Moira lock tracking is still on

Clearly, evolution does not distribute its gifts equally.

Also, KBM is totally unfair on consoles. It’s a huge advantage and, while I certainly prefer it as a method of control, the console version of the game is not designed with it in mind. The KBM users still get the benefit of aim assist on top of vastly increased accuracy (even if it’s not 1:1 with true PC KBM). I would never play with my friends on console because I hate controllers for FPS games, but I’m not willing to cheat every other controller player out of a fair match.

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Funny. I checked the same website and this is what it also says:

Her right hand fires a long-range beam weapon that saps enemies’ health, healing Moira and replenishing her biotic energy.


no it does prioritize the closest target within it’s cylinder of influence.
but it’s not a proper hard lock on like mercy beam or sombra hack as it loses lock on if there’s something else that overrides it’s cylinder of influence.

it does function like beam in a sense but also like a lock on.
winstons primary is an aoe, it damages everything in it’s area of influence, zaryas is a hitscan, it’s pin point accurate that is instant.
moira is more similar to winston in that it has an aoe influence to it but it will prioritize targets as it can only hit one target at a time.

but it’s nothing like old sym beam or mercy beam or sombra hack.

Still not convinced at all, in my 110 hours playing Sombra I have never hacked some through a wall, around a corner maybe, but if they go 100% behind the wall hack WILL break, if I turn around while hacking it WILL break and if you get shot while hacking it WILL break,

It’s not a lock. It tracks the nearest enemy hero. If someone runs in-between you and the person you’ve currently tracked, it will switch.

Pretty easy to find out if you go and play her for 10 seconds for yourself.

Oh I know Kaplan has mentioned many MANY times in interviews that KBM is unfair but if you site those (and I have heck Vice just had one just this May stating this) but there are users here who claim it’s the same game despite the input and sensitivity differences.

Yet I just sit back and shake my head because it’s been proven again and again by Blizz themselves that isn’t the case.

A similar outcome would happen if the formally address this beam issue.

As I’ve said I don’t consider it a lock-on because it is as easy to disengage as it is to engage-unlike true lock-one like Mercy or Symm 2.0 (and there were some claiming her new beam is still a lock-on)

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it did have a lock on delay before losing targets for like a week or two but the overwhelming response from the community made them remove it really quickly.

but within that time you could hack a tracer after she blinked away or recalled or enemies trying to lose the hack around corners with LOS, but still get hacked due to they lock on delay, it worked similar to how mercys beam functioned that it didn’t lose lock on instantly on being LOS blocked.

Like you said the community made them remove that so it makes zero sense to mention it because hack doesn’t work like that anymore. If it did then I could see where people were coming from but now the hack is instant on top of that the visuals last. slightly last longer than the cast time, making it appear as though she is still hacking you around a corner when in actuality the hack already applied but the visual was still going, its like a 0.3 second difference but when you’re looking to make the ability seem unfair, it’s noticeable.

What part of this is hard to understand?

What you see is a visual effect.

well there’s is the favor the shooter thing too which makes things look like it did lock on past losing LOS.
it’s essentially the same as you running around a corner and getting shot and die from around the corner.
so i understand the confusion.

Try what he did in that video but with a fully charged Sym/Zarya beam.

it’s pretty apparent that it’s a big beam of influence and it will just lock on to the closest target available within that beam, what you see is a tiny beam that is just a visual effect that shows what it’s currently prioritizing within that big beam of influence.

Here are factors that make a lock-on:

It can have different engagement and disengagement angles, but also can be the same angle for both (though that’d be kinda pointless).
It can need x time with the engaging hit making contact to lock on or it can be instant, like the cases in Overwatch.
And most importantly; a lock-on locks to a target as long as they are within the parameters of disengagement angles, so even if another target gets in the way the lock is still locked-on the first target which is now behind the second that has gotten in the way.

LOS matters for engaging or if terrain is blocking it.

The beam hitbox is just large. It also has fancy animations that make the visuals of the beam track to the center of the target; however, this is purely for aesthetic and has no bearing on how the beam functions.

It is not a lock-on, just a big hitbox and special animations.

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I know, which is why I was arguing with them.

Beam hitbox is huge, more or less like her ult. Now imagine if they had made the visual effects for it true to its size. You wouldn’t see crap with a moira in your game, and imagine two.

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this is pretty much what makes it not a hard lock like the others, it simply has different parameters of locking on, it’s not a hard lock, it won’t stay locked to a target, but it does aquire targets within a special conditioned parameter that it will lock on to whatever is in it’s big invisible beam closest to them and re-aquire new targets depending on the prioritization of what’s closer to them.

so in a sense, it’s a lock on but not like the others that do exist in the game it doesn’t follow the same parameters as the others.

I’d argue calling it a single-target AoE beam, since programming it as a lock with equal engagement/disengagement is just a less effective way of making a large hitbox.

BTW, if the devs did use lock rather than some form of area hitscan to get the same effect I’d need to ask “why” with that Ryan Reynolds gif.

i mean it’s an easy aim ability but with a big drawback as they can’t pin point accurately choose their target as good as other characters can.

don’t know what the fuss is about honestly, if it’s fair or not? atleast it’s not doing a lot of dps, and it has this weird prioritization system to it.
i mean they could have made it prioritize the closest target to the reticle to make it more precise, but they didn’t.

I mean everyone can agree that Moira’s succ doesn’t really require much aim because it’s insanely generous. HOWEVER, it’s not a lock-on or even a ‘SoFt LoCk On’, whatever that’s supposed to be.


Moira is Auto lock on.
Mercy is Manual lock on.

The animation of a beam that doesn’t lock on is Moira’s Ultimate. Not to be confused with her right click animation that locks to the closest target.