MHz Technical Letter to Matchmaking Developers

100% Truth.

But i would like to say, that “Rigged Losses and Rigged Wins” simply means that when the matchmaker is trying to create even teams. It feels rigged. It doesn’t mean that the matchmaker hates Mhz specifically. If they want even matches, they have no choice but to pick teams and even them out. To do that, the highest current MMR player in that match will probably have to play with one, two or maybe three of the lowest. Just to make it even. The matchmaker must think this will be even. The matchmaker doesn’t consider that those players are TRYING to lose games on purpose. So, those become auto losses. About 3-4 in a row, until the matchmaker detects that your SR should be higher, and then you receive easier games. That’s why it feels like you’ll have constant win and loss streaks.

It’s not rigged to say “Mhz, i hate you so you deserve to lose 4 games in a row”

It’s intention is to create even matches, and push people to wherever the MMR. Robot thinks they belong. But like Mhz says, it’s not taking into account how idiotic humans are.

You can feel all of this working under the hood when you play literally thousands of matches. Very stinky!

Personally, i think the game should get rid of all that entirely and just toss gold vs gold and let the chips fall where they may. Probably get to these “even matches” much easier if you just let it happen rather than trying to create a system that puts people where it thinks they belong.

Edit: I hope to get an invite to this Powerpoint presentation from Mhz down at the Blizzard HQ. It’d be pretty epic to see this stare down happen in real life!


MHz is right! I vote for MHz to be the president of Overwatch. He’d fix the stinky matchmaker


I would donate to fly MHz to the headquarters so he can lecture them on how to create a good matchmaker


Yes hello MHZ my friend, is there any update on that student athlete being held back from college by his principal in your other thread?

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Youre the saltiest OW player I can recall lol.
I hope it didnt take long to type all of that.

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Considering that Top1 player is about 4600 and top500 player is about 4100. And most of them offline, cause its T500 for entire server so time differences, culture and stuff, they will have to wait many hours for game lol

Bro you literally told me 2 weeks ago that you wan’t to find a broken account for me that i can bring up to 3.3

And now you’re wasting your time creating more threads

ffs dude

So the current system where GM (4000+) is matched within 350 of their SR is better than what I proposed?

You can group within 350 SR and no more than 1 friend, but overall SR wise its waaaaay broader.

At one particular match, I had T500 player, gm players, master players and diamond in one single match

Gotcha. I misunderstood.

Wow. I’m not sure what to think about that.

In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better). “There is no forced streaks” . Well this is in their own words

That’s probably what people who don’t read this message boards THINK the matchmaking is doing. Randomly picking 12 people waiting in queue, randomly assigning them to one or two teams, and then whether you move up or down in the rankings is based strictly on whether you win or lose that game.

But what the matchmaker and the rating system are doing is actually a lot more complicated, under the belief that the simple system would produce games that aren’t “fair” or “evenly matched.”

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They are well aware of this. In fact I believe it was one of the devs (maybe Kaplan) some time back that specifically talked about how there is no real way to gauge who did what in a team fight, and even went on to specifically give an example about tracer killing off a healer and starting a push.

In that scenario, tracer did indeed start the push and overall the team fight was won, but of course the game has no way of knowing or rewarding the tracer.

They pretty much know the mmr is flawed. But they have invested a lot of time and money in their formula so there is likely no plans on removing it.

It is implemented in their other games for example if you google “blizzard mmr” or “blizzard mmr formula” you will find topics from other games about it.

The mmr is based on your stats, pretty much the higher the better. Damage per 10 min, elims, payload time etc.

If you have a mercy damage boosting a soldier and that soldier is pumping out 12k damage per 10 min, and you have another soldier getting 8k damage per 10 min the one with 12k will set the bar as to where all the other soldiers belong down below their rank and the one with 8k will eventually hit a peak where they will be expected to hard carry and wont be able to even if he is taking out key low hp targets in team fights.

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My friend the story is that Billy never went to college because of the stinker. But I promise you he is not real and if he is then it is coincidence.

I will lecture them my friend and I am serious, I even plan to have demonstration where Jeff plays in rigged loss streak and then the developer will need to answer for what he has done.

Thank you for helping me to clarify some points here, I do not always do it best.

I do not think any matchmaker targets me specifically, we are all being affected in the same ways.

Thank you my friend that even though I didn’t explain it the best way that you are looking to understand my bottom line instead of just saying that I am crazy.

It is difficult to find anyone with a rigged account because they have all stopped playing, also this role queue has changed some things. I think about us every day, I will keep you in contact as soon as I find one.

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That’s kinda cute :slight_smile:


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You’re hilarious. How many times are you going to post essentially this same argument?

You’ve proven nothing, everyone who’s followed you knows you’re a lying hack that manipulates info to seem like a genius. I genuinely can’t tell if you’re one of the most delusional people in the world, or if you’re just a class-A troll.

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You are well spoken (or written, IDK) and dedicate alot of time to writing these posts, but none of this stuff is proven. I guarantee if you spent all that time these past months (or however long this has been going on) on improving yourself, noticing your shortcoming and working on them, getting free VOD reviews (many people offer them and I can recommend you to a gm peak player who does em for free), you would be at a higher rank you are proud of.

My friend, you opened my eyes and made me see about the rigged matchmaker. Thank you.

I would also donate to fly you out to see Jeff Kaplan and the developers. They need your wisdom and I believe you can fix the stinky matchmaker for them


Listen my friend thank you for not attacking me even though you disagree while others are calling me crazy and purposely misunderstand me just so they can jab at me. I cannot stand this game anymore, it is so bad, I have solo queue to master on multiple account and if I could endure the pain of this game I would make GM. Honestly I would be proud to be just diamond but I am beyond even that, however I still am saying the matchmaker is rigged and it is bad.

I am slowly accepting that it will never change, the developers is too stubborn and egotistical they will never learn.

At this point, I am even wondering if they no longer know what the matchmaker is doing but they cannot change it more because it will cause unrest in the community.

I think our only hope is overwatch 2 which they are in talks of now.

Reading topics like this and it’s not limited to MHz, I talk about any topic with a ton of views on “how mafia works” and wheteher all who talk about it are madmen or not made me realise something.