Moira healing nerf

Let’s see what you’ve said

Heavy team-dependance and no self-protection or some utility stuff like anti-heal, burst-damage orb or sleep dart. And yeah, she’s easy to play and easy to master.

Crucial when we speak about PharahMercy, and pocketing sharpshooters. Sharpshooters are dominant now? Pick Mercy and pocket the carry Hanzo/Widow!

BTW this trouble with Ana and Moira would be solved by teleporters tho.

I can’t spot the bug in that, Pluto could have put it on headshots only if you’re talking about the lack of damage. Nvm I see it that really needs to be fixed holy sh*t


That’s all supports though they need their team to be at least somewhat competent for them to be affective. And a Mercy does have all those things you mentioned: Her passive heals her after 1 second, she can reposition every 2 seconds, and damage boost and res are utility the only support with no utility is Moira because she is strictly Heal or do damage. She is easy to play but not easy to master.

Can you rephrase this because I’m not sure what you saying?

Yes, it would solve the high ground problem but there more problems with those two than just not reaching high ground effectively.

I say that Mercy is meta now because she’s pocketing sharshooters which are meta too.

And yeah, don’t forget that Mercy is the easiest hero in this game. The only skill you need to have is game sense and 360 vision on battlefield.

Moira and Ana require mechanical skill and ability management to act better in addition to stuff I mentioned.
Moira is about beam tracking and tossing orbs right and Ana need to have both hitscan and projectile aim.

But that’s not the sole reason she is meta now. Were you here during the “Mercy Meta”? Ever since she got reworked from then to now she ha been a top pick in all tiers despite her nerfs and before Hanzo and Widow were as meta as they are now. Clearly, it’s because she’s reliable and not because the other characters are enabling her to do more.

I’m not denying she’s an easy character I’m saying that you can’t pick Mercy up and expect to master her in 2 hours of play time. Even top players have acknowledged that she isn’t easy to master. To pick up and use, yes but to master not as easy.

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Now Moira players will know the pain of Ana.

(Not saying that’s a good thing).

Oh, she’ll be fine. Relax.

Tbh, not really since she still has 2 abilities that go through shields unlike Ana who has… none lmao

Well actually, now you put it that way.

I’m not saying she won’t I think this will impact her as much as when Mercy was first nerfed after her rework. It’s just feels like an unneeded change because Moira isn’t dominting any games by herself

And the irony is that the thing being nerfed–her healing–isn’t even what everyone was complaining about. It was her ability to 1v1 low SR DPS.

Actually yeah. I’ve not been able to buy a game, but I’ve seen the whole process that game passed through. I remember multiple res ult, I remember heavy tank meta and Ana’s and Soldier’s better days…

But actually, she’s easiest char. Her mastery is hard gamesense training. But no more. Truly. High impact for low skill floor.

And yeah. Mercy cannot outheal good Moira… cuz Moira has burst heals everytime, even during ult.
Mercy has… Chain heal during ult. Ha-ha.

Zen didn’t really need a Volley nerf either yet here we are. Supports constantly get shafted (unless they’re Brig cough cough)

Moira’s got a deployable healing orb that goes right through a barrier, any lacking healing that comes from her primary not going through shields can be made up by the orb. I agree it was an unneeded change, but what can ya do.

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Sidenote OP: you’ll probably get more upvotes in the future if you clearly mark your original post with /s for sarcasm. It’s clear what you mean from your second post, but there is no such thing as obvious sarcasm on the internet…

SEEING the game is a lot different than actually being there for them.

Easy to pick up? Yes, even as a Mercy main myself I know she’s an easy character to pick up. She’s not easy to be effective with because she has not a lot of defensive options plus the fact you are the main healer which means you need to stay alive and you getting picked leads to a lost team fight.

And Moira has a resource meter you need to watch and Mercy can… hmm what can she do. oh right she can:

1.) Boost all damage aside from a few exceptions my 30%
2.) Reposition every 2 seconds
3.) Never needs to worry about reloading
4.) Chain heals everyone on the team and can all boost overall team damage (that’s huge btw)
5.) Can bring people back to life with full HP

Look at that and still tell me Mercy is ONLY effective because Hanzo and Windowmaker are better now.

This will make Moira worse and further cement Mercy as a significantly better option. Moira also doesn’t have the utility of Ana or Mercy (and Ana’s in a bad spot as well) and it might tip her over the edge into ‘throw pick’ category.

Or it might not, I really don’t know. The problem with ‘Main Healer’ balance currently is that Mercy is so much better than Ana and Moira that it can be difficult to justify not picking her. Damage boost on demand, easy healing that can be used from safety, resurrect every 30 seconds, a gun with fat projectiles and good damage, fantastic mobility and an ult that not only increases her survivability but also gives her teamwide healing OR damage boost.

The last thing I want is Mercy nerfed (again) but as someone who would much rather play Ana or Moira I don’t want to be put in a position where not choosing Mercy is going to lose the game because she’s so well rounded and safe in comparison. I don’t like the ‘healing blocked by enemy barriers’ mechanic anyway, it feels counter-intuitive.

I feel either the other supports need more buffs or Mercy might simply need another rework because this res on an e thing clearly isn’t working.

Not a big issue if you can play smart.

OK. let’s see the flaws about Mercy.
1.) Dmg boost is good for pocket play, But it’s not something out of ordinary or gamebreaking, since we also have dmg boost sources like Nano and Drum.
2.) If Mercy has no allies nearby - she’s fu**ed
3.) Moira and Brig too. Not an argument.
4.) Budget OR Drum is good. Chain heal is too, but both of them have a flaw. You cannot control it. Moira can control her beam and heal any teammate she’s targeting. Mercy’s chain heal and chain boost could be negated by your own team which has spreaded out.
5.) Neutral about it, really. Res during the midfight is good, it’s good for pocket or core tank. But it can be negated too, by your own teammate you’ve res’d or an enemy’s actions. I even ave a POTG where I’ve shown ability to negate Mercy’s Rez by my own outplays.

Three of these features are team-dependant. Heavily team-dependant. Rez, Chain heal/boost. If something will go wrong - you won’t have a benefits. Moira has only one and it’s healing orb (people simply can be silly enough to walk away from it)

Look at that and still tell me Mercy is ONLY effective because nothing of her kit cannot be negated or replaced or you cannot live without it.

But Mercy is still worse than the 2 off healers in terms of pickrate and power, the only off healer she is better than is Lucio, the power of off healers are also a reason why she’s more meta than the other main healers, she has more consistent healing and is supposed to be the only main healer that can effectively solo heal, that’s how she was designed and her utility is more useful than extra damage output Moira and Ana provide.

1.) those are ults. Mercy has access to it anytime she wants it and it’s very useful

2.) That’s poor positioning you should always have your team in LOS

3.) Moira has a resource meter than drains and Brigette’s healing isn’t a lot it’s only 16 for herself and I think 18 for her team Mercy’s is always 60 and is consistent

4.) That’s the same with Moira or any support if the team is too far apart then you aren’t healing a thing

5.) It’s still the most powerful ability in the game.

What are your points here?

All supports are team dependent. They exist so you can keep the team up the vast majority of the ult charge comes from healing teammates.