Moira is the better pick over mercy

I find her to be completely viable as she is, nothing like “garbage” about her

I can tell that you’re not very good at this game :slight_smile:

The only thing Moira does better than Mercy is pure throughput. Mercy can heal characters further away, has utility in damage boost and very high mobility.

Moira is only good in tank heave comps vs dps characters (which is why you see her picked vs dps comps in Goats).

Moira is a trash hero because she can’t support any characters that are far away without investing healing orb or using ult.

And I’m glad some people still like her, but, she lost a lot of players.

I’m pretty sure, they can keep her enjoyable to the new players, AND not lose the old players as well.

I have yet to hear of a validly administered survey on the topic of Mercy, and as such, I dont see the results of such surveys as supporting any valid claims

Correct. Its amazing people dont know this already, almost like they dont play Supports or something.

It depends on the team around them. If I have three or more tanks I’d take Moira as main healer over mercy. If I have three or more dps I’d probably take Mercy over Moira.

I am a person who is not good with the game, with a pro account then :slight_smile:

Her burst healing is NOT to be underestimated, it is crazy good. Being able to heal more than one target is also pretty nice, and the lingering healing on mobility heroes as they jump in, isn’t too shabby either.

The damage balls are nice too, in some cases.

Oh, and the ability to escape Grav is nice, especially since, with Orb + ult, you can do around 1/2 a Zen’s trance, AND damage the enemy forcing them to back off.

Being able to leave an orb bouncing from floor to ceiling, so you have heal in 2 places at the same time, is pretty sweet as well.

You know, there is a lot of goodness in Moira’s kit, which isn’t just healing throughput.

She has trouble with ranged healing, that is for sure. Mercy is the DPS enabler, but…

at low ranks, Moira / Brigitte are the better picks. At higher ranks, Ana and Zen out preform her, even in DPS comps.

My main issue is though, that people just don’t like playing new Mercy. She USED to be picked a lot because she had great game play, but, Valk + Rez ate the rest of her kit.

Now she doesn’t feel as good to play, and it didn’t have to be like that.

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I’d say Moira has a few other strengths; she’s harder to kill than Mercy, contributes to team damage a bit, and has a slightly better ult. I would still say Mercy is the better hero in high rank though.

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None of those things make up the lost healing (which is why you bring supports) in all but the most tilted (4 tanks for example) comps.

In no world is Moira a better pick in a general sense. She simply isnt.

In high ranks, yes. Not all games are high ranked games. Moira could do with someone else which made her stronger at higher ranks for SURE. She struggles masters and above.

She was however, one of the original members in goats, which is a thing, so she had that going for her. (Mostly because Goats was a slambulance variant, and she was part of that).

Personally I was really impressed by the Mercy/Baptiste combo that people have been playing.

It doesn’t have any huge defensive tools like Trans or Sound Barrier, but it has a ton of tools for either preventing or reverting picks and preventing your team from losing tempo from a pick where other supports couldn’t.

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You’re generalizing.

We ran that in scrims, and I thought it may bring Mercy back in to general use.

Field + Rez is pretty strong, and Baps is good at keeping the tanks on their feet, freeing up Mercy to support the DPS.

Baps ult + Damage boost is … well… a thing. But we found that Mercy boost didn’t help as much as we thought it would. If they were not going to go down to “window of dooooom” then damage boost, for all of its fun, didn’t really help.

It doesn’t look like it stuck, but it is early days yet.

If multi-rez was to be discarded, something needed to replace it

I understand that you dont feel Valkyrie was a good replacement…or said another way, we dont feel it was a screw-up at all

I and many others feel it was an excellent replacement

Could there have been an even better replacement?


I would guess we’ll probably never know

It was the amount that Valk and Rez ate her kit.

They wanted her to be stronger in general day to day play. But it didn’t work out like that.

She is the anti-tracer. All of her power is in her ult, which was the EXACT thing they were trying to get away from.

I think it was Guangzhou(?) who were running Baptiste/Mercy on Anubis and it was a fantastic team comp for following more mobile heroes and utilizing the high ground to good effect.

I think Shock also ran it on Junkertown with an absolutely terrifying Pirate Ship comp.

I’m not going to say it’s gunna be the Support comp, but it definitely feels like it has promise, especially once OWL players get much better at Baptiste since he’s probably got the highest skill ceiling of any support we’ve seen yet.

I noticed that a lot of the times Baptiste’s ult was used wasn’t for a big wombo, but rather defensively, or to give someone like Zarya a massive boost in ult economy. It’ll be interesting to see exactly how that ultimate ends up being used once everything is refined.

