Moira healing nerf

Zen trans gets blocked by barriers…

After this fix, Winston drops his barrier on top of Moira’s teammates. The right thing to do is charge into the shield and heal. Instead we can expect Moira to attack enemies outside of the shield.

This is the problem - she was supposed to be the support hero that DPS players can transition to healing with. Instead she is a powerful offensive hero. So Blizz responds to this by… nerfing her healing? Sure it’s just a situational nerf, but it only further perpetuates her usage as a damage dealer.

PS: Brigitte is even worse. She often tanks in place of Reinhardt instead of healing. Can’t count how many times I’ve died next to Brig and Moira while they tank/attack.

No it doesn’t.


Huh, so in the current meta when a team does the Grav+Dragon the Rein should just walk into the middle and put up his shield and at least half the team will die. No Mercy damage-boost needed!

I like how all the auto aim heals go through barriers but others dont. And how all the healers that heal through barriers, brig, zen, mercy, are the top 3 supports.

It does

20 characters

Zen ult totally get blocked by barriers, so does lucio ult.

Who and in what situation would that happen?

I was thinking when the popular Graviton + Dragonstrike was used and countered by Zen you could have the Rein try to block it with his shield.

It probably wouldn’t work anyway and I mostly suggested it as a joke.

I had no idea about Trans… That doesn’t make sense.

Now you do :slight_smile: thats how it has always been.

All of Moira’s healing aspects go through barriers. Why wouldn’t het primary heal? It makes no sense. ._.

Im really surprised they “fixed” that “bug” tbh. It has been in the game since she came out, no1 knew it was a bug till they mentioned it. She is the worst support at high ranks atm, and then they gave her what I would consider a pretty big nerf. I dont get it.

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She’s not the sacrificial lamb; Blizzard has noted this bug as a part of Moira’s kit since her release. Just fixing her now isn’t to spite Moira players or make Mercy seem stronger; it will just do that as a side effect.

I think if/when Mercy and Brigitte are toned the heck down, then Moira will shine through a little more. But as it stands, I think this is better for Moira’s kit; she’s a lower-risk-reward hero compared to say Ana. (Though Ana needs a buff!).

I doubt that Moira will need any sort of a buff if Mercy wasn’t so prevalent. She would find her own place in the meta.

McCree gives nothing but raw Dps nothing more. Moira deals damage and heals last time I checked she had an Orb for both sides of the coin. Not to mention she does a great deal for shutting down Genji and that reflect

She didn’t shine before Brigitte’s release either. Her euphoria period last as the one of brand new hero to test.

Moira needs no touching, period and she got touched.

She is the only hero with no utility, nerfing her ability to heal in more compositions than deathball ( a strategy she wasn’t shown in OWL either ) is crippling her down to the only thing she is supposed to do.

I care less if Mercy and Brigitte are monsters compared to her, I want my hero to be viable in all compositions like they do.

My main isn’t viable because of the two of them also, I get it. But Moira does have a lot going for her, and her utility is meant to be damage and finishing off picks, aside from being able to get away fairly well (especially compared to heros like Zen and Ana).

Like I said; it has always been Blizzard’s intent to remove this bug; they’ve been saying it for months. I think the timing is because it coincides with Symmeta’s new ult, which is a huge barrier, of course. And I definitely agree that all it is going to do is make Mercy seem even stronger.

But ultimately, they’ve always meant to remove this. And Blizzard has said they never will leave known bugs in their game. That was during the Lucio Super-Boost ‘bug removal’, just before the world cup. The only difference there is that no Lucio player knew it was a bug; they thought it was part of their kit. At least here Blizzard has been very up front about it and cited this as a bug since her release.

Have faith fam, I’m sure they’ll have to tone the moth back eventually. I mean, a nearly 100% pickrate for ~9 months hasn’t done it yet…but they have to eventually…

Please lets call this what it is, its a bug fix not a nerf, she was never intended to do that, and btw im a Moira main and im perfectly fine with fixing bugs.

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I kinda feel about this “bug” like many Mercy mains felt about the bunny-hop when it was introduced - it may have been a bug, but it made the game-play better without breaking the character.


They are also known for not admitting to their mistakes, unfortunately. This is why I am out of hope at the moment.

Mercy now heals consistently and secures the spot of main must pick healer.

Moira’s damage output is non existent against armors and Brigitte makes sure to spam a lot of them.

There is no way I am going back to Mercy days. That’s it from me as support main.