More LGBT heroes needed šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

I donā€™t even think it has to be a badass gruff character tbh. Just fun to play and believable.

Would it really be THAT bad to have a fun, cool, not necessarily gay looking but maybe somewhat sensitive character like lucio as representation? Or one openly gay? One that actually seems multidimensional from the very beginning and not forced to have layers through 2 paragraphs?

They pushed those cringe voice lines of genji and mercy chocolates on us, I donā€™t think that having a character written being gay wouldā€™ve been that much worse. But at this point I donā€™t trust blizz with it.

Off topic: I donā€™t necessarily care about gay representation, but I do think itā€™s time for a nurturing, small hitbox male support. Similar personality to mercy, or the dynamic brig and rein have towards each other.

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What do you mean Heterosexuality is forced down everyoneā€™s throats? It is the most popular sexuality (even though I believe in the Kinsey scale). If seeing Heterosexual relationships causes discomfort then you should seek therapy.


Now this post right here is Homophobic. Flag away :nail_care:


What comment?

Not really, also depends how it is revealed, if it has a proper backstory and stuff great, if its just for the sake of it like happened with S76, i would be dissapointed but not leave the game, i mean one can enjoy the gameplay and not the story and viceversa

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ok but are winston and hammond straight? do they even have sexualities?

asking the real questions here


Itā€™s in the media everywhere.

Why isLGBT not allowed to be there then?

Letā€™s be proud :rainbow_flag:

As I said, it is the most popular sexuality, why wouldnā€™t it be represented in media often?

I never claimed LGBT is not allowed, donā€™t put words in my mouth or I will hush you :nail_care:

Western Media does have LGBT representation anyways, so your claim is false.


You know the comment :unamused:

And if you wouldnā€™t leave why all the fuss about this thread?! :thread:

Every hero has a backstory it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a proper one or not they do and a heroes sexuality being revealed is lore whether you agree with it or notā—ļø

Iā€™m all for this and I canā€™t wait for are next reveal :rainbow_flag:

Always remember positivity is :key:


You remind me of a snake biting itā€™s own tail, arguing in circles without a point. No Arisora. Qoute me where I said that please. Donā€™t put words in my mouth. I meant he was a stereotypical white male figurehead, white hair, blue eyes, handsome and tall, I thought his sexuality will be heterosexual as well. Either way, do as you wish, I gave my two cents.


Oh you mean this comment?

It was just a response to this comment

So who is the rude one here?

Youā€™ve been making troll posts all morning. No one should fall for this.

Then why complain about me wanting more in overwatch? :rainbow_flag:

I actually feel sick to my stomach that my country man fought as the first for gay freedom in the modern world just so people like Darthwinston can corrupt itā€¦

It is your fault for believing in stereotypes and that every gay man is effeminate and flamboyant.

Soldier being gay was obvious to me anyways (I got a perfect gaydar), he even stared at a picture of his BF in the 2016 christmas comic. It was never forced.

He just subverted your perception.


Thread posted 44 minutes ago
107 replies


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Hahahaha nah dude, on this planet no one is special. In a world where people starve to death on a daily basis (or get diseases Corona), someone not liking me or my sexuality isnā€™t important to me as long as I accept myself.

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I didnā€™t attack wanting more in overwatch. I just attacked your false claims.

We could use more LGBT heroes, but I donā€™t want it forced. Also, I am impartial because they are pixels, but then again it has cultural impact.


ā€œThe small-town all-American Christian-coded farmboy is closeted gayā€ is such a trope idk how people thought it was a surprise

Well, 76 isnā€™t closeted but I digress


lol yeah I thought the same thing :rofl:

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You cite Freud if youā€™re using one of his theories as a frame to analyze literatureā€¦ But his theories are filled with complete crackpot I hate that man

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