That is your opinion, but I completely disagree. I believe that data is completely worth using before the Baptiste patch. Especially as a reference point. Willfully ignoring past mistakes, leaves one doomed to repeat them in the future. I believe we should consider all data before the Baptiste patch, instead of acting like it doesn’t exist because it’s not the data that we want to hear. :blush:

Yep. Still doesn’t mean that past data should suddenly “be tossed away”.

I’m not sure what you are referencing by this “massive uptick”? Mercy’s been viable in high-tier play for months (as proven in the stats referenced in previous posts), and the argument again is not “Mercy has a low win-rate” and many agreed that shes statistically balanced already. It’s the issue with her lack of agency, and her unrewarding, unengaging, and unimpactful kit currently that many have a problem with, and her struggle to compete with the other main supports in that space as a main healer. These are issues that are only getting worse as GOATs continues, and Power creep and Ult spam become worse and worse.

You are free to believe how well Mercy is doing in GM for a few weeks, but I believe that one needs to realize the big picture. At the end of the day, Ana is still being played more in the lower ranks where Mercy is normally played. And that’s a problem. Why? Because those are core issues with Mercy as a hero that needs to be resolved that cannot be fixed simply through “upticks”. They need to look into making the hero more engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play for everyone - regardless of how well she seems to do in GM.

The reality is, Overwatch isn’t only for GM players, it’s for all ranks, and when we lose sight of that is when we will continue to see players lose interest in not only Mercy, and switching to other “more fun” heroes, but also seeing those players lose interest in the game in general. A hero simply being “super statistically balanced in GM” is not going to fix these problems, and quite frankly, the casual players who make up the majority of the playerbase, couldn’t care less of just how “balanced” a hero is. If they are unfun, boring, unrewarding, unimpactful or downright clunky to play, they will leave. Balanced heroes are important, but heroes that are also fun and rewarding to play in a video game - are also just as important. There needs to be both in order for Overwatch to be successful, and in seeing that, I think that is what the devs intend to do with her in the coming months.

I mean’t to exclude brig & Lucio, so my mistake. My point is that Ana still outperforms Mercy in pickrates for a main healer, even in GM, despite having a lower winrate.

Pickrates speak for themselves. There’s no need for an opinion to draw that conclusion. The fact remains. People are playing Ana and Moira over Mercy on average across all ranks.

And again, you are using an opinion of your own. A few weeks since the patch is once again, not enough data to draw from to have the conclusion that “this is good for Mercy and the meta is completely different now.” We cannot predict the future, and that is merely assumptions being made. I would say check back in a few months, once Baptiste is established in the meta, to have a more grounded pool of evidence to pull from. Right now, we’re merely speculating on what we hope this patch will do for Mercy, and a few weeks isn’t enough to convince me otherwise.

I’m sorry, where did I say I’m pretending that Mercy is a throw pick? I don’t believe I’ve made that conclusion. I believe my point was that Mercy is statistically balanced, but is unfun, unrewarding, and unimpactful to play, which is why other supports are being picked instead. And I will maintain that stance.

To your other point on waiting and seeing, I agree. Let’s wait and see if this patch is actually good for the hero before jumping to conclusions on it.

I don’t think Mercy is a bad hero either, but I do think that she’s an uinpactful, unrewarding, and unengaging one to play, which is greatly affecting her usage rates, and I think she can benefit from some improvements. At the end of the day, you are entitled to your opinion on the data and Mercy’s place in the meta, and I respect that, even though I disagree with it. We’re just going to have to see how this pans out in the coming months. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


The reason why Moira was played in the first variations of Goats was because it wasn’t just goats vs goats match-ups where Zenyatta outperforms her by a huge margin.

The only situation where Moira is useful in higher ranks is when you’re playing against a lot of damage dealers you can’t easily deal with which is why you need the throughput in tank heavy compositions that has trouble contesting their damage dealers.

I have high hopes for it, since it SEEMS like a fun comp, and has a lot of leeway for different heroes in the rest of the team.

Yeah, people predicted that field would make for scary pirate ships. I think they made a good call in making pirate one of his first skins :wink:

Could be, Ana / Zen are pretty high ceiling, but, Baps has some pretty different stuff to work with.

Much like Mercy’s damage boost. I used to use it on who needed their ult up sooner, it worked WELL for that. Any ability to change ult economy is strong in a good team.

For sake of reference: the Dodo Compromise Rework

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