Moira and Brigitte destroyed this game

just looking at your post, you have no idea how the game works whatsoever.
brig and moira was an auto win against flankers regardless of skill, and brig created goats period.

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They were both a good step in the direction to reign in hyper-mobility. Both are necessary, and if Blizz wants to keep buffing mobile heroes and displacements, hard-CC and soft-aim requirements are going to be mandatory.

No, you don’t understand how the game works. You’re either under the impression that an entire team’s synergy of 6 hero’s working together is only possible because of a single hero, or you’re delusional.

Given You’re a sniper player who abused broken one hit mechanics that the majority of the cast of hero’s can’t prevent to get to GM and top 500. You, being somebody who played in GM and top 500 would know for a fact Brig was non existent during double sniper. You would also know for a fact that goats continued even without Brig, when bap replaced her for the short period of time before 2/2/2 was forced. Brig enabled goats, but she didn’t cause it, and it continued without her.

But you’ll never admit to any of that, because you’re biased AF being a sniper main bent on defending how broken double sniper actually was.

people who think moira and brig are issues are just dps genji mains who think the whole roster shouldn’t be able to counter them

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Dude, you are talking to a T500 player, and telling him he doesn’t understand how the game works.

Maybe it is your bed time, don’t you think?

Top 500 doesn’t inherently mean they know how the game works or why meta’s are the way they are. All players are subject to bias and we’ve seen it countless times with streamers and pro’s alike. Being good with broken hero’s only shows you’re able to play a broken hero effectively. Nothing more or nothing less.

And just to further prove the point:

The dude thinks sigma is broken.

and sym.

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Im not a Genji main. I didn’t play that hero much at all, and never competitively.

Do you believe a person must be biased in every post he writes?

Impressive… everything you said was wrong.

GOATS countered the double sniper comp, THE meta where the most ppl quit overwatch. GOATS had enough protection to handle the Widow/Hanzo spam.

I could explain much more… but honestly… if you struggle right now against Moira or Brig you shouldnt play DPS or should adapt and improve your gameplay.

funny because i’ve been 4500 with a hero pool of mccree genji soldier zarya before role queue
this was just a hanzo account for fun, and brig was literally a must pick, so you’re so dead wrong

Those heroes kinda just pushed the healing bar higher.

Effectively hurting sustained dmg.

regardless if you really think Moira / Brig are issues in the game’s current state and not

  1. high amount of dps power creep
  2. the fact that sustain has been globally nerfed along with shields making tank and support players feel even more unimpactful

Then clearly your priorities are not right. Imagine thinking brig and moira are issues in the game when these two MAJOR issues exists. But lol no its okay, lets just continue to go after supports like moira and brig because CLEARLY they are huuuge problems

smh this community :roll_eyes:

support powercreep caused goats, and was the first issue.
and tank is the hard carry role.
sorry to inform you that you’re dead wrong

lol imagine thinking goats is even relevant now and imagine thinking tanks is the hard carry role :rofl:

In the NEW 2-2-2 overwatch system where supports got GREATLY nerfed along with TANKS and dps have been buffed to RIDICULOUS levels

cough mccree
cough ashe
cough genji

Because of all these reasons combined, dps is clearly the most impactful role with the most carry potential and games often go down to the bottom line of who’s dps is better

Sorry to inform you that you’re delusional if you think tanks are hard carriers and not DPS


Well here’s season 12, the start of goats on Ladder.

Here’s Brigitte’s pick rate in season 12 in GM.

And here’s Brig’s pick rate in season 13 in GM.

So. No. She wasn’t. You have no clue what you’re talking about.

And just for arguments sake. Here she is in season 15 GM.
Being in the bottom 10 least picked hero’s in GM.


low elo console player, tells a top20 player he’s delusional
just lol

Well, I am a low rank console player that agrees with you. So??? If I have no idea what I am talking about, but you feel the same way, clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Checkmate. :smirk:


sigma is a must pick in high elo along with brig.
you literally are delusional

Lol is that your argument?

Imagine thinking tanks hard carry games. DPS is now the most impactful role. This is not the goats era anymore. Things have GREATLY changed with 2-2-2 and I’m not sure if you even noticed that shields and sustain have been so globally nerfed and DPS globally buffed to enable DPS carry / play much harder than before

also just because you’re a widow main who can aim doesn’t mean that not you’re not delusional about the way the game works now. Just keep snipping buddy


Flanking not being nerfed when it was OP caused Moira / Brig.


7 and 8% pick rate is must pick now, apparently. And not just, you know, the standard meta pickrate’s for off tank and off dps ever since 2/2/2 became a thing.

Yeah, they’re meta right now, in a game that requires 2 tanks and 2 supports at all times but with incredibly limited options for filling those roles. In fact less than half of that of dps hero selection. They’re 8% picked. Genji is currently at 4%. They’re actually in proportion to the meta dps, which is a scary thought considering dps have 17 options for that role.

You’re projecting.

I think I’ve more than proven my point now.