Moira's hitbox is INSANE [SCREENSHOT]

Proof that anyone could hit a target next to you or proof she has the lowest DPS?

No, it couldn’t have since an Orb icon would have appeared

No, it couldn’t have because you can see the player name and icon of who killed the bot in the top right is highlighted lightly meaning the person who you are seeing in the image did it

Idk what you are trying to show
Everyone knows that moira has an hitscan projectile
All those people saying that she has a lock on beam don’t know what they are talking about
They clearly didn’t do the research [insert random emoji here]

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Aim isn’t the point of Moira. Her beam is easy to hit on purpose, so that she can hit and kill highly mobile targets. That won’t change unless they give Moira some other way to counter flankers.


So Moira hits with a cone… The best way I’m looking at this (and testing this) is that the cone starts as like an aura around her and then narrows outward.

As opposed to like Symm and Zarya where it’s entirely a beam.

Symm Beam: h ttps://

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Stop it lock on bs its not lock on and it does only 50dps git gud.


Two star difficulty hero


I think blizzard should keep the hitbox but reduce range or self heal. No aim is just a small part of what makes Moira too easy.


Why can’t they give moria the a beam weapon like sym or zarya that would fix everything

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Pretty sure some youtuber debunked these lock on claims 2 years ago.


Becouse there is nothing to fix and stop complaining you pesky dps mains.


BTC did a video but people are too dumb.


And the alternative doesn’t make anyone feel much better about her lol

Yeah that’s the one i saw

Mostly low rank players complain.

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You’re just saying that to make yourself feel better. You have no idea who mostly complains about Moira.

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Who is mostly complaining about moira?

People who play the game. The general rank is a mystery so bringing it up means nothing.

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If she had to aim but gain much faster health reserve some would whine that she heals too much and needs nerfs. Had few games that were so chaotic that only lucio and moira were agile enough to survive, any other support would be dead instantly.
So complaining about her secondary which is also blocked by barriers is quite petty.

Why complaing about moira when its so easy to counter her.Like if some genji that knows to play this game or doomfist finds me without fade im dead.