Moira is the better pick over mercy

Not disagreeing there. That is a pretty solid analysis. I think she needs something to make her stronger up there, but… She is pretty strong at lower ranks, so it will have to be something which lower ranked players have trouble using to good effect.

I’ll be super interested in what they ends up looking like.

It could be something really nutty like anti on the damage orb, or something equally crazy.

I mean, that’s how the rest of us have always felt about Mercy.

I don’t think the problem is how she plays now. I think her core design is just kind of not fun. Early on she crutched along on the power rush from mass rez, but without it you just have her boring beam play.

part of the hate of chain beams stems from the invariability of them - ie just get a link on someone and everyone nearby is healed the same

a variable main/chain arrangement becomes more interesting and engaging to some (not all) players - for example beam juggling becomes important in a variable arrangement

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The beam play isn’t so bad, seriously, there is a lot of fun to be had in Beam + GA + AD.

Mostly around planning jumps, and jump reordering, since you have to play 2-3 jumps ahead if you are going for a pinball style of play.

But, to make her feel impactful, you would have to make it the primary part of her, which would likely mean saying goodbye to rez entirely.

For sure, she could use a soft rework in my opinion adding extra utility to her kit (preferably something that requires some degree of skill).

Please don’t, is already meta enough… :frowning:

Yeah, that is a pretty fair call. But my point is, it will end up kinda crazy, whatever it is.

They are out of keys to stick more powers on her, so, it will be a crazy side effect of some kind.

Damage orb, is the red headed step child in her kit, so, it is likely to get the buff, whatever it is.

we’re not going to agree on that, but thats ok

people in general dont like change to something they have grown accustomed to, so when mass rez was thankfully removed from the game, some folks moved on to other characters, some moved on to solely talking about her in the forums, etc

I’ll be honest. That doesn’t sound like an inherently fun hero. That sounds like a desperate attempt to have fun on a boring one.

That was never the part I had a problem with. Mass rez had to go, I think we are in agreement there.

The idea of what they were trying to do with Valk and Rez was also good. I get their vision, and they thought that if they balanced the hero so they had the same number of rezed people in a game, they would still be balanced kinda makes sense.

Except tempo rezzing was always really strong, and it was a lot stronger than the devs gave it credit for.

So, they had to start pulling apart the interactions with Valk, and introducing pauses into her play, and then nerfing her standard kit, and it was a mess.

Where she ended up was pretty far from their vision of her as well.

I dont think she is far from the vision of her at all

She remains a strong, highly mobile main healer

If you are from MMO’s where you are the support juggling the entire teams healing needs, it is pretty similar.

You have a LOT of balls in the air at once, and you are juggling a whole heap of tradeoffs to keep the entire thing working.

She was MUCH more like playing those shopkeeper games where you had a constant stream of customers where they all want different things, and each of the processes took different amounts of time, so you were constantly having to juggle priorities, and timeouts, and the field is always changing.

A lot of people don’t like those games. But, Mercy was the hero for people who did, and that made her unique. She didn’t play like the rest of the overwatch heroes, none of the others are pure supports.

They don’t tilt the battle field, as their only mechanic. For some people, it was all they wanted to play.

The issue is, the game play has to be on point for that to work, jankyness in those kind of games really ruins the experience, and boom… the play style is gone.

It brought in a LOT of people who didn’t normally play FPS games, and we lost them.

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In truth I think bringing in the MMO crowd was always a mistake. The game is not at all a good fit for them outside of Mercy and maybe Reinhardt.

Its still there, and so is Mercy. The problem is they were too used to the easy climb, and now that Mercy is objectively not as powerful (since she was OP AF) they quit.

I get it. I dont like Lucio now, even if the nerfs and adjustments were needed, but I dont play him anymore.

Well, they DID make up a lot of the tank and support players when people didn’t want to play tank or support.

Excluding them doesn’t gain you much, but, you got to make sure their heroes work for those people.

It is like 2 heroes out of the entire roster, and it brought in a LOT of people.

From Blizzard point of view, it was genius, but they screwed it up.


If that was the case, the revert mercy crowd wouldn’t exist. Seriously, she had worse win rates.

Mercy now is stronger than Mercy 1.0

To just go, oh, they want a stronger hero, is a massive disservice to what they are asking for.

They want the big flashy ultimate play. Just like I want to be able to speed boost on the ground instead of play Reddit Lucio. :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe Ressurect is a big part of what makes Mercy powerful, in part due to it’s impact at the time, but not the only part. I think the issue is that Mercy doesn’t have many options in terms of powerful abilities that are “earned” and have risk and the abilities that due have caveats.

  • Rez has “some” risk in the cast time, but it’s not earned, due to being on a fixed cool down.
  • Valkyrie is “earned” in the building of the ultimate, but lacks any meaningful amount of risk, because it’s such a great safe escape/mobility tool that many refer to it as a “spectator camera ult”. A lot of the time, people on the teams I play hardly even notice when I Valk, but in contrast will almost always recognize a good or bad rez, even if it’s on a cooldown.

Switching with Mercy’s beams and GA is fun for me, but it’s always been fun since her introduction, so I don’t consider that a big improvement over what she’s had before. That alone doesn’t add enough dimension for me to consider her a “impactful and fun to play” hero, and Valkyrie currently doesn’t do much for me to believe that she’s suddenly more impactful on the field, though I understand that for some, that is enough and they think it’s impactful.

I think that a simple addition of another Rez charge in the very least that she earns in Valk would really help her along with a 55hp/s base heal buff and a 75hp/s on Valk (though I’d prefer an even stronger single target heal personally and do away with the chains altogether in favor of a burst heal she can use). My opinion though. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I’d be happy to have single target rez as an ult, and just put all the rest of her power into her regular kit.

Currently she is the anti tracer. It would be like if they took 2 blinks away from tracers kit, and make her ult a HUGE bomb.

Could you balance it? sure, but the tracer mains wouldn’t like the result.

That is what happened to Mercy. She already had a strong ult, and people complained about it, saying she wasn’t impactful outside of it.

Part of the rework was to make her better outside of using her ult.

Now? She is WORSE outside of Valk / Rez. They took the problem, and made it worse.

Of course people are upset.

She gained win rate, and lost her player base, which says something about how bad the changes feel to play with.

Because once they put Rez on as a baseline kit, she was grossly overpowered?

On the other hand, to give the “revert mercy crowd” what they want is to do a disservice to those of us who like Mercy in her current state