"Meta only applies in masters and above"

I’d much rather see Ana played than Moira, absolutely no question.

It hinders a lot more than it helps. Countless times I’d have saved a game if I were able to run Doomfist, or Mccree, or Hanzo, hell even Soldier but I couldn’t swap to that hero in a game designed around switching because some stupid arbitrary system told me no.

mccree on all games again! :frowning:

anyway the map pool is a trash if after one week the heros back on same broken lvl

You probably don’t see the upsides because DPS doesn’t have a rock hard meta right now you just have to accept and go with, no alternatives.

I don’t need to see any upsides when the downsides have hindered my gameplay so badly to where I’ve lost a lot of games due to not being able to play a hero to counter someone, or because it fits way better.

There was even a match where people tried to bully me into going Ashe because all other hitscan were banned.

I’d much rather leave hero bans gone.

I’m fine with them being at masters or higher. Makes the game easier for me

A meta is the entire team composition. It’s not just one hero being used more than the rest.

Reinhardt being pretty much a must-pick is a fact, but to use “meta only applies in Master and above” and then cite him in Plat is completely negligent that we don’t have five other heroes who are must-picks. We have two others.

While I like hero bans myself for the same reason you do, I think that you’re using “meta” in an incorrect sense of the word. He’s a must-pick but he’s not meta. We don’t really have a meta. We have 3 heroes who are picked in almost every game, and 3 that are totally free game. Master+, you get…one, if you’re lucky.

Play heroes you enjoy and think you do well with.

No point in playing a character when the very idea of playing them decreases your mood, and with it your performance to play.

Competitive Overwatch is “serious” gaming, but it is still playing a game, it is not military.


Imagine if you will.

Having to play one hero.

For six months.

Imagine, if you will,

The anger you feel when the one hero you could use to absolutely carry yourself out of a bad game is locked behind some stupid purple UI.

I’m literally forced to lose because in a game where you SWAP TO COUNTER, you can’t SWAP TO COUNTER because of a stupid ban system.


What else did you expect to see, after all tanks except for Reinhardt have been nerfed into the ground?

Other tanks will get played… once they don’t suck.


The problem is, with this balance this trash, I can’t do that. Not as a tank.

The heroes I enjoy in tank: All non-Reinhardt.
The heroes that would do well: Reinhardt.

See? There’s a problem.

And no I can’t play Zarya, the other guy will just throw on Ball or Hog or some garbage. I tried.

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Just don’t play tank anymore. It is Rein Zarya or throw.

Go dps or healer, devs don’t want you to play other tanks.
Why do you think they add a hero with a laser that ignore Dva matrix, Sigma Kinetic Grasp, and the capability to follow any dive tank trying to escape?

I really wish they’d just not actually let you play the other tanks if that’s the case.

Like, they might be unplayable garbage, but they’re on my team every game. It is frustrating.

And to be fair Echo kind of dunks on Reinhardt as much as anyone.

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Yeah people get toxic over those non meta tanks, and that is why competitive have no tanks in queue, but QP yes

Or maybe that could balance the game better so barriers aren’t so required?

Hero bans aren’t a solution, they are a band aid to actually fixing the game at this point.

Heroes aren’t being banned based on preference/strategy, they are being banned because they are “must picks” because balance sucks.

Are you afraid to de-rank? Is high SR really more important than an enjoyable experience? Unless you are playing Quick Play, in which case, what’s there to lose?

This is actually one of the reasons Blizzard allows alternate accounts. “Smurfing” often includes purposfully de-ranking to mess with players far below the “smurf’s” skill rating, ruining everyone else’s games. However, alternative accounts help players, like you, to play what they enjoy or to specialise in specific characters (e.g: Zarya, Ana) and categories (hitscan or projectile heroes) without the fear of losing SR on their main.

Alt accounts help people keep a clear mind regarding their overall performance, by allowing them to separate between “playing something fun to the best of their abilities” and “playing the ‘meta’ to rank as high as possible”. I think you should try it.

Btw, I am not supporting “throwing” games and it is pretty difficult to see the distinction between it and what I am suggesting here. So in case there is confusion, here is my opinion: The biggest telling factor for “throwing” to me is that you intend to not win and playing a character that “doesn’t do well in the meta” doesn’t imply that, especially not when you are still trying your best to win.

At this point it’s clear they either can’t or they won’t. Short of firing the entire balance team and hiring another, you need bans.

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They dealt with Orisa / Sigma bet left the staple Reinhardt intact.

Not only negating damage, but Shatter is such a HUGE ultimate (even after it’s baby nerf) and the best way of stopping it is… gasp another Reinhardt.

I don’t get what they are smoking on those balance decisions, but to me it’s not a good argument for hero bans. I still dislike them (outside of OWL, if they want them there that’s fine) because not letting people play what they want isn’t a good substitute for good balance.

Wasn’t one of the staple arguments for horrible queue times in 2-2-2 that they could actually focus on fine tuning balance? Let’s go then!!!

Being in Rein jail is annoying at all levels of the game.

yes it was lmao

bronzes use rein just as a shield bot

its been like that since I started playing in s5

all through dive, goats, Origma, etc