Meta looking pretty balanced right now

We want Zen lore and they pull a J.K Rowling and make Soldier gay :sob:

ta daa, thats all the meaningful lore you’ll get this year, see you on next years archives.


I wouldn’t be surprised if next years Archives was literally just Uprising on the Busan map

literally the same just on Busan


never even got to play as talon, what a shame.

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Game is as balanced as Sigma’s mental state.

Wherefore art thou Brigitte?


Ana have an overtuned kit , that his only countered by barriers i hate double shields but we can at leats say thx to it for giving a big middle finger to ana antics

Zen is only played by dps mains or supp mains that are tired of useless teammates and try to carry themselves and fool that believe that trans alone is a decent reason enough to pick up a handicap hero like him

Moira is only this unplayed because ana is so OP there is no reason to take her or any other main heal outside of very specifique niches over ana , once ana get the nerf she deserves , moira will see some plays

for ana i admit she is a really well design hero but overtuned still

on the other hand Zen is probably the worst design hero in OW

he is a supp hero that is more a dps than a supp

that is also another hero for the main heal to have babysitt what you should never be the case because the off heal should be there to babysitt the main heal and help him do its job or add a very specific use to the team comp what zen doenst he only add damage and unless your tanks and dps sucks you never need more damage and trans isnt good enough to be a reason to pick him up all he does hes making the main heal job harder by having to heal more almost all alone and to have to look out for zen aswell because he can’t defend himself

and also btw people complain about dps moira but dps zen is way more prominent only reason why you never acknowledge it is because zen heal is so low and inconsistent you just assume you had orb on you and it didnt healed you enough or he was healing someone else when he reality he was just dpsing the entire time and never put healing orb on anyone , only reason why you notice dps moira more is because she is good at healing so its very easy to notice when she isnt

Moira is also pretty vunerable “if” Barrierwatch isnt meta. Cause her position gives off a lot. Now she is safe behind lots of barriers

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Simple solutions

  • buff soldier or nerf his counters
  • buff ashe or nerf her counters
  • buff tracer or nerf her counters
  • nerf hanzo or buff his counters
  • nerf widow or buff her counters
  • leave symmetra alone during this, let her stay the way she is while you’re killing double shield meta so you can see how bad she it outside of it

Man, all the diehard Syms really love ignoring the facts- huh?

It’s not because she was “slightly better” when it came to her pickrate and winrate.

Blizzard’s internal statistics are unknown to us, and Overbuff cannot compare to them whatsoever.
Stop pretending she didn’t need this nerf. We all noticed her damage output in game.

Only hundred points to 1 successful rez
So it means you can’t exactly charge the on fire rate by mas rez like it used to be.
And her healing is also no burst, and she rarely does damage.

Therefore she almost has no way to be on fire, the easiest way to on fire with mercy is valk and battle mercy.

Devs might need to change how it works on Mercy tho.

You seem to think Support = healer. Zen is a great Support, not a good healer.

Being Support is all about utility and not about healing. Though ideally, you’d want at least one Support with high healing per second in your team.

Moira on the other hand is a good healer, but not a good Support. She has no utility whatsoever.

Frankly i eat every other Moira in 1vs1 with mine (and sometime, just for fun, i don’t use healing or damage orb) just because u need some aiming with she (in some matches i can go over 70+ % precision with primary) so is not like the old Sym… and if was for me, i made every char to need aiming for doing better damage… Rein or Brig, or Winston too… I can “understand” an “helped” aim with some hero, but if it was for me, if u want the full damage potential u need ever to have a good and consistent aim, or, instead, u do nearly no damage.

She has one bit of utility in that she has the ability to heal through barrier with her Orb and Ultimate. It’s one of the reasons that her popularity has spiked during this Orisa/Sigma phase.

Lucio, Ana, Zen, Baptist can’t heal through barriers very well. This leaves you with Mercy, Moira, and Brig. Brig however is doing rather poorly due to her over nerfed self sustain so it’s pretty much Mercy/Moira.

