Missing Noire Widowmaker skin from merge

Yep, same here, Noire is just straight up gone, even when I play on XBOX.


Same here, Noire and Legendary Edition skins are gone since the merge


same here with me. had mine on ps4

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Another update: Blizzard is saying they have a fix and cannot deploy it till next week. I will be monitoring my account until then and see if anything changes. Hopefully this does fix the issue. If not… I don’t know what then.


The issue they are referring to is people missing things on account of the merge not functioning correctly. In our case, that is not the issue. The issue for us is the fact this SPECIFIC skin is tied to a DLC on console. They have not addressed our issue at all.


Huh, thank you for clarifying.

same here, hope they fix it

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Yeah same here, hope they can fix it soon it’s one of favorites for her too.

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Worth mentioning as an observation, my Noir Skin (dlc on my ps4) is actually showing up in game on PS5… so I selected it as my main Widow skin on PS5 then booted up my Xbox SX (my main platform for ages) and because I don’t own the dlc on the XB it had changed my XB Widow skin to the default OW1 skin!

I agree that this is a DLC issue, they’ll likely have to dig into the user database and attempt to extract the players with the Noir Skin and add access to it in the new game for all platforms, if they know a user had it on one platform they add it to the users general skin list etc … We shall see, fingers crossed!


Having the same issue with all of my origin edition items in general

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Im missing my skin too

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Same here. I’m glad I’m not teh only one. I thought I was crazy lol. None of my other skins were missing.


Same issue here. PS4 to PC. I got all my skins transferred except that one.

For anyone saying they have it on their original platform, but not on any other one, here’s why

The Widowmaker Noire skin is treated on consoles as a DLC item from the PSN or whatever store. You can go to your game, add-ons, and see that the item is still in your possession and listed as a DLC would be. i believe that is the big issue when it comes to transferring. I don’t know how they’re gonna do it, but i remember people SPECIFICALLY asking about this skin and pink mercy, which is treated the same way, and they were told that these skins would be crossprogression compatible.

so i’m just waiting for my Noire skin before i even waste time playing. No Noire, no play and certainly no further support for the game or company.


Same. I got my pink mercy skin but it makes no sense in us purchasing skins and not letting us use them due to a strict console only policy.
The noire skin was one of my favorite skins.

I wish they’d at least acknowledge this is an issue. A simple ‘we know about it and we’re working on it’. I’m not asking for an instant fix, they’re obviously very busy right now, but just being ignored is very frustrating.


wow so this is happening to many people. really do want my noire skin and hope they eventually fix it :frowning:

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I wanted to add that you’re right about everything, but Pink Mercy is not a PSN entitlement. Pink Mercy was a purchase that the platform store pushed to Blizzard, and then Blizzard granted the skin exclusively to the purchasing account. It’s the same system used for loot boxes.

I’m in that exact same boat :frowning: I was excited to finally get that skin back again on PC. At least we’re all having the issue so it probably will get fixed. I submitted a ticket too.

  • EDIT: Update on my ticket, Blizzard said they are aware of the issue and have their dev team working on a fix. So I can confirm they know and are fixing it, hopefully soon.

That’s exactly what I’ve been saying. I got a blanket response to my ticket, and then they never responded to my response. Might have to submit another one. But I once again expect a template response since they don’t actually read it properly.

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Same issue with my Noire skin, praying for a patch today for it

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