Ever tried any tank?
Running away from logic isn’t going to help your case.
Saying we need to balance heroes for arcade because it’s “part of the game” is
Yeah. I hate the tank role more than anything else in the world. My hatred is fueled by the fury of a billion burning blue hypergiants.
Hybrid? How did that work out for Brigitte? Where is the Hybrid role in 2-2-2? I see HEALER, DPS and TANK… I must have missed something. Hmm Silly me.
Don’t confuse yourself pretending like you don’t know what I meant. Every class has their roles, but they can also kill too. If Mercy is under danger and no one is around. Is she going to heal the enemy to death? Is Moira going to heal the enemy to death?
No because they will use their offensive side, but Moira happens to excel at it better due to her kit.
Just because a hero classified as a specific role doesn’t mean their kit has tricks. Moira is a healer, but she can do damage as well. Symmetra is a dps, but she is also support as well. Sombra maybe dps, but she can support as well like Soldier 76.
It’s because your take is that bad.
Even if people dislike the hero, he’s clearly not anywhere near to overpowered. You can say you personally dislike Genji without saying that he is factually overpowered(which he is not).
What part of the Moira nerf takes away her ability to kill? Or do you think killing and 1v1ing are the same thing?
Also, do you think it will be impossible for Moira to win 1v1s after the patch goes live?
Again, I must have missed the part of this patch where they remove moira’s ability to do damage. Do you actually know what’s in the PTR right now?
Which is exactly why they’re nerfing it. Congrats, you’ve cracked the code.
Only one who suffers are players who mastered her. Nevertheless will still beat bad players hence why this game nerfs for them.
Did they remove her ability to do damage. If so they’re really moving far away from original designs.
She still excels at it, but lifesteal nerf going to hurt a bit. Well this is what this community wanted so counters can become easier for them.
Have you heard of an opinion before I never said it was factual and I wasnt calling for nerfs, I was just saying hes OP. My take isn’t “that bad” its just my opinion that his ult is OP most people on these forums obviously cant handle that so its okay idc.
Got a friend who one-tricked moira to GM. Haven’t heard him complain, yet. I’d argue the bad players are the ones that need 30hps when she already has orb, an unbelievably easy-to-aim “weapon” and one of the best escape abilities in the game.
It was supposed to be a rhetorical question, but it doesn’t seem like you actually know what’s in the PTR patch when you say things like this and like
So list it. You play around too much to get to the point.
Any else besides lifesteal nerf which I had mentioned already?
It’s your opinion that you dislike him. We have objective fact to say that he’s not OP, we can look at his winrates. Especially now. That is why people are getting on you.
Some people think nanoblade is OP, but saying Genji’s ult alone and needing Zen to counter Genji is kinda living in 2017 or something.
The point was pretty obvious. She hasn’t received any nerf to her damage, so asking
is pretty stupid if you know that the only change is to her self-sustain.
Question: If you’re not looking to have your opinions challenged on something, why come to a public forum?
List the ptr notes here on Moira or can you not link them?
So what part of a self-heal nerf is going to affect her damage output?
Speedboost Lucio says hi, Moira fade says hi, Winston Jump says hi, D.va boosters say hi, Rein charge says hi, Mercy GA says hi, all the CC in the game says hi.
As I said it’s a lifesteal nerf, but nevertheless bad players will still die to her. I think I have covered that already while you kept dancing around logic.
It’s a lifesteal nerf that has absolutely 0 effect on her dps. So what exactly is the point of asking stupid questions like