Moira healing nerf

Mercy was considered the better healer even with this bug still active.

Well, rip I guess lol.

I guess because Mei’s spray doesn’t pass barriers it makes sense in some way?

Even without this change Mercy and Zen where better healers so…

I guess… it will just make playing Moira into some comps really annoying.

So for them to see the obvious Moira has to dive deeper in pick rates and viability ?

What gives ?

It is not a nerf, it is fix, she wasn’t supposed to heal through enemy barriers it was just a BUG.

Thanks Jerk. Guess I’ll just switch to Mercy like everyone else. Great advice :+1: :+1: :+1:

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I didn’t mean that in a rude way but that just how it might be now. Can’t be helped.

A hero shouldn’t have a bug in their kit, just because it makes them more viable. She was never intended to heal through barriers; most healers can not heal through barriers. She should not be a special case.

Mercy needs nerfs again, it’s as simple as that.

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She didn’t need a nerf, but consistency is a 100% fine reason for this change.

Are you comparing a healing spray that only effects teammates to a dps cc spray that effects multiple enemies??? Barriers are designed to stop damage. Not healing. You have very, very poor “points” of disccussion.

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Because making a support hero with no utility and short range heal unable to do her primary job is actually a fix. : )

It’s still a nerf, it labeled under bug fix but it’s still a nerf to her healing.

You do know I’m not on the side of this nerf right? I just shot out an example of why they may have changed it. Besides Mei other healers like Lucio/Zen and even Brigette I think have their healing blocked by barriers.

I agree, it makes sense for Ana as she would be able to heal her teammates and damage her enemies from across the map otherwise (let’s ignore that Ana is completely unviable and imagine her actually functioning) but Moira has to be close to heal. If they have to do the change I’d rather they limit it to her balls than her primary healing.

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Mercy needs nerfs for reasons of her own. Moira shouldn’t be the sacrificing lamb for that.

She is barely usable in deathball strategy which was supposed to be the most viable at, she is terrible in sniper compositions and now they cut her out of dive strategies too. Are you serious ?

Wait, I thought this was intended?

I remember them mentioning that her heals were supposed to go through barriers when they were showcasing her or something like that.

They were more so referring to her orbs and ult

Yikes. They have finally fixed that bug.

It has been on the known issues list since her release and I was kinda hoping they would forget about it or kept it.


No they don’t. Only Lucio because its sound related.

(Or I’m assuming because its sound related. Thats the only thing that makes sense.)