Mercy's skins are a bit fanservice-y imo. I would like to see something different for a change

I’m afraid I can’t comment on this. :female_detective:

sexy torb skin when?

I’m… I’m not ready for that.
That’s just too much to handle.

I mean, I was talking in the context of newly added skins but… Cool. Be weird

Its not a matter of “if” it comes, but “when” it comes.

And when it comes, and it will, its coming for you.

Were in the endgame now

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So you basically just want mercy in a Burqa? I don’t get why Showing some skin gets people so bent outta shape smh.


I’m not saying that. You are.

I just want skins that are a bit more modest, casual or elegant and classy for a change.

I’m not saying that I want her current risque skins censored or that she shouldn’t get them anymore. I’m just asking for other type of skins as well. Just something less fanservice-y for once.

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Sugar plum, Zhuque and All star are sexy? I don’t see it. I mean they’re alright but only one has a skirt that blows in the wind with like zero care


I don’t see how any of her skins (Except Witch Mercy) Are fan service.

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Well I’d say it’s the constant display of her legs in most of her skins in some way or another, even her base skin shows off her legs given how tight the pants are.

It’s sorta like how WIdow got a more modest skin compared to her typical skins the winter one. Mercy and Widow are probably two of the most over sexualized characters in game


Makes sense. It indicates physical fitness, self-care, and discipline. All very attractive traits for a partner.

I’d argue you aren’t watching enough anime.

NSFW Artists:
It’s free real estate.


you need to play other games if you think anything here is lewd. the worst one here is bikini widow (which weirdly enough no one talks about) and even that’s weak in comparison to what you’ll see in something like lol or paladins or a billion of mmos including wow.


I think Mercy’s skins are very modest for what someone her age and her appearance would dress like usually. At that age, and if you look good… well yeah you’re going to flaunt it.

Women Mercy’s age generally aren’t bent on looking professional - she’s already a doctor, right? She doesn’t need to prove herself professionally. Women like that WANT you to notice that they’re also attractive.

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Because of her skin color, frankly, it gets less attention.

It sells better, that’s why every woman in this game looks like a 20-25 years old beauty queen (well except Zarya I guess).


Isn’t love to see Genji wearing a hoodie and jeans over his cyber suit

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Again why does it matter ? Last time i checked Showing some skin isn’t a crime . :roll_eyes:

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I’d say it counts from a societal point of view, it’s one thing for a character to show some skin but when that character has multiple skins showing off skin that’s just excessive. Some people may want to see some modesty and so on.

Excess of anything can be bad


Zarya just needs a good beach skin