More Disappointed than i've been in a long time

I’m not complaining about the “Core Game” I can, and Have Played my fill of it.
I’m talking about the special Summer Event, And why it should have more appeal that the Base Game.

You said,

I Really Want to love this game… why are you making it so hard?

I reiterate that if the game is unlovable as it is for you, what makes you think Lucioball, unique skins, or anything they add for a month-long seasonal event is going to tide you over? If you’re burnt out, you shouldn’t depend on Overwatch’s B-game to make you happy, find something else that truly will.

at least i can buy tulum Sombra

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Oh wow… The “Just do something else if you don’t like it” Argument. -.-

Basically! If you want to hang onto your pessimism toward Overwatch, that is YOUR LOSS.

Hence why i said “I want To like it.”

Dang dude, go do something else if you don’t like my topic. :wink:

Only good things that came out where All the skins Lucioball is dead

Sorry, I’m not trying to corner you so if it sounds like that I apologize. I just don’t think it’s healthy to harbor resentment towards things that we can’t fix, and I know there are lots of topics like these that wish things were different, so to ANY of who you might be disgruntled with the game my suggestion, if you are willing to receive it, is to step back and see if it’s worth getting upset/disappointed over whatever it is that’s causing you to be that way. Personally, I play MUCH less Overwatch because I found it is a super stressful game as I tend to play ultra competitively, so nowadays when I DO play it’s much more spaced out and it feels rewarding as a result, rather than an agent that controls my emotions.


That part, i understood fine, CF.
I agreed with Jelly&jam on his thread that this event was lackluster but then again, from what i gather, Summer Games event have traditionally been the weakest in just about every category for the past 2 years.

I also do not disagree with you as well. Just that when i saw the “$60 remark” despite the context (in response to Storm), it just made me think of the stereotypical Generation “i” / strawberries sense of entitlement.

My mistake on this and i knew that you were better than that. If i figured you to be one of those clowns, i would not have even bothered with a response like the many Summer Event Sux threads which have pooped up like weeds.

(No, i did not spell “popped” wrongly :wink:

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Welp, i got my arcade lootboxes…

I see no reason to play any more today. o-o

I’m with you, Blizzard does not see that, every time there are more heroes and 6 or 8 skins are not enough?

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Really wasn’t anything new. Where is the content?

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Honestly tho on the bright side. If they were to spice up an event and release loads of content for it, I wouldn’t want it to be the sports event. Even if reins trophy hammer is the best damn weapon this game has right now.

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I completely agree… But with Overwatch Events, Even if my favorite heroes don’t get skins and such… I at least expect a few sprays… Maybe some Voicelines.

Oh yea, and possibly Even just small Changes to event gamemodes that we’ve played for two years now.
That could help.

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Oh yeah I wasnt defending this event at all. This is my first summer games and I haven’t even touched lucio ball. That mode would 100× better without a replay everytime a goal is made. Do one replay at the very end and that would be fine, I get what they were going for but it didnt work. The skins were probably amazing to sports fans and the flag icons were long requested but this is event is lackluster in everything from content to game modes.

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I said this before… play a different game. I mean monster Hunter World just came out for pc. It’s a good grindy game. I have I already beat it and am taking on the behemoth. If you don’t want that… There is any other game on your steam library… if you play on PC lol. I’m just taking a shot in the dark.

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Hey! I’m so glad you can get some fun out of it… :smile_cat:
Being your first summer games and all…

Did you know that during the First summer games the skins weren’t even Purchasable. -.- Now THAT was an uproar from the fans.

And yea, the replays can get a little annoying… I kinda wish that lucio ball had less replays, and Regular OW Had More… :laughing::ok_hand:

That had to of been a major miscalculation on how greedy they thought they could be with the loot box’s lol

A change we can all get behind. That potg rework is right around the corner I’m sure. Another year. Maybe two. And supports might actually get the spot light

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We really aren’t even asking for a lot considering the money they are making. We are just asking them to atleast maintain the standard amount of content

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At the end of it you either pulled the skin you wanted randomly, or… Literally had to buy boxes. -.-

Ya know… On Console, we basically don’t even have POTG Anymore.
It literally Never Loads properly… at most, you’ll see a floating weapon killing a few people for a few seconds… At least? A black screen with the Sounds Of death.

Recorded highlights work… Sometimes…
More often than not, but… Sometimes you get this:

I guess it’s more of an Xbox thing, too…
(I forget that PSN exists. lol. i wonder how they’re doing)