Sadly, the meta demands Doomfist or no one would ever kill anyone. I love how Reaper and Mei, who are constantly the targets of cries on this forum, are actually pretty low on the totem pole there, and how Widow, the other big target, is actually kind of doing “meh.” Not surprising, considering the nature of the meta, but yes, the balance in this game is anything but. It’s a total joke. The devs need to go. They’re driving this game into the ground. We need a new team.

She was in 9 out of 10 games i played last week and still is.

Rather leave her as it is. If they buff her they’ll create another Reaper, Mei or Sym situation.

Some will argue that her fire values need tweaking, they don’t really though. If one tries Mercy and then tries the other main healers there’s one whopping difference typically. That difference being that the other main healers can usually deliver impact more easily compared to Mercy who is quite frankly a bit of a struggle. Mercy’s current fire rate is mostly a result of her current kit, with quite a few flaws. Increasing the fire she gets without actually making further adjustments to her kit would only effectively mask the problems. The fire rate she has right now I feel is reasonably in line with what she can do in a match.

Alright, I don’t look at career profiles, but I to have mine out there for the world to see, and when I make posts essays explaining things and how heroes from my experience works I put my profile stats out there for the world to see.

That all being said: Yes Zenyatta is my most played support. Yes I play other supports. Yes I also play DPS and Yes I am about to defend my boy Zenny

From my time playing with Zen and playing other random comps with other supports, this generally doesn’t happen. The only time I complain on my fellow support for not giving me a helping hand is when we’re both being dived on and I immediately orbed them and I got nothing in return. In fact, I have to watch over Ana players more than I do Zenyatta players because he is mostly shields.

Yeah, I check in on him about as much as I would say a Lucio, but a Zen with good awareness and positioning can mostly take care of himself, and only needs help when being dived on, but that’s the same for every support, and a lot of the time he can just take care of the kill himself.

His shields are what saves him, all he has to do is take a chill pill for 3 seconds for them to regen and as long as he’s good in his positioning he can still see his team, so he can still heal the discord will go away, but he can plop that onto someone else.

Using Ana, who imho is the most babysat support as comparison has her self-heal on a 10 sec CD, and it’s honestly more useful in groups. She like Zen has no movement abilities but can sleep, Zen can kill. Her fire rate is a little…slow and unlike Zen can’t heal and pew at the same time. When I see an Ana crit I stop what I am doing to help her, if I see a Zen crit I look at the situation and if anything tap him so his regen starts up.

Also Zen can potentially survive multiple dives assuming he can regen where Ana really only has one shot, and if she misses she’s a goner.

I am mostly using my experience as Mercy for this, since she works well with both Ana and Zenyatta, and also needs the most help while in the “main healer” slot. As Zenyatta in this situation I am orb juggling a little more when playing with a Mercy, but as long as my discord is out there I am still getting some value. I should probably switch but also at the same time Zen is one of the best to be playing with Mercy for that long distance heal. I swap Ana we lose defensive ult, I swap Lucio we lose long distance heal. Brig could be a replacement but she depends so much on brawler comps that right now, with her paper shield she’s not the best choice.

I also have a lot of time on Hanzo and I say that Zen is the Hanzo of supports with how his projectiles work, so I get by with a decent accuracy and decent kills with him that is a little deflated from my Hanzo accuracy because I do stop aiming and hit walls and drop whatever it is I am doing to orb someone who needs it.

He is harder to get good at, and there are games where I get frustrated because contributing to the dps game is an important part of his kit and i am orb juggling too much but he is still is fun and interesting to play. There is nothing as satisfying as kicking Genji in his butt as he dives on you. That being said, he is not a good pick right now. Hes easy doomfist pickings.

your agurment would work if you would have read what i wrote i said zen has no utility and no heals he just has dps , awful hero overall to be made a supp