Meta looking pretty balanced right now


This trainwreck of a game can’t get any balance done right it seems.

Better nerf symmetra though, that’ll fix this whole thing. She dared to have more than miniscule amount of pickrate and win some. And dva is still worse than trash, what a surprise but not really.

Least there’s classic wow, don’t need to deal with this insanity of poor balance decisions while my own chars are trashed by nerfs. No doomfists in classic wow, that’s already a huge bonus. =)


From what devs say, better wait that balance we hope when they get the data of 222. If not well better nerf Brig, sombra and Sym :joy:


Realistically GM will always have only really 6-10 heroes getting playtime. Unless they make some sort of hero ban.


Classic is already boring tbh

A little off topic but why is Mercy’s on-fire rate so low compared to everyone elses?

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They never tweaked it after they reworked and nerfed her. It used to revolve around rez and still kind of does a lot of the time but you can only get one every thirty seconds


Notice how Sombra is not on that list?

And all the oppressive heros are?


Because it’s sorted by pickrate sis
It doesn’t show the whole cast

:clap: Placing :clap: Barriers :clap: Takes :clap: Skill :clap:

When you have to deal with Junkfist who has CC on every ability and 3 second long cooldowns, what do you even pick?

I repeat, notice how Sombra is not on that list?

And yet there’s people on these forums who say Sombra is a must pick in OWL and don’t realize her statistics are the lowest compared to any character in the game at all ranks including OWL.

Yet, people still want her nerfed, along with 15 other characters, because genius level IQ’s on these forums think it’s easier to nerf 15 characters than it is to buff one character that can fix 2-2-2.


Pretty sad picture. I mean Moira and Doomfist in the top 5 GM picks lol.

This meta is a BS meta. And before anyone says “ooh everyone always complains about the meta”, I’ve never complained about GOATS or Bunker. Never. I always accepted different metas for what they were.

This is the only meta I actually find ridiculous, because it is. It is basically caused by how broken Sigma is and the fact that valuable supports like Zen can’t be played with Double Barrier, which leads people to pick Moira.


Let Moira finally have her moment. Bye Ana! :wave:


Careful Moira main, remember the worst character in the game got nerfed because of a brief moment in GOATS with less than a 42% win rate.


Worst character in the game LOL
ur delusional

I’m not a Moira main! :wave:

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Says the guy who obviously doesn’t know how to read and comprehend statistical data.

Silly me, I just assumed it since you were defending it.

In that case… It’s lock on… just so you know.

It’s been proven time and again to not be lock on but ok


Spoken like a true Moira main.

My original comment stands.


dont insult other characters when you’re a sombra player

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