to less than human and thinking thatā€™s somehow justifiable.

I mean, animals eat their own young to make females enter their heat earlier or show dominanceā€¦ ā€˜BuT ThE AniMalS Do Itā€™


You donā€™t like the reveals unless itā€™s a well written character and then they get the reveal and then are also like thereā€™s no need for these threads how is that at all helpful? :thinking:

Bliz has a lot on there plate give them credit and be patient they canā€™t release characters do patches do events buff and nerf characters and then all that all over again and do great story telling at the same time :woman_facepalming::man_facepalming:

This community yells and nags bliz for everything Arisora isnā€™t doing anything bad by asking for this you are for not giving this thread a chance and only saying only if itā€™s well written if your not against this your sure not acting like your for it either :no_mouth:

As I said these threads can produce some truly magnificent conversations but only if the people in them are civil :neutral_face:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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And if we all were homosexual weā€™d be extinct. Itā€™s clear Heterosexuality was the natural order and animals engage in heterosexuality far greater than homosexuality and have done so for millennia. You canā€™t change that with identity politics.

Iā€™m not saying homosexuality is wrong in any shape way or form but to try to turn heterosexuality into propaganda makes LGBTQ look nothing more than antagonists and Liars.


DarthWinston if you feel like such a figure head.
Why cant u respond to how Dutch gays where banned from the Amsterdam Gay parade for not having the same political ideals as the LGBTQ+? Isnā€™t this what are fighting?

Not really

Today we can keep on going through science

BE PROUD :rainbow_flag: :rainbow_flag:

Because people hunt all the animals, people build things, people create languages.

How can a group of people be so morally bankrupt that they find only solace in regressing to feral animals.

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Are you gonna link this article or just play telephone?

A lot of our problems is not getting information at the source and forming opinions based off games of telephone


Donā€™t you understand that
Humans are animals

Duh, there is a reason why it is a minority sexualityā€¦

Stop putting words into my mouth. I am not discussing identity politics, but nature and sociology.

I am personally Bi (more attracted to girls, but there is a certain type of guy that makes me swoon), I will probably end up in a heterosexual relationship in the long-term anyways.

I agree with the rest of your post except for warping my statements.

Yeah but the point is that heterosexuality has never been 100% prominent and homosexuality has never been 100% prominent. Theyā€™ve always existed hand in hand in nature, so these hypothetical scenarios youā€™re referencing to make your point arenā€™t really applicable.


ā€¦I feel stupider now that I read this threadā€¦

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I will actually come back on this for u. Its extremly hard to find. Google is actually banning search words. But i willf ind it soon. I live in the country.

I mean, if the whiptails can do itā€¦
itā€™s a joke but Iā€™m pretty sure the technology is almost there technically so itā€™s technically not the best claim

Whats wrong with that? Its just an opinion just like you and arisora have a different opinion, yet im not attacking it.
Also maybe i dont want overwatch lore to be just fan service like: ā€œwe want a gay characterā€ sure there you go now leave us alone (again this happened with s76)

Agreed and thats why i havent insulted anyone for their beliefs, if anything some other people are attacking or discrediting others for not wanting more lgbt characters on the game


i meanā€¦nature only ā€œcaresā€ as long as more is made and i say care in quotationā€¦because nature isnt a thing that can care

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It was literally a joke

this thread is a joke, but how many of us are laughing

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Humans also have intelligence and cognitive abilities.
Humans have learning, culture, and arts.
Humans lifted themselves above feral animals.

Why do people in the Alphabet Soup Brigade keep lowering themselves beneath humanity like its a badge of honor.

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Okay, now I want to see all the people who were mad that the Anti-Moira threads were false flagged come out and show the same outrage that this post was false flagged.

Listen Datrth you poisned the idea.
I am dutch and we never disliked gays but we started to dislike LGBTQ + because you decided to be all in our face. Gay where actually promoted often in historyā€¦ Every heard of the silver shields? Guess you donā€™tā€¦ you prefer to be a victim.

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