That’s not even close to true.
i disagree…
Yeah sure. It’s not like he is completly vulnerable without his dashes and have to walk on a straight line if he wants to get a kill. I’m sorry but if you die to a not damage boosted blade to a Genji that had no dash i don’t know what to tell you.
Necros is one of the best Genji players in the world and even he is barely being able to play in this meta. What makes you think that any lower rank player can even be close to do what he does?
not really interested in talking with you tbh
Thats cool and i’m not interesting in reading what is probably the most casual bs i’ve ever read on these forums in the last 3 years.
and that is why, have a nice day
I don’t know why Genji became the topic here, but you definitely don’t need a Zenyatta to beat Dragonblade, if that’s what you’re implying. Moira outheals it without even using her ultimate (although her ultimate also works), and she doesn’t present a vulnerable target like Zenyatta does. Ana can usually trade 1-for-1 or better, and others have abilities to keep Genji away, or Sound Barrier.
Nano-blade is a different story, but Transcendence doesn’t stop that anyway.
Sure have fun with your cries trying to nerf a garbage hero that u cant even deal with.
i am not trying to nerf anything i am just discussing why i think hes OP this is the first time i brought it up, but obviously you’re getting heated over it
Nope. I apologize if i don’t have the patience to read someone that clearly have no experience playing the hero calling him overpowered. I used someone that literally plays nothing but Genji and isn’t able to play the game properly on high level and you answer me back with “i don’t wanna talk with you” like i was somehow inferior to you simply cause i play the hero you hate.
i was having a side convo with one person then everyone is jumping in
It doesn’t take much for him to catch up if you’re running from him, sooooo
“please tell me this isn’t real.” its not real so go back to bed
This is not true. Lucio and Zen are the most consistent and easiest way to counter his ultimate. His ult can be countered with hook, sleep, fade, any stun, grav, emp, etc. You don’t need a defensive ult to counter blade, but it does make it easier to counter blade. Genji isn’t OP. A hero that is struggling is not OP.
tbh there is no getting away from genji in ult.
Which is why you don’t run you kill him lol. With the current state of the game is pretty much impossible not to be running at least one of his counters in a composition so someone can deal with him easily outside of damage boosted blade (nano is indeed strong and hard to counter but its 2 ults combined so makes sense that takes more than pressing a button to counter it).
That’s a strange way to spell Reaper.
I frequently play support so killing him isn’t really much of an option. I tend to fade away but I can’t always play Moira. Never mind being unable to save someone from him.
Yeah because you have to admit it was pathethic. complaining about Genji when he is in his worse state, filled with game breaking bugs to deflect and wallclimb just shows how it is. If you manage to complain about a hero when he is in literally his worse state since the release of the game imagine when they actually fix the hero and make him viable again you will complain 3 times more.