Moira healing nerf

moira is a relatively weak support this meta but they nerf her…

this does not make sense at all.

she didnt need this nerf.

this nerf takes away options… we are left with mercy …

3 healers can heal through barriers now:

  • mercy
  • zen
  • brigitte

only one of them a main healer


Its apparently been a long time coming because this was a bug that was reported back in January. I guess they thought it wasn’t urgent till now.

I’m looking forward to not play/enjoy this game for a good amount of time because of another Mercy meta. Only this time it will be because she’s the only healer that can actually heal at all times.

And just when I thought my depression was fading away it comes back twice as hard… and it gives me a big slap in the face… :anguished:

Now if we could stop dumpstering healers so that mercy and zen can be even more meta, that would be nice.

Nobody is gonna like new symm shield wall mechanics and ana mains walk back to spawn immediately.

Mercy being a good healer is not a problem. Mercy being the only reliable healer is a problem. Not because she is super strong, but blizz likes to make playing other healers impossible apparently.

Symm great wall and lucio wishes he had been a zen instead so he could still have an orb on the other side of the great wall and he could trans past the wall. Ana wishes she could sleep dart herself to eternal sleep and Moira has to save healing orbs for her allies now if they peek just a bit around the great wall in order to damage enemies, small but crucial change.

Then there’s mercy who just attaches her healing beam to people no problem. It’s not even close to balance.

This looks like a precursory moira nerf to pave way for more mercy and zen nerfs once they cement their positions as the only viable healers. Oh and brigitte inspire goes through barriers too lol. I imagine her repair pack does the same too, but I haven’t tested.

Moira is not able to heal through barriers. Very bad.
But hold on! She’s pretty capable in many of situations like heavy tank comp meta, she has escape and burst heal, right?

And yeah, Mercy is dominating now. But isn’t that Hanzo’s reason, but not Mercy or Moira’s?

Mercy dominates because she is the only reliable main healer. Ana is kinda meh at the moment and Moira is good, but her healing isn’t reliable plus she can’t reach allies on high ground the same way a Mercy can. That and Mercy has res which is a plus.

https:// us. forums.blizzard. com/en/overwatch/t/moira-exploit-or-intended/121545/8

Was this fixed by any chance?, knowing blizz they could have easily forgotten about it.

Well, actually this never was a reason until S10 and Hanzo rework came.

Mercy is able to damage boost which makes Pharah, Hanzo and Widow a bit deadlier. Actually I ask no more Ana and Nano-Visor when I’m a Soldier for some reasons and really happy with dmg boost Mercy, but always want to see Moira in my backline when I am Rein.

This in line with Sym’s new ult is going to be a pretty heavy blow. I’m not a huge fan, but I’ve known it’s coming for a while now

I like to look at this game as a work in development. The one thing I can count on is for things to change, and right now, this is going to be a rough change, but there will be more! New characters, and reworks, nerfs, buffs, and perhaps a year of this chaos will see some normalcy come around.

Time will tell, but there’s always hope around the horizon. Its not in their interests to kill their own game, so expect things to get better after it gets worse.

I can’t see the link…

Wait this was a bug? Wasn’t this said by them that she is able to heal through barriers? This has been a thing since she came out and they are just getting to it oof.

It’s always been the reason even before season 10 Mercy has been dominating in pickrate both casually and competitive in the pro scene. You really can’t go wrong with he because her kit is so reliable.

Just imagine if they add another flight-enabled character xD Air-ping pong guardian angel

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I believe they were referring to her orbs and ultimate that goes through barriers. And yeah, this fix has taken quite some time. I guess because she wasn’t gamebreaking with it they left it alone because it wasn’t at the focus of their mind

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That’d be interesting to see lol

Its really neat when it happens in random heroes or extreme vertical leaping winstons xD fun and engaging game play until its high noon

Yeah, she used to also be able to bounce orbs and heal through Mei walls (unless I’m mistaken) but that got fixed a while back too. They’ve said this bug fix was coming for a while now

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i’m op of that, here’s a link

i just tested it in practice range and it’s not fixed.

however, on the holding one, her healing only went up slightly past halfway rather than 3/4 like before… did they secretly nerf the healing she gets from doing damage as well?

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