Moira lock tracking is still on

it’s pretty much the same yes, but it’s about the clutter on the screen, that beam would be pretty big and having it that big would take up a lot of visual space. that’s why they opted to do it this way.

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How to test lock on: Fire at a target. If someone walks between you and the target, does the weapon now aim for the person you first fired at, or the new person. If the first person, it’s lock on, if the second it’s not.

The exception is Winston’s tesla cannon, which is an AOE cone attack, which is why you can target multiple people at once. Mei’s primary is similar to this.

So true, the game already has enough visual clutter as is.

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could you imagine if the moira ultimate actually was a series of threads connecting to each person within it’s aoe instead? that would have drastically reduced the clutter of that ultimate by a lot i think.
but probably wouldn’t have been as terrifying or looked as impressive?


It is not a lock on. It is just a wide beam with a confusing animation.

HINT: There’s a reason she has an accuracy stat.


First off, check my stats, very much not a Moira main.

Second, that video purports the same data and visual evidence as yours does, except one video says one thing, and the other says the opposite.

This is why looking at this visual evidence closely and discussing what is actually happening is needed.

The fact of the matter is that the animation breaks the moment the invisible collider moves off of the target’s hitbox. True Lock on continues to attach itself to a target long after the initial collider has left contact of the hitbox and even through physical objects, and that’s something we don’t see with Moira.

You’d have to explain your logic with this one, because it sounds to me that he’s saying they’re not the same thing by using Mercy as the example of lock on remaining attached and Moira’s grasp as an example of not lock on.

But please, your words would help clarify your logic.

I don’t play Sombra enough to offer an informed take on her or her hack ability mechanics, but if memory serves me correctly Sombra relies on a mechanic that’s similar to lock on but not quite so.

If a target comes within a certain point of her FOV and range, that target gets “marked” and can be hacked without making contact with her crosshairs. While a lock is established the moment hack is enabled, it’s not true lock on as we’ve seen with old Sym or Mercy but much rather like Orisa’s super charger or halt. It’s more of a LOS tether.

It’s a type of lock on, but it’s not the type we’re talking about.

To be fair, you have yet to convince me of your knowledge on the subject too.


It’d look terrifying for sure, don’t know about impressive. I can guess the devs just settled for her being seen as a weeb as soon as someone said “naruto run” and decided kamehameha is funnier or something?

Either way the thought made me think of Moira like a spider than drains life through webs, so nightmare fuel, lol.

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i actually kind of want that now, a long tendril looking thing that shoots off and sticks to multiple people.

i even suggested how it would work previously in this post too


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Reminds me of how her orbs work, except less random bouncing. (and without the DPS cap at 50)

She’s literally the best healer for straight healing by a mile. Tf do you mean by “more of a healer”? She’s averages the most healing by a mile.

And beam of death? It does 50 dps. That’s like lower than Winston


yeah pretty much, but i think for a character like that to exist they would have to have to be bound by resources or something. like an inverse moira kind of deal maybe?

dude, some people i don’t even know man :stuck_out_tongue:

but i guess 100 dps with dmg orb and lifesteal on her damage beam can be quite scary to some :man_shrugging:

yes it’s a straight line and about the size of moiras ult, that’s why it looks like a lock on but it really isn’t

you can easily test this by slowly moving towards the target and away from it, if the “snap on” animation is as far away as the “break off” it’s not a lock on

for a lock on the “break off” point would be farther away

it is in fact exactly like symmetras beam only longer and wider

and if you get a little bit further away when “breaking off” it’s because damage is done in ticks and you might get an additional tick when already technically out of range

Hm, I wonder if that multi-tendril primary could work as an always active passive that fills resources. Probably a tank character that basically can use more abilities the more enemies it faces.

*without as much DPS if any

Now you’re describing a Shadow Priest shadow fiend for World of Warcraft. A thing with tendrils that crawled along the floor refilling Priest Mana when it attacks.

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possibly, you could do a lot with stuff like that.
and i mean they also broke their rule of introducing percentage based damage also into the game with sigma.

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that’s pretty much moira, a wow shadow priest, pretty much.

too bad moiras succ didn’t slow like mindflay did :stuck_out_tongue:

The box on the end of them beam is very big.

I have a question

Mercy’s healing beam is a lock on for sure I think everyone could agree right?

If you are healing with Mercy and locked on and walk past your target the healing will continue even after they are off screen becasue the point of contact is locked on

IF you try the same with Moira’s beam it’d fail to do so becasue the beam doesn’t lock on the point of contact is still ahead of you a visual effect is very convincing of the contrary but that is about it I recommend trying it this way.

The animation of a beam has nothing to do with the way the beam works. Moira’s beam works like Zarya’s or Symm’s beam, but its animation makes it look like a lock on. The reason for this is to reduce visual clutter, or else imagine how annoying it’d be to have a constant moira ult up in your face.

THERES NO SUCH THING AS “SOFT-LOCK” weapon in this game.
It either locks or it doesn’t.

That term is created by people who know they can’t win the arguments but still wanna be salty af about Moira. They let Moira gets in range CLOSER THAN A REAPER WOULD; not screaming in voice chat “Moira Moira Moira” and pressure her away before she beams 2-3 teammates down. It actually takes awhile with her dps.

You just described their thought process there.

P.S. I’m not denying that Moira has THE easiest weapon in the entire game. With that hitbox it’s almost impossible to miss in close range as shown in the video. (And mind you that no one’s looking at her, all of them shooting at a LShifting Sigma including Mercy.)

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