Meta looking pretty balanced right now

Nerf Sym, and torb- then leave behind heroes like hanzo, widowmaker, and doomfist.

They literally stated that they’re in a wait and see mode to collect data. They made some changes when RQ went out like the Brig changes but are otherwise leaving most heroes unchanged until the dust settles.

The only reason Zarya and Sym are getting nerfs is because they were accidentally overbuffed by that “bug” fix, they’re nudging them closer to their original power levels (though they’re still stronger even after the nerfs come)

After the current PTR rolls out we will likely see more drastic changes.

And still only 3% pickrate when she got a 40% damage increase. How about that?

She will go back to dumpster once they trash her again. As she should. =p

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Whatever lies you like to believe

moira is currently good because she is the best at healing throught shields WeirdChamp

moira as the mobility to follow dive and her dps alone outnumber disc by a mile away

The problem with this is ya know… We have COUNTLESS hours of physical proof that this was the case?

HOURS of streams

Like WHAT???

And in dive, the ability she uses to heal through shields is going to get eaten by D.Va. Or it’s her ultimate.

So Moira’s 50DPS can outnumber Zen’s 25% team-wide damage boost? This is news to me.

She has him on mobility, but it’s on a six second CD. Lucio and Mercy both have her trumped there because their mobility either has a lower CD or it’s on no CD. So if you’re picking her for mobility, there are two better options.

I just really don’t see Zen getting replaced in dive because he is such an integral part of it. Discord is what brings the comp together. That’s how it’s always been. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. If anyone’s going to get replaced, it might be Mercy but even then Mercy/Zen works pretty well. I could still see Lucio/Zen or Brig/Zen working alongside it now, though.

ok cool nice yes indeed

didnt saw zen being played in a year unless its 1tricks or goat but nice try i guess

I guess I got really baited by this troll :c Darn it

Over three years of balancing this game. And the balance just gets worse and worse

NEIN i got discovered

He can throw harmony though enemy shields. Discord he needs direct LOS just like when he uses trans. Other than that everything you said is why he is the dive pick.


Call me when your minimum DPS drops to 40DPS with 100% accuracy like Sombra. (Not including armor resists)

3% pickrate with 40% damage increase only shows how trashy Symmetra was before and still not a great hero by design

The devs should consider themselves failures for managing to have a hero with 97% pickrate (Sigma).

The literal definition of unbalanced and incompetence.