Moira's hitbox is INSANE [SCREENSHOT]

Okay, I’m going to show you something:

What happened here isn’t because the nade has a big hitbox (I mean, it does, but that’s not what happened), what happened was that the Winston was close enough behind me that his hitbox actually extended into my nade’s hitbox as I was about to throw it. Meaning, that if the character standing above you has a big hitbox it’s no wonder it’s extending into the big cone-shaped hitbox of Moira’s beam.


Finally, at least someone would believe me if I say that during a Mercy Ult, I was flying at roof level at the 2nd second point to capture and Moira killed my Mercy with her primary attack.

The short answer is because Blizzard wanted the animation to look cool so they did it the lazy* way and re-used existing code. If they made it work the same way as a Zarya beam, they would either lose the animation (which they built Moira’s character around, so it’s actually kind of important) or have to write code specifically for that ability.

At this point, they should probably just take the L and write the code that needs to be written. It’ll be like having to re-code Roadhog’s hook, but on a smaller scale.

* Note: In software development, doing things ‘the lazy way’ is often not a bad thing - re-using code when you can is good and re-inventing the wheel needlessly is bad. In this case, the code they have doesn’t seem to be a great fit, though.

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That’s why Moria is a counter to Genji. The closer and higher you bounce in the FOV. it’s easier for her to get you. While Zarya is the reverse. Genji has to be at 2 meters distance to hit him. Without Genji’s body starting to exit out of view.

Yes, that’s correct, because she does 50dps without using her CD. :slight_smile: Most DPS do at least triple that. I THINK YOU CAN HANDLE IT :joy_cat:

Not LOCK ON btw Kappa

It’s one of the most consistent forms of damage in the game, regardless of how much damage it does she’s braindead easy to play and it’s unfair that she gets a free pass of being a “skill check” without taking any skill herself.

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That’s how skill checks work in most video games. :confused:

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No, the skill checks at least take a decent amount of skill to successfully check their intended hero they counter.

Genji/Tracer vs. Mccree is an example of a fair skill check
Genji vs. Winston - fair skill check

Moira being the easiest hero in the game while checking some of the harder portion of the roster is straightup BS.

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WELL THEN, you know what you have to do! :smiley: Quit Overwatch for Valorant! :cowboy_hat_face::+1::+1::+1: I’m sure being ganked from five different angles and instakilled like everybody is Widow or McCree is gonna be super fun. Enjoy!

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Yeah no.

WELL THEN I guess you know what you have to do! Suck it up until then, and hope Blizzard doesn’t have access to better and more reliable stats than your average Genji main. :wink: There’s a reason they haven’t listened to your moaning and complaining over the last 2 years since Moira has been out. Just keep on truckin, NinjaFam! I’m sure you’ll convince them someday. :slight_smile: Like those poor Symm mains with their golden glove. KEEP ASKING, it’s not annoying in the least. :cowboy_hat_face::+1::+1::+1:

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Assuming I’m a Genji main huh, idiot.

If anything the Genji mains were there first, so how about YOU quit for Valorant then?

Because games where every ability is an obstruction and every gun is Widows’ kiss sounds boring as heck. :smiley: lol, “Genji mains were here first,” that’s actually hilarious. I’ll have to remember that one. “Neener neener, we were here first, YOU leave.”

I’m good with the state of Overwatch. People who think the devs aren’t doing their job or are making bad decisions seem like the prime candidates for leaving. :slight_smile:

This is why I love video capture. You can so easily debunk people posting screen caps to deliberately mislead.


And when everyone leaves because of your precious braindead easy to play hero, I hope the devs realize she is broken and she gets nerfed into beyond the ground so the people who actually enjoy being skillful and competitive can come back to the game they love without this braindead son of a ***** ruining games.

You heard it here first guys, MOIRA IS GONNA KILL OVERWATCH,lol, honk honk :joy_cat:

Braindead mechanics LIKE Moira are going to kill the game, which is why PEOPLE ARE LEAVING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

“Honk honk” - stupid “haha clown” humor? Guess the Moira community always had a reputation for being cringy and always vehemently defending their broken hero with stupid excuses for “ShEs A sKiLl ChEcK” and “ItS NoT a LocK On” or the beloved “GiT GuD” [which fyi, Moira never has to do due to how stupidly easy the hero is.]

I’d like this. Dying so many times when escaping with the beam still latches on.

You’re so angry, for a non-Genji main. :slight_smile::slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Frost: has a different Genji icon for both accounts, vehemently hates Moira I’m not a Genji main, I SWEAR.

Uh huh. :thinking: