Meta looking pretty balanced right now

and mercy is now the lowest on fire rate hero, at least before hammond used to be lower than mercy, sigh…

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Apparently it’s a mistake to get on fire as mercy, because you need to be capping objectives and shoot people instead of being outside the objectives in cover, assisting and healing.


I’d take DF on anytime instead of a rogue in vanilla WoW. Good luck fighting that.

ive given up for a while now, even if anything is changed it will be 5 months till the change then 3 months on the ptr.

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Pretty much. No point even trying to play this game anymore unless there’s an event with a fancy skin I want. No fun to be had when frustrating chars like doom are meta and my own chars have stayed in the garbage bin for half a year and there’s no improvements incoming, because owl this owl that. And then the meta is basically how many barriers can you put on the screen at the same time.

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And nothing has changed in the last 2 years regarding this statement. Balance will always be bad.

I still play and I enjoy it because of 222 and not solohealing 5 DPS, but I very rarely play D.Va to the point I’m not sure I’d call myself a D.Va main anymore. I like to jump around and fill nowadays.


There’s something to be said when Dva, a staple tank in the meta, has been nerfed to the point of being worse character than Symmetra, who’s known to have been the most underpowered character in the history of overwatch until beam fix.


There was a dev post about that week. Apparently the bug fix increased their damage by as much as 40%. They figured there would be a damage increase, just not that much. Hence the nerfs

And yet she only has 3% pickrate max. 40% wep dmg increase but below average pickrates even for a dps. In the best meta for her.

Straight into the trashcan she goes, -50% beam width will destroy her dps. That’s all symmetra deserves. =)

But have another doomfist in your games tho.


It’s been proven again and again that it is not.

I just don’t see why this is a bad thing when there’s so much caveat to her damage.

People be like “she’s just shut down by barriers” um she’s supposed to counter barrier-y bunker-y comps I–


There’s a bunch of excuses people are willing to make, but apparently even pros don’t use dva anymore either lol. Pros literally always use dva, they are forced to use dva because they have so many dva specialists in their teams, but it’s barrierwatch now.

Metas can go by and dva won’t become any better, so yea. She’s trash and has been trash for ages now.

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Nice to know they still insist on adding onto the mess of hero-balancing instead of actually trying to fix it.


Most of this isn’t that suprising, as far as tanks and healers go. Genuinely surprised by the DPS spread, though. Doomfist as highest, obviously, and Sym as next highest makes sense, but then after that its Hanzo, Widow, McCree? In a meta that supposidly makes sniping and hitscan pointless? Reaper and Mei, who are great right now, at less than 2% pickrate? Junkrat and Bastion, two characters who are great at breaking shields, aren’t even in the top 20? Even OWL is using Bastion at this point. Something going on at GM I’m not understanding?

Hanzo can be a good barrier breaker (and is all around good), and McCree can be a good Doomfist counter. Widowmaker? No clue other than personal preference.

Junkrat was nerfed pretty hard over the past year, so I can see why he isn’t used. Bastion requires a lot of teamwork and can be hard to get into position. Might be why he isn’t used. Just guessing.

Barrierwatch hasn’t ever stopped snipers from operating, they can just flank and shoot people. =)

The only shield that can’t be ran around and shot past is symm’s shield.

Zarya I can totally understand them nerfing,
personally I think this nerf is long overdue
she’s a tank with the same damage numbers as a DPS along with a very good combo ult and defensive abilities that make peeling easy

but the Symmetra nerfs just go to show how little thought they put into balancing
no one stopped to say “Maybe Symmetra is getting all this charge and damage because she has shields everywhere to feed off of and shields to hide behind to keep safe”


dont even get me started on the lore, yknow, the reason why i bought this game to begin with.


Yikes, lets not open that can of worms.