Meta looking pretty balanced right now

He has Discord. Damage boost is pretty good utility.

As for him being an awful support, he’s not meant to be a 100% support. He’s part support, part dps. The challenge in learning him is figuring out the perfect balance between healing and damaging. It typically needs to be a near even 50/50 split between the two. If you spend too much focus healing, then you’re better off with a different support. Too much focus damaging, and you’re not using half of his kit. But if you can get that balance down, then he’s a great support and a great enabler.

for all you said and your career profle ectect i have only 1 thing to answer you are gold , gold is very diff than master and GM , once you get there you will see how much of a handicap and nightmare zen is to have on your team or to play

Well currently there’s a bug with Mercy’s Valk Beams not penetrating barriers. So she’s at a disadvantage here when she SHOULD be pretty good here.

There’s also a but that’s making her Damage Boost more like a roulette of whether or not she’ll get ult charge from basic fire/abilities that she use to get before the Damage Boost changes. Things like shots from Hanzo would show assists in the kill feed but there’s no ult charge gained.

So yeah…she’s kinda still a mess.

discord is pretty much just more damage made into utility , and like i already said unless you have bad dps and tanks you never need zen dps and discord

Moira fulfill this role yeah better than he does , it isnt hard to keep on healing and damaging with zen you just put your healing orb once on someone than stop carring after that , you make it sound like he can’t do dps and or put disc orb if he is healing , only hard thing about him is aim

i don’t think you know what enabler means because he doenst enable anything

no he is a great dps pretending to be a supp , the only time good zens shine is when they carry by doing their dps job and killing more ennemies than them

You say that like I care about rank, and I don’t also rank shaming is an ugly look just saying.

Master/GM is organized, and I mostly play in the unorganized mess that is qp and do just fine. Also, if he is such a hindrance why was he in the meta for about 2 years? Even in Dive where DPS were prominent he was more meta than Lucio. Zen takes the organization Masters/GM/T500 have and fine tune it even more with discord. It’s the same reason why Hack was such a problem in those ranks a month ago. It takes the focus and fine-tunes it.

He isn’t trying to compete with Ana or Moira as a main support. He is competing with the spot to help his main support and that’s what he does. When there is a harmony on a DPS the main support can go “sweet you can wait a moment if you’re smart while I top off this tank out of crit.” Likewise Zen also looks out for his main support and when they’re dead if he has trans he may be able to use it to stall for his main support to come back, or to completely negate a grav-combo.

and This is where I hate on OWL and every other place to watch Overwatch games outside of watching streamers. OWL will show what sells, what looks exciting. That’s mostly gonna be your DPS and to a lesser extent tanks that pop off (mostly your off tanks) and to an even lesser extent support. Supports that are shown are mostly Ana or Zen because of their pick potential and “oh wow look at how much “”“skill””" this player has".

Don’t get me wrong players like Ryujehong and Jjonak are good, but they’re only seen as good when they pop off and well…that’s to be expected. It’s the same reason why Reddit Lucios are so well known in the community. The unsung supports like Tobi and Anamo are just as good, but they’re looked down on because they play supports that aren’t picking off snipers in the enemy backline or, taking care of pharah for their team while also keeping their tanks up.

He is not a god support, don’t get me wrong his low HPS right now esp makes me hesitant to play him esp with a mercy, but with a Moira he’s a solid pick. Again though, with Doom he is a sitting duck and isn’t the best pick. But even in comps where he is a good pick he’s main goal is to supplement both dps and heals and he does both pretty good imo regardless of rank.

Its not about rank shaming its about facts in gold you don’t have to care you can play anything and do fine in GM he is an handicap and an horrible design hero stop making this about yourself

To be fair this also isn’t the best meta for him. He’s going to be a handicap in a meta that doesn’t favor him and he can’t do a whole lot when there’s two enemy shields between him and his target. But when the meta favors him and it’s something like dive? Then he is far from a handicap.

Ah cool, bugs.
Well that certainly explains why people aren’t picking her, I wouldn’t want my healer’s capabilities saddled by some roulette bug.


dive never favored him its just they were no better option at the time , it was a double edge sword for him either you destroyed them or they destroyed you and it was only in season 3 and 4 and most wins of dive at that time was never up to him it was up to which team with the zen can kill the ennemy zen the faster + dive was OP at that time it was the goat of early OW you couldnt run anything other than dive againts dive , its like if you tell me he is good in a broken meta that favors him like goat in no true balance meta was he ever good , useful or needed

now with current balanced counterable dive mercy is known to be better for high ground dive and on any map you wanna run dive that doenst require high ground control moira is better than a zen

Another thinly veiled Symmetra outrage thread

She did too much damage. Get over it

Yeah and in a meta where she SHOULD be good at and yet can’t be because of a bug.

