Moira is the better pick over mercy

Out of curiosity what would be your changes/the masses changes

Stop feeding guys. Level 3 Private Account screams a throwaway one to stir things up.

It’s too late

Doesn’t matter who does it once someone mentions Mercy in the title all hell breaks loose

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i play on console. raspberryjpg and meimura my actual accounts m8. im very reliable ok.

Take some power from Valk, making it run for less time, Implement Mega dodos, big main, little chains on Valk (main beam does more healing, split beams do less). Overall, it is a nerf, as less healing happens in total, but, your choices during Valk matter more.

Use the freed up power to bump her healing back up.
Adjust to keep win rate stable.

It means you save targets which would die now, not be as reliant on Valk for making impact, and not spend as much time between GAs waiting for healing to work.

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I think Silver players are picking her because they’re being told (and accepting) that Ana is the best healer, period, rather than experiementing on their own to figure out what is best under what circumstances

I think there may be some players who also believe forced 2-2-2 is coming, and Ana allows them to play somewhat DPS-like, so they are playing her to be ready for that

The problem is that people already hate the fact she has chain beams to begin with

I’m sure Moira is better when you have Hog, Dva, Genji, Phara, Lucio…

Even peeps on owl are playing mercy a bunch now.

Moira still lacks that utility. She’s a good tank healer yes, but so is ana and baptiste with far more utility. And mercy enables her dps plays far better.


Agreed, but I don’t want to change too much, I’d be happy with removing all the chained healing, but in the interests of not changing too much, Megadodo’s suggestion is the best we have got.

But the short answer is, remove power from Valk, so we can have better healing in her standard kit. It would free up more time to get damage boosting in, but mostly mean you don’t get pauses while pinballing, so you get a more mobile, and flowing style of play.

I don’t want her stronger, but, I want the unnecessary pauses in her kit to go away. We can’t remove the pause on Rez, without making it broken, so that has to stay, but we can remove the pauses from the GA / heal / GA / heal cycle, without changing her overall power level.

Yes, because the second you pick a highly mobile, highly spread out comp, there is exactly one healer that is able to do the job.

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yeah… obviously besides pharah. as dva, id rather a moira over a mercy any match. even a bad moira over a good mercy idk, as long as i can stay in mech and i can give my supports their ults.

point is, with moira primary heal and orb = nearly 300 hps. idk how people dont see moira’s potential and still think mercy is optimal or ‘strong’ because of rez and damage boost.

if anything, zen can also compete with mercy since he has discord and an even better ult than mercy by far

Not necessarily…not “have to”

People change favorites based on meta changes and getting tired of one character and etc…plus addition of new characters to the role, like Baptiste

when/if the meta shifts to a spread out team comp, I would expect you’ll see more of Mercy, regardless of whether she gets any changes in the interim

what do you mean that’s how she’s always played

or is that play style no longer desirable with the addiction of rez pause

this is a good thing

You used to jump in, attach the beam, and be ready to jump out, relying on the beam attachment to heal the rest in flight, but, 50 isn’t quite enough, so you end up waiting at each step.

It is these constant little pauses all the time, where you can’t quite do your job, and keep moving.

It is like sand in the gears of playing her, and because you pause, your planned jump out doesn’t work as well, because everyone moves a little bit more, so your GA’s fail to flow nicely into each other for that reason as well.

It sounds trivial, but it is the basic game loop she has, so making it not quite work has a large effect on her general playing style.

It would be like if D’va paused mid jet every time. You could still play around it, but, it wouldn’t feel great.

As I said, it isn’t MUCH, but it makes a huge difference.

Valk + Rez just ate too much of the normal game play kit.

If they made them eat far less, and give her standard play more love, she would feel great to play.

The Tracer model, where she has her strength in her regular kit, but a weaker ult, it plays well, and feels pretty good. Mercy is the anti tracer, where too much power is in Rez and Valk, so they have to nerf her regular kit to fit it in.

If we were able to make larger changes, I’d remove the chains from Valk, and use that to put more power in her basic kit. But, I don’t want to move her too much, because then the re-balancing would take longer to get right.


Moira is the single worst healer in this game if you are not running deathball comps after brigitte (not counting GOATS)


With the addition of Baptiste, any offensive edge Moira could pull off as a healer was hindered due to his invincibility drone. It takes SO LONG to kill that thing with Coalescence chances are you won’t be able to secure any kills after it falls.

Below Diamond, Moira was my go-to playmaker in the healing role. If your team isn’t pressing the advantage, you could make one with orb+coalescence. Now that’s so much harder to pull off with Baptiste.

Plus Mercy/Baptiste combo is ridiculously strong. I foresee Mercy, Bastion, Baptiste being a common strat in latter play.

Team goes: genji, winston, tracer,, lucio on a map where you need to contest high ground. main healer instead of going zen, mercy or ana goes Moira. Well that’s a GG.-


Up until you get into the ranks where people can capitalize on your 6s cooldown escape tool. At that point, you really want a Mercy over Moira in most scenario’s.

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