Moira needs to kill you in duels

You can deny dragon blade simply by healing the target. If you heal a squishy VS non boosted dragon blade you’ll heal enough so your teammate can take one more hit and if you or your teammates can’t kill him before he deals 3 hits then its not his fault. Also, try using fade AFTER he dashes not as soon as he looks at you cause he is waiting for you to fade to chase you. After you do that just hold down RMB while pressing A and D or throw a damage orb along with it and you have a dead Genji.

i just dont like talking to people that insist on insulting me in the beginning, i just wanted to chat not have an argument that is why i dont want to talk to you. I hate arguing so i wont do it i am not mad at all I just dont like being insulted all the time.

I apologize if i started as being rude but having to deal with this on a constant basis is just annoying. I literally never go around asking for them to buff Genji and yet i have to read all the time when scrolling through people complaining about things that make no sense. You don’t have a single hour as Genji to understand how painful it is to practice a hero for so long to be erased from existence by someone who simply picks a hero and press a button.

its okay i apologize as well, but I am just saying from my perspective that he feels very oppressive with his ult specifically. It doesn’t feel good when he ults and consistently get 3 kills and wins team fights and there is nothing we can do about it.

You’ll only see a Genji doing 3 kills unless his team helped him a lot or he is damage boosted somehow. Today we have enough healing to give you and your team enough time to erase him from the game and save your ally from dragon blade (depends on the hero you using tho only main healers can pull it off)

Theoretically, this should work, but if I’m close enough to heal, I’m likely close enough that his blade will hit me too.


Interesting advice. I can try that, but I do know from my own experience that A/D strafing doesn’t really work against Genji because of the spread of his weapons, both in and out of his ultimate.

Tbh A/D strafing hasn’t worked against any player I’ve played against. It often feels like advice that only works (incoming made up percentage) 5% of the time. Tried A/D and crouch spamming to run from a Widowmaker 5 times in one match and still got nailed every time.

It’s a blade not a log lol you can heal your target as Moira up to a few meters away (not sure the exact number but its probably around 10-12m)

The strafing needs to be different based in the hero you’re fighting against. Genji will throw his secondary fire for example if he is near you so try longer strafes like press D for a sec then A for a sec. For Widow you more or less need to predict when her next shot will be then you crouch, look at your feet and strafe to avoid bodyshots.

note: depending on the hero you’re playing also influences in the strafe, Zen needs to do it like crazy cause his hitbox is large and Genji’s shurikens hit him easier.

Oof, just reading it sounds… exhausting. :\

I want to let u know…

Make Dva great again

Well yeah. Also, try changing crouch to a button like alt or something so its easier to press when necessary.

Fill in the blank:

Roadhog’s job is to kill things
Doomfists job is to kill things
Moira’s job is to ___________

My crouch button is bound to one of my mouse buttons so it’s very easy to press mid-fight. I’m just terrible at this game. 3 years and I’m still bad. It’s just awful to find a hero you can contribute something with, and people spend all their time tearing it down until you are left with weak, or frustrating options.

Actual logic doesn’t apply to this game nor community hence why nerfs came upon counters.

Both. What is Mercy objective in Deathmatch?


Took me a while of testing to find Genji and i had to lock him everywhere i could to master his techniques. You just need to find that special hero and stick to it to master them.

Insert “low-quality bait” meme here.

“Moira’s job is to both”
That’s…not exactly how fill in the blank works.

What the hell does deathmatch have to do with anything? Are you trying to say that Moira needs to be a duelist for the sake of arcade balance?

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I used to think that would be Zenyatta. But that didn’t work out. Tried Ana and McCree at some point as well. Aim just… isn’t something I can do. Brigitte was fun for a while but she’s not the same anymore since the role queue, and the rest of the support cast puts me to sleep, or I can’t click with their playstyle.

Tried dps for a couple years too, but people just expect you to be a literal crackshot or w/e. It’s just not cool anymore.

Respect her kit. She’s a hybrid.

It’s part of the game or otherwise you’re lying to yourself on stuff you don’t truly want to admit. Choice is yours or I will win on everything you try to challenge. Submit defeat here and now.

And the other two are damage dealers. Which is why they’re balanced to win 1v1s. It’s not complicated

So are vs AI, yeti hunter and all the custom game modes. Let’s just balance for all of them :roll_eyes: