Moira's hitbox is INSANE [SCREENSHOT]

The point of the range is for Moira to recharge her healing. Most heroes can effect the battle from beyond 20 meters and still deal more damage than Moira does.


Any cc can destroy her.

Because she is ridiculously easy to pick up and is a joke of a hero to have in a competitive game.

Fade is on a 6 sec cooldown…don’t worry you’re safe.


To be fair you’re not SUPPOSED to hit barriers. And barriers brake fairly easy so…

“Head Glitching,” I believe this is what is called, is the reason for OP’s image.

In most shooters the character model holding their rifle vs what the player sees is not proportional.

When the player fires at the target from cover they see their rifle firing as intended. Meanwhile, on the opposing player’s side all they see is the small pixel that is the firing player’s head.

In this case with Moira, the massively generous hitbox of her beam originates from Moira’s head, not her hand, despite what you see while she attacks you. And since most characters models aren’t as small as Moira’s head, the collision check meets the requirements and the animation plays out, providing the interaction the OP is displaying.


Recharging heal energy doesn’t have to be tied to the beam. It could be damage orb or fade or faster “out of combat.”

The beam provides too much value and has zero opportunity cost. It is the basis for Moira being too easy.

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I seen many dps that have issues hitting a hog, no wonder Moira is their worst nightmare.

And then it would be tied to a cooldown. Remind me which other healer, main or otherwise, needs to use a cooldown as their primary source of healing?

Tell me which other hero takes longer than 4 seconds to reliably get a kill, and which other hero can have their damage outhealed by almost every healer.

Moira is a duelist. Her beam lloses most of its value the second she’s fighting a hero with burst damage or she’s fighting more than one person.


When you are that close to another player (or training bot), aren’t you probably shooting them from inside their hitbox?

Moira’s animation visually animates her beam to the center of her target, even if her weapon is only clipping their hitbox. She won’t hit a Pharah/Mercy/Echo/whoever who’s just hovering above her head, and she won’t hit a bot next to her without being completely smushed up against it. It’s still the hitbox/hurtbox interaction, not an old-Sym-style lockon.

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Ok…for the last time.

The animation for Moira’s beam ALWAYS goes to the center mass of a target being hit.

Like other beams, it has an area of effect that exists as a long cylinder.

If you were standing on top of Zarya or Sym, you would get hit by their beams too.

If at any point a portion of that hitbox cylinder and your character’s hurtbox over lap, it counts as a hit.

And when that happens, the beam goes to the center of your body.

It’s that simple.

Animation =/= what is actually happening

Lots of games use mechanics like this.


As long as the numbers are balanced, it doesn’t matter if she is different from other healers.

Also, I said reduce range, not remove the ability to recharge. Reducing beam range while giving her additional means to recharge could keep her regen balanced but make her less effective at dpsing.

Asking which hero take 4 seconds to get a kill is the wrong question.

The correct question is on which hero can most players reliably kill, without getting killed first. For many that’s Moira.

Being a duelist is not an excuse for being easy. She isn’t the only duelist in this game.

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in fighting games the terms are hitbox which do damage
and hurt box which get damaged so it depends

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Um, so what? This isn’t a problem if she can lock onto people that are directly on top of her. That barely every happens in an actual game.
Also, for the 10 millionth time, it is not ‘locking on’.


Ironically the one thing Moira never has to do, but Moira’s opponent does for some reason.

Her skill floor and ceiling are practically touching.


If a Moira kills you, you don’ fricked up, or she finished what someone else started. That’s just facts. Position better, and don’t pester healers without a plan. :slight_smile:

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The fact that this doesn’t also apply to her is the issue.

Moira has a very hard time “fricking up” due to her low skill floor.

Of course we have to be master of 1000 movements, but her? Ah no she gets benefit of the doubt and doesn’t have to worry jack about any of that, and “that’s just facts”.

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B-but it’s not a lockon, it’s just a wide beam!!!

Theres nothing “insane” about this- Youre just demonstrating a very extreme example of how the hitboxes work in this game, and if i may be so bold as to say- REALLY taking things out of context and painting things in a very unrealistic manner.

When moira holds her attack, a cylindrical hitbox is produced, starting on moira- And extending out 20 meters.

This hitbox is basically the exact same hitbox as her ultimate-

If you extend the range back, youll see they line up nearly identically

Lets zoom in a bit, so this is easier to see.

Whenever that cylindrical hitbox overlaps the hurtbox of a viable target (The devs have included some exceptions to her cylinder, such as sombra during invis)-

The beam starts to do damage.

The thing is-

The hitboxes for the heroes do NOT match their physical models

Its the reason shots like this:

Will still register as headshots:

Im sure most of is by now have seen the infamous hitbox comparison picture-

This of course only shows the hitboxes to some degree from the front perspective

But theyre doing the same thing from the side-

With their hitboxes extending out and in front of and around them as well.

When you have a hero STANDING ON YOUR HEAD, their hitboxes are overlapping into her cylinder hit box.

You can get a lot of similar actions with other things in this game-

If youre HUGGING a hero with Symmetra for example-

Look how CRAZY her hit box is! (Theres more room here too, i just wanted it somewhat on screen to protray this a bit)

Or take genjo for example- hes one of my favorite.

You can literally stand here:

180 the opposite direction

Dash into the wild blue yonder, and OMG to my surprise!

Hit the target behind you.

Its not that the hitboxes of any of these are particularly INSANE

Its just that youre overlapping the PLAYER MODEL hitboxes with the ability hitboxes due to your INSANE proximity- and then blowing it out of proportion.

Moira is fine.


I think there’s your problem. Overwatch isn’t a competitive game.
It’s a casual game, by its design. It’s just shoe-horned into being competitive for money reasons, which is a big reason why balance is out of wack.


This is such nonsense. If you have average aim, she can easily kill you often. This notion that “its your fault” if Moira kills you is so ridiculously specious. She has a narrow hitbox and is jinking, then can fade every 7 seconds, gets off near-perfect 50-100 DPS while self healing for 20 HPS. An average player might get 50% accuracy, often less at lower tiers, so even if they could do say a theoretical 120 DPS, Moira is at least in a dead heat when you throw back on healing. Her Fade often lets her re-position to get as much as 1 second for someone to figure out where she went and respond but she is already damaging her target.

You wanna brag about positioning and its impact, lets put Fade on a 10 second c/d and see how Moira’s numbers fall.

Statements like yours attempt to lay all the “fairness” on the opponent without asking for any real level of skill on Moira’s part. The analogy I use is Moira gets to have a gun duel at 15m with an auto-shotgun and body armor against an opponent with a .45. Sure if the guy with the .45 gets a good accurate shot or two off quickly he wins, but he’s doing it against a moving target which significantly raises his aim requirement, while Moira just lazily aims in a general direction firing until the opponent goes down, often being able to simply out-sustain her opponent. Hardly a fair test of skills in many cases.

DPS/Dive Moira is not a myth, and Overbuff numbers show clearly how OP the kit really is up through at least Plat. I don’t mind players abusing and getting value out of an OP kit, but don’t talk smack in games “I hAZ AlL GoLDZ WuTZ DpS DoINGZ” as Moira, nor kid yourself you are expressing real skill here on the kit the pros refer to as the “Hero for Dummies”.