Missing Noire Widowmaker skin from merge

I am also missing my Noire skin. Merged from PS4 → PC.

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Same issue here. PS4 to PC. :cry:

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Same here - merge from PS4 to PC. Now missing Noire Widowmaker and the Origins Skins.


i get the feeling they don’t actually give a F


same here and i loved that skin

im missing the maestro sigma from merge :frowning:

Missing my Noire skin and all the Origins Edition skins as well.

Came here to say, on ps5 but not on pc as well.

Really hoping I can use my Noire skin soon on my PC :confused:

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Same here, I was really hoping to see it there, but I just knew there was going to be a problem with it. I had it on my ps4 account, but noticed it did not follow me when I played on my ps5. I hope they have a fix incoming

Same here missing the noire skin from my xbox and a lucio skin but nothing else

Yeah, I merged both from PS4 and XBOX ONE to PC but I had the noire on XBOX ONE.

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My Noire Widowmaker skin is locked too and I have the add-on downloaded on Xbox

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Me too :’( My skin was on my ps4 but i switch to my computer then only widowmaker black is not there :’(

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I tried contacting Blizzard Support about it and they just sent me a copypaste response that made no sense :expressionless: it’s funny because owning a Widowmaker Noir skin signals that we’re probably some of the earliest OW players, and yet I haven’t seen them addressing this issue ONCE. It kinda feels like they don’t really care about their OG loyal players


I just want my noir skin on pc as they advertised I got others that were on console only transfer why not this one?


Same with Noire, as well as the Legendary edition skins. Only those though, everything else carried over, although my stats seem to be lower too. Cosmetics wise, just Noire and LE skins for me haven’t transferred. PS4 to PC.

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Also missing Noire Widow on PC, still shows up in PS4 hero gallery. Good to know so many people are also having the same issue. Thought it might be an issue with the way it was redeemed, even though Pink Mercy transferred just fine.


Happened to me as well, noire is the only skin missing after the merge


Same here the only missing item is the noire skin from my ps4 account

They just released a new statement saying that anyone whose accounts are merged should now be seeing their full collections, yet our Noire Widowmaker skins are still missing! Blizzard, can you please just address this? Being ignored is frustrating.