MHz Technical Letter to Matchmaking Developers

Hello my good friends, this post specifically is ready for Overwatch matchmaker developers to read and I am hoping they are to share it around the office and it is also good for community to read. We are at a breaking point where I am feeling that I must really spell out for them why their matchmaker is so bogus and yes I am serious about everything. I will be careful to not offend or break any forum rule because I know they are looking to delete my post even though I am trying to help and share my thought and so many attackers will be incoming.

First, we will begin by stating that you know, and I am knowing, how this matchmaker is really working. It is working by looking at player individual metric and then estimating where they are to be on this ladder and then pushing them to this rank in rigged matches that are design to for easy wins, or easy loss. I am correct, I have figured this out and this alone should be evidenced that I am smarter than you. I pray that you are humble and listen and I will tell you why all of your ideas for this matchmaker are so bad and why they do not work and it will make you feel free.

  1. This matchmaker is looking at metrics such as damage dealt, damage receive, ults launched, damage/deaths inflicted by ults and others. Here is one of maybe one hundred scenario why this does not work. If a player goes in with tracer, and kills the other teams best healer and then dies immediately he has placed his team at advantage, especially since tracer can get back to point faster. His teammate now have the opportunity to take the point, and deal much damage and deaths and gain big metric performance, but only because the tracer sacrificed himself for this. The matchmaker will see the tracer as the lesser player in this scenario, while the other coward DPS who is just benefiting from the tracer sacrifice is seen as the good player. It is the opposite, the tracer won the point for them by his good trade-off. This is not some one-off scenario, this happen all the time over and over.

  2. The stinky matchmaker does not take into account human behavior. When you have player on some rigged win streak, it is human nature some people will play hero they are not so good at so they can have fun and get practice because the match is to be easily won. This is not throwing. But this stinky matchmaker will evaluate his performance and will see that he did not do very well compared to others and this is to count against them. Players are not aware of this and it is affecting their rank, confusing, and frustrating them.
    Then there is when the player is on rigged loss streak. They see this match is very uneven, they see that to win they must take big chances and try to carry the team so they dive in and try to make something happen, they die so much because they are trying so hard to win, and they do not know the matchmaker is seeing that they are playing even worse, this will make their loss streak even bigger in future games. They do not even know this is happening, they are to be punished for trying very hard to win.

  3. Data science is not appropriate for matchmaking because it cannot take into account all of the most important variable which make up a good player. It is like trying to create predictive model for lovers. You cannot observe behaviors of lovers and then create accurate predictive model for this by saying "if a person kiss > x times a day, has intercourse x time a week, stare into eyeballs for x amount of time, snuggle so close at night, massage the feet so good, tickle her chin and stroke her hairs. It may work for a large group, but there will be another large group of lovers who the matchmaker says “you are not in love” but they know that they are, but their love is expressed in some other way yet you are denying them. Your matchmaker is stinky and nobody loves it.

I am correct in what I am telling you, it is not debatable and I have proven it. It is time that you give up your experimental idea of matchmaking because you are only fooling a small part of the players. The rest know that something big time is wrong with the matchmaker.

I will really fly out to your headquarters and fix this matchmaker for you (you will pay for me). First I will lecture (I will need three hour) with Powerpoint as to why it is so bad, I will look you in the eyes and you will know it is true.

How to fix matchmaker to be a pleasure:

  1. Allow only 1 account per person to be in competitive per season. Player are using casual accounts and playing at lower rank, then they decide to try hard during game and use their try hard hero and mess up team balance. If only one account is to be used they will try hard.
  2. Remove your algorithms and forced streak, they are bad. Whatever matchmaker you are using during initial evaluation is good probably use that instead.
  3. Reveal to the community the real way this matchmaker work and be transparent and honest instead of being some sneaker who has forsaken us.

I am trying to help you save this game I even have nightmares (I am serious I do not wake up screaming but I am sweating) about it but time is running out and I still believe in Jeff that he has not abandon us.



They have never told us, nor do we actually know all of the variables taken into account by the matchmaker.


tbh I’m not sure they know either


You really wasted your time on this one. The devs already stated that they do not care one bit about us. They only made this game so they can count money piles.


Lmao true. But even so, in OWL they display some stats for them that I’d REALLY like to see in my own CP

You have some decent points and some crazy theories.

I agree that allowing only 1 account per player in comp would be nice. I don’t know how they would do this with internet cafes and dorms and all that. Require federal id?
I have 4 accounts active atm and I only actually care about 1 of them.
It is nice to have at least one alt were win or lose you just work on stuff though.

Using the word “stinky” kind of negates any serious point you are trying to make. It is childish.


Listen my friend I know why you feel like this and maybe you are right but I cannot believe it. When I look at Jeff in his video I can see that he good man he is trying so hard to make it good, he is soft hearted.

Ok my friend I have removed stinky maybe they will take us serious.


I get where you are comming from, however I disagree in quirlte a bit if your points. First off there is no “forced streaks” the game tries to make an even match between both teams on every game. And the main problem is, yes raw stats are not the best way to determine if a a player is good or bad, that is undeniable. However its the best we can get, unfortunately computer systems operate on data and numbers, you cannot program something to determine if the thought pocess of a player is good or bad, you cannot program something to determine that they died more because they were trying harder, and so on.

In that field data is the best option that can actually be implemented, because even if it is nit the sole determining factor on how good a player is the fact that a better player will on average, have better stats still stands and those stats are somenthing we can make a computer compare and contrast to determine a player’s skill. It’s not ideal, but its what they have to work with.

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These are golden observations only MHz can provide. My favorite part is the actual use of the word eyeballs.


I think there is some truth in what MHz says.

  1. Wins and losses are only one factor among many in computing MMR.
  2. Blizzard tries to nudge your SR towards your MMR.
  3. Blizzard says the matchmaker attempts to create a game where you have a 50% chance of winning or losing.

All of the above are things that Blizzard has said, I am not making it up.

If you have a 50% chance of winning or losing a match, then the wins and losses cancel out and become a non-factor in the MMR rating which then becomes entirely based on the factors other than wins and losses. What exactly those factors are, Blizzard will not say.


Some? Check his previous post and topics, he is completely delusional and very well known ow forum troll.


Matchmaker will try to create balanced game by using everyones MMR. All you have to do is influence the match in your favor. Make a difference so your team will have more than 50% chance to win.

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Tbh I would bet a lot of money that they don’t truly even know how it works anymore.

In broad concepts , yes, but not really in details.



Yes my friend I agree, I think the developer at this point is only pretending to be understanding what is happening. It is out of control and there is no helping it now

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holy sh1t did you waste your time lol

stats are useless without context.

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Why can’t the MM just match you with players within 500 SR, no algorithms or MMR. Keep it simple. You gain 25 SR for a win and lose 25 for a loss.


You know Overwatch has gone to sh*t when MHz has a majority of forum contributors agreeing with him.


Any flanker who gets one kill and then dies is not helping anyone.
Sacrificing in this game is not only not helpful stats wise, it is actually detrimental to the teamfight.

But I get the overall of what you are saying.


Brother, I am dying on the inside

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