Yea, that’s genuinely disappointing. She’s been playing sub-healer for long enough that I’d like to see her reclaim the main healer slot. In the same breath I do like seeing Moira having success outside of incredibly niche scenarios.

I’m torn, I want to see Mercy in that spot again, but I don’t want to see Moira knocked back to extreme niche corner so quickly.

It’s annoying that some bugs are holding my girl back though. That’ll irritate me for a couple days.

I agree I’m happy to see my second main healer finally meta, just feels off she’s meta in double barrier…when barriers are a weakness to her primary kit.

I play Mercy as an off-healer, with a heavy focus on damage boost, but now I can’t even to that because of these bugs.

But I guess as long as she “stays in the top 5 for most pick” doubt anything will come of those fixes…and just more screams to fix SuperJump cause THAT’S the real issue /s

Had to check real quick on Overbuff, fun statement :

If anybody’s asking why it’s “always the DPS fault” for not doing “their job”, there’s almost no dominant DPS at all in the top list of each ranks.

Of the dominant ones, Doomfist figures on top the higher you go, simply because he gets more value and ignores barriers. Then we have symmetra who ramps damage upon barriers. Of all the other DPS, your value is far more limited and will impact to which extent the team gets picks or not at important times.

But it shows that, of the top DPS, the ones who shine abuses the actual meta (and don’t require a nerf since the problem is significantly due to shield uptime combined). Those who are near the same pickrates in the lower hero tier list, are picked and are flexed in pickrates, they will or won’t work. Doomfist and Symmetra will work most of the time atm.

So please, don’t blame any DPS, the meta doesn’t favor much the DPSes overall, seeing Sym being above many DPS in pickrates is an amazing feat nobody rpboably expected in the lifespan of the game, on the other hand, no surprised on Doomfist, altho his kit really just ignores the meta more than anything else.

Some heroes could get some love…

Oh yea.
I run Mercy basically as a DB/Rez bot if healer #2 is doing well/actually healing.
If they aren’t doing well the 50hps is alright for buying time, but I’d rather be DBing.

Knowing she’s bugged I’m probably gonna swap over to my DPS alt or just queue for DPS. Zen’s no good rn and Moira’s not my favorite so queueing for supp will just be asking for sadness/frustration.

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I don’t know if you’re trolling or on really harsh drugs

But saying Zen is “bad” or a “handicap” clearly shows you have literally 0 idea about balance

Zen has been one of the most powerful supports in the game; he literally ONLY dropped off in Double Barrier meta.

He was ran from the end of 3 Tank (March 2017) until Double Barrier (September 2019)

Zen has been the longest meta character in the entire game

And you’re saying he’s a handicap?

Oh lord take me now

You can always tell a meta is balanced when the majority of the roster is made useless by it.


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No, dive favors him pretty well. He’s always been a staple pick in dive, whether it was Mercy/Zen dive in S5 or Lucio/Zen dive in . He’s always been good for dive because of discord. Dive is all about going in, and focusing key targets to get them out as quickly as possible. And Discord helps with that. It helps refine that focus-fire. The difference is even greater when you get low DPS heroes like Winston on a discorded target. Turns that 60DPS into 75DPS. Honestly, Zen probably enables Winston the most out of all the dive heroes imo.

And I doubt Moira would be favored over Zen. She would fall out of favor for the same reason Ana would. She can’t heal through shields, and on top of that the team will be split. While Zen can’t throw his orbs through Winston’s bubble, if he puts his orbs before that shield breaks LoS for him, then that orb will stay, whether it’s Harmony or Discord. And the team being split doesn’t affect him too much so long as they maintain LoS every 3 seconds. That’s why the only dive supports we have are Mercy, Zen, and Lucio. All of them can either find a way to keep someone healed while they’re going through enemy shields, or they have the mobility to shield dance with them to keep the healing going. Zen’s case would be the former.

I don’t really see anyone taking Zen’s place in dive. There’s no other support who can really take that split dive comp and bring them together to focus-fire like he can.

Reaper, sym, and especially mei are not broken. they are just strong in this meta where their best counters (snipers) are not too good.

You’re right better let them invest 3 more so they can polish this alpha before they finally release this to the industry. Gotta make sure it’s all smooth before Esports are made…

Oh wait I forgot they promoted and unfinished product to the e sports market and got a bunch of dumb people to invest. Lol