Meta looking pretty balanced right now

Imagine still counting on overbuff stats in 2019 though.

If this game’s soooo ‘‘trainwreck’’ & how they ‘‘literally cant get any balance done right’’ why are you still playing it?

Devs already said that they dont wanna do millions of changes in a one patch. They cant just use a magic wand & make the game how you’d like it to be just saying.

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I’m literally not a Moira main. It’s just not lockon. Lmao.


I find it more hilarious that Ana is still picked over Mercy despite Mercy being the only healer capable of healing through enemy shields without a time limit or ability cooldown.

She’s fine guys, just ya know, 4th pick in a meta revolving around cutting off the enemies healing. The one thing you can’t do to Mercy.

Gg for Moira though! She’s been sidelined long enough.


It’s more of a “Ana is still OP” kinda deal, imo. I’m half convinced Moira will be retaken by Ana shortly.

Thank you! Seems dumb they haven’t tweaked it though.

Imagine using Overbuff to justify sombra nerfs.

Ya, people actually did that and cited it as an example on why the worst character in the game should get nerfed.

Same shiz different shovel.

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Yeah, I think it’s sort of a backburner thing since it’s not reflective of her balance or anything. But it’d be nice. You can get on fire but it usually involves getting a kill or two, a rez, and some good healing. This is coincidentally the best way to get potg

If someone told me one year ago that Mei would be picked more often than Rein without either getting buffed or nerfed, I would tell them that they are drunk…yet here we are…

Not an Ana main, but it’s funny how even in one of her worst moments Ana has a reasonable pick rate. Even Zen who is close to being completely useless in Double Barrier is above 1%.

Moira, on the other hand, was like just slightly above 0% in GM. She has consistently been a 0% pick in GM. Right now is one of the few exceptions to this rule.

This tells us a lot about which characters have a solid, consistent design for Support.

That’s also a possibility. I just, don’t get why Mercy shouldn’t work better than Ana here? Like I guess if you bust both their barriers and land a fat nade that’s a simple sweep.

But, Ana’s healing is forcibly inconsistent due to double barriers, Doomfist (barrier bypassing instakill) is the must pick DPS not Symm the barrier shredder. Maybe I’m missing the memo but instakills+enemies cutting off support attempts = probably a Mercy scenario.

I don’t really play Moira either and I’m just going to interject that DarthWinston is correct. Moira’s beam isn’t a lock on. BTC did a video about it actually (link below). It just has a really big hitbox and a misleading visual effect.

And just to clear it up before you ask. I’m a D.Va main. I also play Orisa, Reinhardt, Hammond, Zarya, Mercy, Lucio, and Mei… occasionally other heroes but less often.


They added 2 2 2 with no balance… Idk what the heck are they waiting


The fact that Symm and Zarya got nerfed while they are not even on the top lol.


Mei has gotten a lot of QoL buffs to her weapon, but it was bound to happen sooner or later with her. When the game slows down she starts to shine more because she punishes slow characters really hard; when there’s a lot of fast action going on she really falls off.

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Last QoL buff she got was still over a year ago, and a year ago there was no signs that this meta would ever happen

“ooh everyone always complains about the meta”

this is also such a pepega argument too, but everyone who says it thinks they’re a gigabrain for saying it.

Yeah, because every single meta since dive has gotten progressively worse. Dive’s only flaw was going on for a long time and a somewhat limited hero pool (still better than GOATs or bunker); GOATs, bunker and double barrier were worse and worse in every aspect.


I agree this argument sucks.

I don’t agree every meta has been progressively worse though. For example, I didn’t like GOATS at all, but I think Bunker was fine.

With a hit box that big with consistent damage, it might as well be one lol

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tracer not even high enough up to feature in that list and yet her kit should have the tools to run circles around barriers

must just still not be her meta :^)